Third party in relationship

simonchangwaimun said:
tohsan is unofficially banned from zth for flooding the general talk page with his name
kasi chan orang lain la
we wanna make our name too!

want like tat meh? just started oni wor?................cabuttttttttttttt :biggrin:
satria_95 said:
eh... I thought we're talking about third party in relationship? Or is there someone who loves bak kut teh, having an affair with dim sum? hahaha

lol... always out of topic wan..
too bad i'm damn far far away from u guys otherwise dim sum everyday liao lor!hehehe
cheh wrong aim ma wrong aim lor... the most get married only ma... ish ish ish... the father dun wan take responsible, raise the baby urself... nothing is impossible!!!
deedee said:
cheh wrong aim ma wrong aim lor... the most get married only ma... ish ish ish... the father dun wan take responsible, raise the baby urself... nothing is impossible!!!

wah... y u today so fierce wor??
i where got fierce?? it's the truth ma... takkan wana kill the innocent baby meh?? hehe
playsafe not nice la.... hehe... somemore still got 2 % that u'll get pregnant!!!
Sounded like someone likes it straight-in .... hmmm .... interesting ....
kelvio said:
did u mean ''direct injection'' hahaha

Hahaha ... Rather than our regular GDI, this would be the SDI instead :mouth_closed:
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