Third party in relationship

cant say so...
If she is not into u, she wont sms u, n wont reject u for going out wit u or being so close with u...

sometimes girls are like dat.
Just let her do what she thinks is right and mostly, let her have freedom.
Tat all i can say.

Or even ask her, how she feels...
If she did love u, y not trust her? right?
cheowweng said:
Hello guys,
Wah... long thread man.... learnt lots of stuff here.
Me, myself got a prob too.
Hmmm, ... well my fren introed me to this damn 7 cun girl last 2 months (October). Okla, as an usual guy, sure terpikat la ... then i start asking for my friend's help bout details bout her lo. Ok, she's single, just broke up. GREEN LIGHT!!! Then we started sms-ing and msn-ing ... till one day i met her with her bf (the so-called ex) holding hands. Okla, felt bad, maybe she decided to go back to him kua ... fine lor ... but we still sms each other once in a while.

Then, my friend secretly helped me by asking her what's going on ler ... she told my fren that the guy cannot let go and violent... used all way to be back with hurting himself la..., disturbing her friends la,...disturbing her family la....bla bla bla. She even told my fren that she starts to like me dee. Ok, this continues (the sms-ing) till one day (mid-november) i met her in a club. Yeah, she was still with her bf and his gang ... but she came to meet me somewhere else ... oklo... the whole night she was sms-ing with me in the club ... I didn't even really party that night cause whole time jusst pressing on my phone.

Ok, here comes the best part... it's already December ... we are already so close (bear in mind, only by sms and msn .. no phone chatting at all) until one night she told me that she just break up...this time for good. Of course, I acted cool lor, don wanna sound desperate right? ... GREEN LIGHT AGAIN!!! This time I take action, I asked her out ... first time I call her on the phone also. Went movie, makan, bla bla bla.... next day also ...makan., go out, bla bla bla.... third day.....finally got her!!!

The story above is not really my problem now... the problem now is damn 7 lots of guys going after her ... she's got more guy frens than girls... damn challenging. She told me that maybe she'll be going to singapore with this dude on christmas... not both of them only, but a group... but pair pair one lar... i told her i can go too but she said she's afraid that the guy may feel awkward (yeah, the guy's one of my competitor) ... now I damn blur dee.. dunno what to do... any ideas?

well it all depends lar,does she like u more than others,not to throw cold water on u,but love is all about trust,
so just trust her that she wont do any scandle,and give u a green hat to wear,
this is life,its full of fantasies,anything might happen,that we dont know,
so give some space to her and ur self,
some times if we try 2 hard we will end up loosing the bettle
u say ur GF is going in 1 group,but does she stay in 1 room with the guy,if not than ok lar,
if yes then u got a big problem,meaning its time for u to move on and leave the past.

just some advise and openion,hope no hard feeling
i still can't get girls who say she loves you but still go on holiday with some other guy....eventhough in groups; but all in pairs....
if me; I'm totally restrictive...

Trust comes in 2-way-communication. Basically how do you expect to show trust in above situation. First of all; can ask whether or not can invite someone else to follow the group....if cannot; than sorry...don't go!

maybe it's just me!
haih... i also know that it's about trust le... even on that day we first got together, I even had dinner with her parents ... she told me that I am the first guy who's brave enough to have dinner with them so fast ...

Same room or not I dunno...... but shit may happen man...

haih... i also know that it's about trust le... even on that day we first got together, I even had dinner with her parents ... she told me that I am the first guy who's brave enough to have dinner with them so fast ...

Same room or not I dunno...... but shit may happen man...
b00n said:
i still can't get girls who say she loves you but still go on holiday with some other guy....eventhough in groups; but all in pairs....
if me; I'm totally restrictive...

Trust comes in 2-way-communication. Basically how do you expect to show trust in above situation. First of all; can ask whether or not can invite someone else to follow the group....if cannot; than sorry...don't go!

maybe it's just me!

it's like cakap tak serupa bikin
tamz18: i speechless edi.. i will drag my kai kor along.. then u can have him la.. lol..
b00n said:
i still can't get girls who say she loves you but still go on holiday with some other guy....eventhough in groups; but all in pairs....
if me; I'm totally restrictive...

Trust comes in 2-way-communication. Basically how do you expect to show trust in above situation. First of all; can ask whether or not can invite someone else to follow the group....if cannot; than sorry...don't go!

maybe it's just me!

no not u alone! i'm like u also!:_: we're in da same boat!
cheow weng,

i'm like u last time,dun bee to serious bout tis... i knew it's hard to accept cos we always think it in negative way everytime our gal going oustation with guys whether with group or what shit... if she really love u sure she'll bring u there!
i'm now already fed up with keep flirting around! find as much spare as possible! ok,u want to go to singapore with tis man,rite? go on... i also going to sg with tat gal or group,maybe we meet there,ok? hahaha...
keong_GSR said:
cheow weng,

i'm like u last time,dun bee to serious bout tis... i knew it's hard to accept cos we always think it in negative way everytime our gal going oustation with guys whether with group or what shit... if she really love u sure she'll bring u there!
i'm now already fed up with keep flirting around! find as much spare as possible! ok,u want to go to singapore with tis man,rite? go on... i also going to sg with tat gal or group,maybe we meet there,ok? hahaha...

good 1 keong

but where to find the other gal or group?
sure can find one if you got money to spend...
if u can trust your partner then i think u better stay single.. every relationship need trust..
ok...thanks for the advice... just hope miracle may happen... but anyway, if she really go there ... what should i do here?... instead of flirting with other make her feel that I am still good to her?
many of us are greedy u know.....

hahahaha that her posing for ur car?
think she wants to keep her options open still...afterall,its festive seasons and she'd have lots of spares if the rest are busy...get muh drift?

i like the way u wrote GREEN LIGHT~!! and GREEN LIGHT AGAIN....~!!!!
satria_95 said:
Can trust or can't trust?

I tell you what you can really do here which is pretty cool. Come join us for dim sum. hahahaha

hahahaha... typo error.. its can't..
cheowweng said:
Hello guys,
Wah... long thread man.... learnt lots of stuff here.
Me, myself got a prob too.
Hmmm, ... well my fren introed me to this damn 7 cun girl last 2 months (October). Okla, as an usual guy, sure terpikat la ... then i start asking for my friend's help bout details bout her lo. Ok, she's single, just broke up. GREEN LIGHT!!! Then we started sms-ing and msn-ing ... till one day i met her with her bf (the so-called ex) holding hands. Okla, felt bad, maybe she decided to go back to him kua ... fine lor ... but we still sms each other once in a while.

Then, my friend secretly helped me by asking her what's going on ler ... she told my fren that the guy cannot let go and violent... used all way to be back with hurting himself la..., disturbing her friends la,...disturbing her family la....bla bla bla. She even told my fren that she starts to like me dee. Ok, this continues (the sms-ing) till one day (mid-november) i met her in a club. Yeah, she was still with her bf and his gang ... but she came to meet me somewhere else ... oklo... the whole night she was sms-ing with me in the club ... I didn't even really party that night cause whole time jusst pressing on my phone.

Ok, here comes the best part... it's already December ... we are already so close (bear in mind, only by sms and msn .. no phone chatting at all) until one night she told me that she just break up...this time for good. Of course, I acted cool lor, don wanna sound desperate right? ... GREEN LIGHT AGAIN!!! This time I take action, I asked her out ... first time I call her on the phone also. Went movie, makan, bla bla bla.... next day also ...makan., go out, bla bla bla.... third day.....finally got her!!!

The story above is not really my problem now... the problem now is damn 7 lots of guys going after her ... she's got more guy frens than girls... damn challenging. She told me that maybe she'll be going to singapore with this dude on christmas... not both of them only, but a group... but pair pair one lar... i told her i can go too but she said she's afraid that the guy may feel awkward (yeah, the guy's one of my competitor) ... now I damn blur dee.. dunno what to do... any ideas?

yea sounds like my situation
the gal i like oso planning to go singapore with a guy
but this one,only with the guy....
i oso wanna talk my problem la
i damn scared i'll end up hurting myself again
currently,my relation with her...can consider good la...
but not couples yet...she dare not...
but i want to...but i scared at the same time...scared that she'll continue treating me coldly...
haih... i also dunno... stupid guys trying to use the romantic feel to get my girl!!!
Anyway there're updates... i went out with her last night her frens... apparently... the guy was there... but she got hold my hands

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