Third party in relationship

tamz18 said:
mabuk not this section...
haha.. later dee dee jealous ar....

hahhahaa... just go mabuk onli leh.. don think so far ok.. hahahaha.. she will understand wan.. dee dee very good wan.. hehehehe..
catch using hand lor...
but must be gentle lar..
hmm satria easy ony,if u wanna know whether if the human is guy or girl,just reach down and feel lor hahaha

ask satria_95 for help,he's my sifu!:X-:


how r u,bro? maybe tis cny will go to KL,i hutang u 2 jags of star beer leh!:X-:
b00n said:
catch using hand lor...
but must be gentle lar..

Ok expert ... Next time we go catch mermaid .... Then you can show us your "skills" ya.

Btw, anyone know what happened to Ah Fat? Gone missing liao wor. And have anyone noticed when Ah Fat is active, pocroc is not and wise versa? This is so strange .... like a tact-team in WWE :mouth_closed:
bobo said:
hahhahaa... just go mabuk onli leh.. don think so far ok.. hahahaha.. she will understand wan.. dee dee very good wan.. hehehehe..
but if i dun understand how??i very bad wan woh...
tamz ar..i waterfish ma??
or i fish water?
apa ni? haha..

bobo if really wan, then u better prepare a driver for me or u bring dee dee to go together.. if i drunk i will really find someone...

Em.. simon ar.. u r not counted as water fish la... water fish is those that can pay for girls everything she wans.. N u dont understand then no choice... Then go mabuk till cant see me..

bobo said:
hahhahaa... just go mabuk onli leh.. don think so far ok.. hahahaha.. she will understand wan.. dee dee very good wan.. hehehehe..

simonchangwaimun said:
but if i dun understand how??i very bad wan woh...
tamz ar..i waterfish ma??
or i fish water?
eyong said:
Ok expert ... Next time we go catch mermaid .... Then you can show us your "skills" ya.

Btw, anyone know what happened to Ah Fat? Gone missing liao wor. And have anyone noticed when Ah Fat is active, pocroc is not and wise versa? This is so strange .... like a tact-team in WWE :mouth_closed:

i know y,pocroc on9 on the morning till noon,fat on9 from midnight till dunno wat time,both not the same timing edi

Hello guys,
Wah... long thread man.... learnt lots of stuff here.
Me, myself got a prob too.
Hmmm, ... well my fren introed me to this damn 7 cun girl last 2 months (October). Okla, as an usual guy, sure terpikat la ... then i start asking for my friend's help bout details bout her lo. Ok, she's single, just broke up. GREEN LIGHT!!! Then we started sms-ing and msn-ing ... till one day i met her with her bf (the so-called ex) holding hands. Okla, felt bad, maybe she decided to go back to him kua ... fine lor ... but we still sms each other once in a while.

Then, my friend secretly helped me by asking her what's going on ler ... she told my fren that the guy cannot let go and violent... used all way to be back with hurting himself la..., disturbing her friends la,...disturbing her family la....bla bla bla. She even told my fren that she starts to like me dee. Ok, this continues (the sms-ing) till one day (mid-november) i met her in a club. Yeah, she was still with her bf and his gang ... but she came to meet me somewhere else ... oklo... the whole night she was sms-ing with me in the club ... I didn't even really party that night cause whole time jusst pressing on my phone.

Ok, here comes the best part... it's already December ... we are already so close (bear in mind, only by sms and msn .. no phone chatting at all) until one night she told me that she just break up...this time for good. Of course, I acted cool lor, don wanna sound desperate right? ... GREEN LIGHT AGAIN!!! This time I take action, I asked her out ... first time I call her on the phone also. Went movie, makan, bla bla bla.... next day also ...makan., go out, bla bla bla.... third day.....finally got her!!!

The story above is not really my problem now... the problem now is damn 7 lots of guys going after her ... she's got more guy frens than girls... damn challenging. She told me that maybe she'll be going to singapore with this dude on christmas... not both of them only, but a group... but pair pair one lar... i told her i can go too but she said she's afraid that the guy may feel awkward (yeah, the guy's one of my competitor) ... now I damn blur dee.. dunno what to do... any ideas?
sounds like im the girl.... = similiar

em... bad bad...

cheowweng said:
Hello guys,
Wah... long thread man.... learnt lots of stuff here.
Me, myself got a prob too.
Hmmm, ... well my fren introed me to this damn 7 cun girl last 2 months (October). Okla, as an usual guy, sure terpikat la ... then i start asking for my friend's help bout details bout her lo. Ok, she's single, just broke up. GREEN LIGHT!!! Then we started sms-ing and msn-ing ... till one day i met her with her bf (the so-called ex) holding hands. Okla, felt bad, maybe she decided to go back to him kua ... fine lor ... but we still sms each other once in a while.

Then, my friend secretly helped me by asking her what's going on ler ... she told my fren that the guy cannot let go and violent... used all way to be back with hurting himself la..., disturbing her friends la,...disturbing her family la....bla bla bla. She even told my fren that she starts to like me dee. Ok, this continues (the sms-ing) till one day (mid-november) i met her in a club. Yeah, she was still with her bf and his gang ... but she came to meet me somewhere else ... oklo... the whole night she was sms-ing with me in the club ... I didn't even really party that night cause whole time jusst pressing on my phone.

Ok, here comes the best part... it's already December ... we are already so close (bear in mind, only by sms and msn .. no phone chatting at all) until one night she told me that she just break up...this time for good. Of course, I acted cool lor, don wanna sound desperate right? ... GREEN LIGHT AGAIN!!! This time I take action, I asked her out ... first time I call her on the phone also. Went movie, makan, bla bla bla.... next day also ...makan., go out, bla bla bla.... third day.....finally got her!!!

The story above is not really my problem now... the problem now is damn 7 lots of guys going after her ... she's got more guy frens than girls... damn challenging. She told me that maybe she'll be going to singapore with this dude on christmas... not both of them only, but a group... but pair pair one lar... i told her i can go too but she said she's afraid that the guy may feel awkward (yeah, the guy's one of my competitor) ... now I damn blur dee.. dunno what to do... any ideas?
sounds like im the girl.... = similiar

em... bad bad...

cheowweng said:
Hello guys,
Wah... long thread man.... learnt lots of stuff here.
Me, myself got a prob too.
Hmmm, ... well my fren introed me to this damn 7 cun girl last 2 months (October). Okla, as an usual guy, sure terpikat la ... then i start asking for my friend's help bout details bout her lo. Ok, she's single, just broke up. GREEN LIGHT!!! Then we started sms-ing and msn-ing ... till one day i met her with her bf (the so-called ex) holding hands. Okla, felt bad, maybe she decided to go back to him kua ... fine lor ... but we still sms each other once in a while.

Then, my friend secretly helped me by asking her what's going on ler ... she told my fren that the guy cannot let go and violent... used all way to be back with hurting himself la..., disturbing her friends la,...disturbing her family la....bla bla bla. She even told my fren that she starts to like me dee. Ok, this continues (the sms-ing) till one day (mid-november) i met her in a club. Yeah, she was still with her bf and his gang ... but she came to meet me somewhere else ... oklo... the whole night she was sms-ing with me in the club ... I didn't even really party that night cause whole time jusst pressing on my phone.

Ok, here comes the best part... it's already December ... we are already so close (bear in mind, only by sms and msn .. no phone chatting at all) until one night she told me that she just break up...this time for good. Of course, I acted cool lor, don wanna sound desperate right? ... GREEN LIGHT AGAIN!!! This time I take action, I asked her out ... first time I call her on the phone also. Went movie, makan, bla bla bla.... next day also ...makan., go out, bla bla bla.... third day.....finally got her!!!

The story above is not really my problem now... the problem now is damn 7 lots of guys going after her ... she's got more guy frens than girls... damn challenging. She told me that maybe she'll be going to singapore with this dude on christmas... not both of them only, but a group... but pair pair one lar... i told her i can go too but she said she's afraid that the guy may feel awkward (yeah, the guy's one of my competitor) ... now I damn blur dee.. dunno what to do... any ideas?
sounded like she's not really into you yet...
if she is; she would have rejected the offer to Singapore.....
wise up!
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