Third party in relationship

A wild heart coupled with a closed minded guardian .... disaster ....
ya dun walk back from school...
sit bus
sit taxi
sit gumtape's car...
eyong..u saying who??
wild heart couple...close minded guardian...hahhahahaha
haha... walk back from school only ler... hehe... now ask me walk 2 tuition i oso scare d... haha
deedee said:
haha... walk back from school only ler... hehe... now ask me walk 2 tuition i oso scare d... haha

u got no more tiution.. hehehehe... so be a good girl n stay at home.. don simply go out.. hahahaha..

told u liao,next time u no need to walk home liao,let's my bicycle go n do d job for u,k?
invisibleghost said:
aiya, u all be gentleman lar. be her guardian. always be there for her, now and forever

hahahaha... i'm always there leh.. just that, that day so ngam my stupid boss have meeting will so late.. haih...
satria_95 said:
Wei, you never answer my question yet la. Report to who? Answer me before you suffer the wrath of my fiery super spicy fire dim sum projectiles. hahahahaha Else, I'll call for my ridiculously-stale-over-sized-mushy-fungusified dim sum air strike on you. hehehehehe

See what happens when there is no dim sum for me? I do what my avatar says. sigh.... with drawal symptoms la.

I refuse my answer now ... Let you suffer in silence instead. Muuuuuaaah Hahahahahahahaha ...... :mouth_closed:

mmm ..... spicy dim-sum, and fresh har-kau, and black-beans pai-kuat .... Served with fresh poh-li tea ... :shades_smile:
invisibleghost said:
aiya, u all be gentleman lar. be her guardian. always be there for her, now and forever
waa.... need or not wor... hhaa
see, always say no good guys

those girls who says no good guys ard, i m gg to slap her so hard she wished she never born
Hmmm .... reminded me of something .... hmmm ....
slap the living shit daylights outta those gals that say world no good guys
juz that they stupid found the wrong and bad guys
"god wants us to meet all the wrong person in the world so when we meet the right one,we know how to appreciate them"
my female frd once told me "if that girl does not appreciate you, she is jz toy coz she has no feelling"
simonchangwaimun said:
slap the living shit daylights outta those gals that say world no good guys
juz that they stupid found the wrong and bad guys
"god wants us to meet all the wrong person in the world so when we meet the right one,we know how to appreciate them"

even they found a damn nice guy, they will say NO FEELING

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