Proper Drift group

some people are just too stupid to understand what we're trying say. (*shake head hope he kill himself on the road*)

On second thoughts hehehehe i fully supports any events on driftings from Maya karin.. correct ah spelling??
Hey all...

At the moment i see many different groups and attitude among drifters....
and i do respect very well on ur opinion in uniting all drifters for better future and image...then again, as mention many different u can read in several topics/thread here in u all notice that.....?

No need to be rude or what....around two months ago, have u read a a comment from one of the senior drifters who were also sponsored to drift in singapore by yokohama condemming those drifters in subang...???? Saying that they all drift dangerously...saying thay all link to gangsterism....tattoes doesn't links to gangsterism my friends, its art.....Hello...isn't that a discouraging to upgrade the sport...????

Even those ppl who wants to turn drifters bail out if they see their seniors act like childish humans......or maybe he is one since his food is paid fully by his wife....!!!

Or maybe this is another tactic by that particular group/person to avoid people from being better than him....?Change that attitude......

ADIAN, URAS, ZEE, 5, SKAGEE & All the highly respected drifter out there....i respect ur decision very very much by uniting.....But please talk to thoses moorons regarding this...buat malu only.......

Originally posted by MrNismo@Sep 26 2004, 22:30

Interesting... but I would like to see the prove of what you say...

Hope you're not referring to the same person above, it will be considered as a personal attack. <_<

Oh wow! What kinda tactic is that? Never thought of that before, care to share more?
MrNismo - No need to prove what i've said, if i hear sumthing and mentioned it here in ZTH, then its true....its not only coming out from my mouth...but, from others as well....others might just keep quite, but for me its not rite....

why care other people how they drift, where they drift or how they look like....they're simple human drifting about you...???people could just say sumthing like...''look at that nerdy apek, gigi can see gusi, jogang sumore also can drift arr..., better go play internet games at cyber cafe?'' u fell man...offend u or not...?

i'm not rying to offend u or other people...ask urself...have u heard/say sumthing regarding the matter(refering my previous post)....?those who feel spicy is those who have eaten spicy......

by the way, if i'm referring to the same ppl, u feel like ur being attack rite...but what about those people who kena attack by sumone who've they never met before, talk to before, drift with before....?what about that........?sitting behind the monitor and condemming people.....later, turn out together wif those people enjoying the drifting session at subang crocodile farm go-kart track....?Think wisely fellow drifter..act wisely..dun be like other fellow ZTH forummers who talks a lot only behing the monitor and act dumb in front.....

The kind of tactis is to change the attitude, be matured...act the age....stop talking nonsense and act like a senior....

Fellow guys - Adian, SKAGEE, ZEE, Donut, Uras and all other drifters...i respect very much ur decision in promoting the sports and uniting all drifters for better future...pleae dun keep in heart what i've just mentioned...its my way of expressing how i felt among some ppl's personality and attitude, which i dun think is rite....

Finally ALL THE BEST ON UR MISSION......I would like to see a success in your mission as well.....

"No need to be rude or what....around two months ago, have u read a a comment from one of the senior drifters who were also sponsored to drift in singapore by yokohama condemming those drifters in subang...???? Saying that they all drift dangerously...saying thay all link to gangsterism....tattoes doesn't links to gangsterism my friends, its art.....Hello...isn't that a discouraging to upgrade the sport...????"

hello back,i dunno who are u referring to cos i have yokohama stickers all over my car and i like to assume things .... just here to clear things out there was a slight misunderstanding between us earlier .... well its all cleared out and we had a few drift sessions together recently .... they drift really well,no doubt about it ... seen them perform and even had a tandem drift together with one of them on one of their sessions ...we even had dinner last week together with their most prominent and senior drifter ... and are discussing how to further improve this sport ...

"Or maybe this is another tactic by that particular group/person to avoid people from being better than him....?Change that attitude......"
hmmmm,anyone can drift better if they practice often ... we are not surprised that there are drifters out there who are better than zee or even our man djan,in fact i've personally seen alot of really good drifters around nowadays ... its all about practice ... the more u practice the better u become ... and we accept that fact ... just take an example u can be drifting more years than anybody but only practice say once a month ... definitely someone who just started drifting for a few months but practice more will perform better ... we take pointers from each other on how to improve ... sigh this is not a competition,shit there is no money made from this man more like spending instead ...anyway,it doesn't matter who is better than who ... just wanna have fun ... its not nice getting all political in this growing sport ....
conclusion,we your so called senior guys have come to terms with it and we respect each other,there is no subang drift group or our group,we have sessions together and share our ideas together as well .... so are u clear or do i have to make it even more clearer for u ..
Uras - No worries bro, i know how u are...ur fantastic....and its not u i'm referring to...unlike someone i've met before, no names to be mentioned...

I respect very much ur decision and different groups or others...Drifting is one word, and together it would be.....!!

I'm very clear in what've been mentioned and very clear as well......

take care...


I don't know who you are, but please don't assume and say things that you are not sure or has no idea about it. I don't feel offended, simply because I don't match any of your description above. But then again, what I can see now is you're shooting people at their back with your anonymous nick. If you have anything against me or others, show yourself, we can sit down and talk. No need to start a war of words here.
Originally posted by MrNismo@Sep 27 2004, 00:00

I don't know who you are, but please don't assume and say things that you are not sure or has no idea about it. I don't feel offended, simply because I don't match any of your description above. But then again, what I can see now is you're shooting people at their back with your anonymous nick. If you have anything against me or others, show yourself, we can sit down and talk. No need to start a war of words here.

MrNismo - I dun assume things and im not sayings which are not true..i'm not trying to start a war as well...definately not shooting ppl as well...if u think ur not te one and oters dun think as well, maybe there's this particular person who's keeping quite feels it then.....

Let it be my words here who realise them a little.....

Its funny that all these crap started to pop up after the BK meeting 2 sundays ago. ....LOLOLOLOLOL

Anyway, to those who are compelled to act in the good name of drifting; I see more damage and smack talking than any good coming out of your actions. So please use your brains and be considerate on what you say or just go and find another cause .

'nuff said
Why after BK TT?

i like their Whopper burger man.....

btw, skagee, how much did you spent on your "Hashiriya" styled exhaust pipe?

tolong lah, pls dun fight lah, the drift scene here is still in its young stages and we must nurture it the grow up healthy.....
:blink: :blink: :blink:

wah on topic of drifting also got this kind of thing ah?

zorro, not nice to say this kind of things online, dun think any of us know who you are
but you seem to know many of the "senior" drifters...

anyway lets not try to be mean and hint hint about people that you dun really like.
honestly when there's such a big group, there's bound to be people who just dun click, but that doesn't mean that you should come up here and talk smack about it online...

come out and meet us all and lets all be friends ok? ;) ;)
I cant stop laughting at this.. must be me since i was the only person in this forum other then Uras that been to Singapore advan.. lol

You seem to be all worked out over nothing ?

Anyway, i think people like Zorro are the one trying very hard to flame some drifters into getting along, should just ignore people like this that trys to steer up some shitz .. i dunno.. lol maybe he wants attention?

hi Zorro. :) nice to meet you here.

hahahah enuf of stupid talks, lets drift. its been raining every evening. But no place to go to.. :(
police informer here.. i gonna get all of u caught man
hehehhehee. kiddding :P
aiyak .. alwiz got illegal drifts.. i got to run run when blue light car comes :( . anyway to make it legal ah ... do this white cars actually catch people or they just want to crowd to leave.. is it hard to report police and get the event legal ? i cenot run :`( wawawawawawawa.. alwiz get heart attack when white car blue light comes

yeah enuff have been said, do not assume and prove it.....i dun think the senior are like this....chill bro....

gsr_x - no more drift need to come already.....too many cops around...

zorro dude : hmmmmmm i think whatever you mention are facts from what you've seen and think, but i'm not sure how long you've been following or running around with us too. Dude.... thing's have change, people do mistakes. If you clear this out earlier we might get your point but everyone understood that. Groupies might think they're good and we're bad so does us!! thats a normal human behaviour when you don't know your opposition. So let's get it straight then, whoever that you are mentioning have changed, the fact that subang and all other drifting groups are now combining for a better sake.

oh yeah one more think :) the way how you express it out thru postings are a lil' harsh ya know??... hmm i think it's abit too hard for zthians here to read and thats why user tends to shoot you back. try talking to us like a friend as how you said respecting those senior drifters.. put ur nick or name in not some other nicks. get along and talk to us, this is nothing to do with bomb-scare or killing hehehehe. it's a scene we're trying to improve hehe. sorrie about that, i respect you as who you are so be yourself dude not covering it up.

yay i talk cow hope i didn't say anything wrong ler.. hehehe

p.s dude me no senior lah.. me kuci kuci meow meow hehehe not really that good at it somemore always spun out.. hehehe
Yeah Zorro,

Do tell us who you are, let's all come out sit down and have a teh tarik, you'll find out that we're not like what you've been hearing or thinking. Sometimes we tend to talk a lot of cock and joke around, maybe offending people un-intentionally in the process, if that's the case, do accept our sincere apology. All drifters are playful and childish in nature LOLOL.

Btw Zee, the rain keeps on coming on wrong timing. Found a new way of attacking the long corner but couldn't try it out. Come-la we all go this Sunday if it rains.

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