FF Drifters NEEDED

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ok...now got 3 person wanted to add into the group...how u think dzal_a and whatdamn???imivec!!!!come and see this forum...let us know...
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is better you call "imevec" @ 6012 9100 169 he seldom online during
office hours. Thank you for your co operations.
seems like there's a lot of last minute entry....guys, wat u can do is gather da names & give it to william so tat he can create a waiting list or sumthing .....when ders enuff ppl, he'll try to create anoder group....i wud luv to c more cars join in....

i nvr played in der b4...jsut whack onli lar LOLOL...
william...hope he reads this...got a lot of people want to join...so hope can do...ninja iga...wat u think?
Doink said:
william...hope he reads this...got a lot of people want to join...so hope can do...ninja iga...wat u think?

hope william can add one more group...so...i can join u guys drifting
ok guys....why not we list up who are really really and serius interested for this event...and may b he(imivec) can open one more group(8 ppl) for us....now only got 3 person...

current ppl are serius for this event but not registered yet
current ppl are serius for this event but not registered yet

to make this possible, organisers insists on a minimum of 8 drivers per session.
so now got how many people in each session???i thought a littler lesser is better?since this is a trial and no one knows how ff drift will go...i dunno u guys still on or not and can put last minute people or not...if u not enough people why not add those who are interested to join at the eleventh hour???at least u manage to meet or even get close to the required amount of participant per session?if there is not enough people will the event still on or put to hold since not enough participant...please will all respect please let us know...

this is a closed session. Current participants are half of what's listed.
alot of things i cannot say out loud in forum.
please understand.

why organiser wants a minimum of 8 ppl (another group) so that they can start another session just for them. If only 4, sure, ok, but these guys will have to pay the equivelant of 8 ppl's entry fees!

methinks, if you're willing to pay RM170 per person, i'm sure organiser will consider to let you join.
But would you?

currently the event WILL run as planned, although not heboh. (not supposed to be heboh ma, beta-test)
maybe in the future every 2 weeks also got event ...

sifuS.. remember to teach me ah.. lol!~ i might come on the EVENT day.. lol!~ shHhHHhh..

sorry i appear rude.
i apologise.

what do you mean? "pm me wat you want to say ok?"
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