Bad Habit On Road

Fast lane has become slow lane nowadays... so i have to zig zag through the traffic to get an temporary fast lane, but i still zig zag politely... not too much action. hehe
And have learn so many bad habits from a friend recently.....

Today got horn like hell by a aggressive lady in vios at roundabout at section 14, im not sure whether i was wrong or just that she has not patient... errrrg....
sleep driving in ldp highway
(know the highway too well..sometimes fell asleep while driving to puchung early in the mornin)

first i try to rest my left eye
then open my left eye and close my lright one
suddenly black out for 1-2 second :P
wake up but still driving at the correct lane

i used to do tat last time when i drunk......
wondering in the next morning how i drive back home
No one realizes that
  • The leftmost lane is the "slow" lane
  • The middle lane is fast lane
  • The rightmost lane is "OVERTAKING" lane.
Why the hell are all those friggin slow vehicles hogging on the overtaking lane. If you can't go over 100km/h, stay in the fucking middle lane..As simple as that. I've seen all kinds of trucks, lady drivers in 660cc Kancils going at 70km/h on the overtaking lane.

If someone is right at your tail, it means he wants you to go faster. You either go faster or give him way to overtake for the sake of courtesy. Sometines there's a longggg queue of 100 cars behind one stubborn slow driver, who is too "shy" to drive in the middle lane. Just one slow & stubborn driver can create massive traffic pile-ups and jams.

Nowadays nobody is using the leftmost lane, which is empty most of the time. So it has become "unofficial" overtaking lane.
Bad Habits?

Making eye contacts with chicks during traffic jam consider bad habit ka??
not sure if itz a bad habit, but i came across several drivers.. whom drives/crawls real slowly leaving a large gap of 4-5 car length during rush hr.. imagine.. u're rushing to work and he'z casually driving hogging the way, didn't bother to step on the accelerator.. he was rolling at 20km/h ... argh!

showing hands to slower people

talk alone - complaining why my life is so bad that i could not afford a bugati veyron

hahhahahaahahahahaha..the last one is not that relevant lah
I wanna know what the dumbass ultimatevolution7 has to say..
Where the f* is he..
Hehehe... welcome to Malaysia. Normal ler....

haha... Malaysia Boleh...

in Malaysia left is right... and right is left... that is why right lane is the slowest...

Bad Habits?

Making eye contacts with chicks during traffic jam consider bad habit ka??

it is actually a good habit.... but will be bad for you when the chicks hunky bf comes and kick you in the nuts...


showing hands to slower people

talk alone - complaining why my life is so bad that i could not afford a bugati veyron

hahhahahaahahahahaha..the last one is not that relevant lah

if you feel evil enough... just swipe in in front of their bumper... the closer his front bumper to your rear bumper the better... scare the hell out of the fella and cause him to hit the brakes hard... if he causes a pile up... you run off smilling... if he chases and tailgate you in return.. then it's game time...

sometimes this people need a scare to make them realize they are in the wrong lane.. no flashing , ultra bright HID or horning will make them from their day dream...
it's really good to hear from all of u here and i assume that whoever replied in this thread...are considerate driver ..especially satria95. damn, it's sooo true. wat is wrong with malaysian drivers nowadays.

i try not to make any dumb moves on the road as i sayang my car as much i sayang my life hehe....unless some dumbass driver really pissed me off with their idiotic driving skills.
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