Bad Habit On Road

bad habit???

nahhh... i just brake for no apparent reasons!! LOL
Only one hand on the steering wheel? Can that considered as a bad habit? :tongue:

owh, i always drive with left hand - auto lah.

so, even though my car is Right Hand Drive but i am Left Hand Drive. LOL. 15 years ago i am Both Hand Drive type.

~ right is wrong, left is right~
sleep driving in ldp highway
(know the highway too well..sometimes fell asleep while driving to puchung early in the mornin)

first i try to rest my left eye
then open my left eye and close my lright one
suddenly black out for 1-2 second :P
wake up but still driving at the correct lane
hate those who see u signalling to enter lane then speed up just to block u
motherfuckers man, deserve to die...wish i had pick-up truck then just ram them...
found 1 wira aeroback on fderal hiway, driving slowly on fast lane, when i overtake, found 2 guyz inside the car watching xxx film at screen on dashboard, huh...
Did you meant this thread to talk about other people's bad habits on roads, or our own bad habits on the road?

Other people's bad habits that I despise
- 100% smokers on the road throw their still-lighted ciggy out the window and it flies to the car behind, which is usually me. If I had a rocket launcher, many smokers would've died. In fact, almost all malaysian smokers are inconsiderate morons.

- installing those dumb arse white light which shines from malaysia to north pole. Almost all cars that do not come stock with the white light (be it HID, or shit-ID, or whatever-crap-ID) are never correctly aligned. Dumb arses.

- misaligned stock lights that shine as if they're trying to be stadium flood lights.When I high beam them, they beam me back. How dumb can that be.

- dumb arsed drivers who suddenly signal and immediately cut into my lane, even if I am beside them or just an inch away from them. The best part is this. Check this out. They cut in front of you so close and then suddenly brake because the front car is either moving slow or has brake. This means the gap between my car and the car in front is small, but those dumb arses still cut in between the small gap. How dumb could they be.

- dumb arsed idiots who drive slow on the fast lane and when you move to the middle/left lane and cut in front of them, they high beam you or horn you, which basically indicates "hey, what the shit are you trying to do cutting so near to my car" when clearly, you've cut a safe distance in front of them. Even if it was close to them when you cut in front, it's their own shitty fault for lane hogging.

- stupid arses who come out of a lane even though you're as near to the lane as the distance between your 2 fingers side by side. Here's yet another best part. You're going straight and they come out of a turning, and they drive like 10kmh. You then brake so hard till your balls fall out the bottom of your pants.

- I think every one loves this. You wait for a parking till the dinosaur egg hatches. Then there's a parking and you signal and wait for the car to come out. When the car comes out, it blocks you from going in first (probably because of the direction he is reversing). Then from the other end, a car quickly swerves into that parking even before that car that just came out, starts to move away towards the exit. When the car clears off and you horn that fark-wit to tell him that's your parking, he just comes out of the car, looks at you with the "what the fark is your stupid ass problem?" and then just walks away. Now tell me just how desperate would you want to get that rocket launcher.

- You just parked your car beside an empty lot. Immediately, you notice a car wants to park beside you and you stay in your car till that car parks, just to be courteous. Then, that car park till either your passenger door or driver door can't open because he parked way too close. Then he quickly gets out of the car, "beep beep" and walks away swiftly. Better yet, his car is parked slanted instead of according to the box. Now, would you prefer a rocket launcher or a long range silenced sniper rifle?

- You park your car nicely in a car park, and even come out and repark again just to ensure that the other cars have sufficient place to open their doors. Happily, you go shopping or spa-ing or whatever. When you come back, the car/s that were parked beside you has left. What you then see is another car that was parked such that you can't even open your driver door. So you thought to yourself, "nevermnd, I'll climb in through the passenger side, no worries." The car on that side has also left and another car parked there. So you walk to your passenger side and WAH LAH! Wonderful dent on your passenger door because the car that just parked beside your car opened it's door to hard till it hit your car door. Go to for satisfactory services.

- You're in an area where parking seems to be a problem. You're following a car at a good distance slowly as both of you make your way around. The front car slows down when it reaches a corner, turns out slowly and then stops. You thought there was some traffic jam happening and so you just wait for a while, just a bit of a distance from his car. Then the front car driver comes out, "beep beep" and walks away from his car. You're still behind his car, half way out of the corner. Legolas's skill with bow and arrow would be real handy, wouldn't you think so?

- You wanna change lanes and so, nicely, you put your indicators. You continue to drive, let's say, for another 30 seconds but still can't seem to find enough of a safe distance to change lanes. So you drive another 30 seconds but then, you now notice that all the cars are speeding up and thus, you never had the gap to change lanes. Even when you thought there was a wide enough gap to move out into the next lane, the car behind suddenly drives faster and high beams you or honks you. If I'm not mistaken, the US army sells their unused army-spec hummers for a good price.

That's all for now.
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i hate road-hoggers ..... outcome: char tou yeng yeng,

show off in a small road swaying left n right as if he's racing ... outcome: hogged by me,

ppl using HID WITH TAIWAN LIGHTS or NO PROPER LIGHT ALIGNMENTS .... outcome: fa** until mouth broken but cannot do anything coz my lights not bright enough,

ppl who doesn`t notice their beams are on .... outcome: kena beammed n doesn`t notice too,

ppl with direct piping outcome: smoked by more silent car,

ppl who doesn`t know how to park their car ..... outcome: give up the space as behind car is honking waste time trying,

ppl who scratch your doors or bumper on straight parking ..... outcome: stand there n purse bleed,

ppl who drives with windows open even though whole family inside n raining .... i mean cannot stop smoking for sec issit ?( i'm a smoker) ...... outcome: feel sorry for the ppl sitting in that car n pity that feller has to sufer rain,

ppl who goes very slow on highway even a trailer full of load also overtakes ... not to the extent of 70 km/h ..... can go 80 or 90 ma ...... outcome: the feller saves petrol

ppl who never uses their headlights at night n scold your mom not u .... reason : save electricity coz expensive .... outcome: fight happens
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i agreed with what satria_95 wrote. cos my habbit also bit like him. always patient, always practising the act of 'never mind', always give other drivers go tru first ... but sadly, most drivers nowaday seem lack of common sense and selfifsh like dying!
Satria_95! I prefer 20mm multibarrel machine gun rather than rocket launcher. The one attached on apache helicopter.
my bad habbit:

whwn travelling long distance, hard to stop in the middle of the journey. many times my passangers need to beg for me to pull over! hhehe.. i just love driving. 500km at just one shot is common. :X-:
ju onn,
aiyo... forgive me for not including the 20mm multibarrel machine gun. Long time never blast people liao, so forgot what is what already. hehehe

Hey, you know, maybe you can feed an elmo with ecstacy and when it gets high, throw it into those cars with open windows where the driver is smoking. Then the elmo will stranggle the driver while he's driving and the car will go like pinball on the road, banging left and right. hahaha

But unfortunately, albeit all those stuff I wrote, my bad habit is I like to go zig zagging in and out of traffric like a piece of shit who's rushing to go back desperately for... well... a heavy round of shitting. Maybe my reason for doing so is not acceptable but I have gotten fed up with those dumb arsed drivers and hence my piece-of-shit driving style. Yes, I admit that I'm a piece of shit for driving like that. What I do wrong, I will admit. Unlike those who hog the fast lane and when you horn or high beam him, he gives you the middle finger when you over take him from the left. If I can't beat `em, I will join `em. Yes, many will say that I don't need to be like them but well, I'm joining them and I won't get angry at anyone who wants to call me a piece-of-shit driver, or arse hole driver, or whatever. I will admit on the way I drive when I drive the way I drive.
Did you meant this thread to talk about other people's bad habits on roads, or our own bad habits on the road?

everybody la.. people or ourself, we all hav our bad habit wat, hehehe..
Yo, I realized something. Nobody mentioned about eating stuff like garlic, or cheese, or whatever, and then farting in the car when there are passengers in the car. hahahahah And then, without realizing it, the "lock" button for the power window has spoilt. hahahaha

Yo man, the word "fucktard" always make me think of egg tarts. hahaha I was just telling my friend today that I saw this gen2. Both the passenger and driver was smoking. The driver finished first and just dropped his ciggy and it went to the back of his car, bouncing all over the place. Just when I thought that was bad, the passenger flicked the still lighted ciggy into the air and the ciggy just flew back, fortunately, onto the road as there wasn't any car nearby. I was hoping oh-so-much that I had an those red fire crackers. I would light a string of those crackers up and throw it into their car. And at the end of that fire cracker are those really large ones. Imagine if you're beside them, with your windows down just to blow some wind, and that dumbtard flung his lighted ciggy directly into your car, and falls on your seat between your legs.
haha..........all so many bad habits....i also got....dun worry

1) sms while driving.....super common
2) tailgatting super close when traffic light turning yellow....accidents so many times:tongwink: .................
3) driving off the road or on pavement just cut cars or get ahead of other road users:tongwink: ...........
4) kacau kancil drivers espc. with its is P or woman driver.....haha.....sorry if offended.....
5) double parking.........super common during lunch hours.........really sorry
drive at 200kph... hit the cruise control and climb to the back seat to make love with gf:shocked:

hehe jus jokin...

actually i jus hate the buggers who drive fast and flash like mad from miles away thinking that they own the lane...

also hate the bugger who drive extremely slow on slow lane leaving more than 10 cars gap...
yesterday one ah so nearly hit my car when turning to junction, no signal, luckily old.. if young ladies, i stop her car n ask his phone no., hahaha..

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