Bad habits


Drifter & Racer
Senior Member
Jul 4, 2004
do u get irritated by habits your friend does unconciously but have yet to tell them personally..or u have a confession about your bad habits.

come share it here..

for me... i really dislike ppl with the bad habit of biting straws.... like in mamak TT sessions..

i get kind of irritated when i see people biting straws..

they do in unconciously.. but it really bugs me and u can't really say that " hey, dun bite straw la.. very irritating one la!" then later ppl whack 9 me HAHAHA..
or common bad habits like smoking and blowing in my face
or using the word " stupid" VErY frequently

anyway.. the main reason for this thread is actually to make ppl realise if they are doing the same things that might irritate ppl.. if u are one of them la... no offence la.. just make u " know " that sometimes.. it really makes someone irritated by your unconcious actions..
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Zeroed said:
I dont get irritated by any habits. :D
me too :biggrin: hahaha..pity acura.dun shoot her la zeroed..she just wanna tell n share her irritation feel oni.. :smile: i get irritate when ppl get used to dig their nose in public..uish,very dirty one.. :thumpdown
hmm... i get irritated when all my MSN contact gets wiped out for no apparent reasons.. and i'm so fuckin pissed rite now! !@#!@$@!#!
eh..acura..u kena me back from that nite we tt in tmn desa issit....wa lao neh :P
acura said:
no laa
not only u la... i juz notice it always... thats why..

acura dun like ppl bite straw....dont like people smoking

acura u like guys biting fingers nails outside..and toe nails at home?
I bite straws unconsiously most of the time... And my girl dislikes it... But it's sorta stopping nowadays though... Haha...
hmm..i saw jason in tmn desa jus now 1st i tot he came to join us..but then,din notice his fren behind following him..hahaha...dem blur
see i told u he always there one.. HAHAHA

where i got dig nose in public... >_<
i always see uncle dig nose while waiting for the lights to turn driver la...lorry driver la...but thet thread bout leng lui digging nose in the car...really changed my perception towards girls n women are in seriously equal rights~!!!..hahahahhahaa~~!!!!

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