Beware ! The price of your drinks...


missing her so much
Nov 19, 2003
KL, Malaysia
Gov. raised the price of Sugar by RM 0.20 per KG ........

but...our beloved coffee shops or mamak stalls have raised their drinks by RM 0.10 to 0.20 per cup !! whoaa.... now we know why these fellas all make so much money...and can open branch after branch...can even offer us WiFi and LCD tv for football games and etc....

Yesterday i was at the market coffee stall with my mom and true enough..they raised the Nescafe by RM 0.10 and the Milo-O by RM 0.10.... bloody hell~........

and when i asked them why price go up...they said.."sugar price go up maaaa...." :banghead:

in the afternoon i went to look for some furniture with my wife... and one of the shops salesman told me the price of furniture went up... so i asked come ? he said..raw i said..can't be...metal and wood are can go up... so he said.."you see...sugar price also go up maaaa...." :banghead:

hear oredi....feel damn sick.... and our papers and Gov keep saying price of things won't go up !! :thefinger:
a cup of coffee/teh/milo......need 500gm sugar:confused::stupid:
i really salute these traders... and the best part is..they always complain not enough la..not making money la..
yala...government want to raise this and that but never raise our salary only..

They shud actually take strict actions on these business ppl that simply raise their prices..we are adi having a hard time earning money to survive...instead of making our life the other way round...

IF wanna raise prices up, I think salary shud be raise as just never fair...fed up adi..Most of the ppl even boycott one of the Salad Popiah which use to be popular in Pasar Malams...

last time 2.00 now adi RM2.20 ever since the petrol went up last time...and still the price of the popiah never reduce even after the petrol price went down...haiz...fed up listening to their bullshits..because of that raise up lar this lar that lar...haih
usually i mentioned 'kurang2 manis' geh..
& for herbal drinks, shall be no sugar pls..
& yet my drinks still increased wot..

those ppl are banking in on sugar increase..
hence whatever oso naik harga.. SIGH !!!..
dat's deem 'daylight robbery'..

it's a brand new year & u ppl got no annual increment meh??..
everything increase...salary never increase......
stupid 'G' !!!
melody... your company got annual increment ar ? wanna hire me ? :wink:

Yup.. every year oso got..:proud:
& even bonuses..:proud:
u ppl so cham no annual increment kah..
sure anot??
sked i ask u ppl belanja ar..

everything increase...salary never increase......
stupid 'G' !!!

umm..:hmmmm: u work for 'G' kah..
why blame 'G' geh..
blame the company u worked for le..
The day we Malaysians have a Government that can enforce it's existing rules strictly is the day we can be happy. Right now, all businesses are not efficiently monitored where accounts are concern. That's why they can keep on saying no profit laa, this laa and that laa.

Who doesn't want more profit ?.
Human attitude is never without greed. That's why we need strict rules and enforcement.

BN dah kalah teruk pun still not doing the right thing. Just remember to vote for Pakatan in the next GE. That's the only way
i think i oso need to revised my used parts prices dy... coz sugar price went up...:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:
actually I believe that those restaurants are taking this opportunity to raise their profit by increasing the price of drinks with the excuse of price of sugar going up.

how much of sugar per a cup of Milo for example that we use? only few grams but they raise the price of drink for RM 0.10 to 0.20 which is equivalent to RM 0.20 per kg price increase...see how much they earn here?

in Chinese they call it "taking chances to rob a person while the situation is not stable"
This is quite ridiculous right? Sad for us and it is true that as prices of things goes up but the salary hab been about the same without much improvements for the past many many years. Hope things will be better in time to come, or if the government should step in and do some damage control.
Seriously, the only one who can save us from all these price hike up nonsense is the government, or we citizen, might as well go on strike and drink tea and water instead of ordering drinks with sugar...lolz! I guess it wont work as well...later they are not serving any water anymore or RM0.80sen for a glass of water lolz! As chinese as well, I do admit we chinese are very good at these, increasing prices during hard times or when prices of certai things that is not really related or affected their business...sigh*

Melody: Seriously my company do have annual increment even though it was only 1 year working in this company but if were to compare with my previous company, the increment is damn low...even my grandma can give me that increment was only RM45 and RM45 is ridiculous...stay back late, work hard, meet deadlines and etcs that is necessary to perform well and this is what i get lolz! Might as well just make it RM49.90 for increment lolz!

Next time if I TT in ipoh will let u know...hope can tt with u one day lolz! Drinks on me..
i think i oso need to revised my used parts prices dy... coz sugar price went up...:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:

Yes, you must.

For those who want to buy your stuffs, they have to upgrade their skill or productivity or whatever it is, to have an income level that match. If you don't increase price, they will not wake up from the dream, everyone still sitting or standing on the same spot, when the country will move forward?

If you pity them, you have to suffer and absorb the cost. If you joint them for complaint, you will create more weak people. When the oil finished, country lost the main income source, the weak people cannot survive, whom to be blamed? The gov already create an opportunity for the people to suit themselves in a tougher environment.

---------- Post added at 01:26 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

Hopefully alcoholic beverages won't follow suit..

alcoholic beverages and tobacco product should be increase more. Cigarette should be round up to RM10 per pack and every increment should be RM1. 1 can beer = RM8 and 1 small bottle = RM 12 will be good :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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