Sunway A&W Race


4,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 22, 2004
Kuala Lumpur
Went to sunway saturday night
Dropped by the BP station to pour petrol
My friend who is a TUITION teacher was in my car
My friend spotted a familiar face in the BP station
He got down and went spoke with him.
The guy he spoke to wore normal clothes together with a few friends holding a PDA
Walah , when my friend came to my car , i asked him the story.
My friend actually gives private tuition to a high post police officer children.
To the racers in sunway that night, number plate numbers were saved in the PDA.
huh they still race there arrr after some major blocks .... haiyo why never learn wan ... sigh!! i really don't understand the thrill dragging such a crowded normally used road and some more so damn short ... DAMN DANGEROUS right!! i remembered the last major police block there... was caught in the jam coming back after sepang drag... wasted time there,all because of these jackasses ... funny also there's so much crowd there to cheer them on ...i thought it would be all over after that major block and now its still going on ... haih!!
aiyo...if they neva race da ppl bside da 2 road got no movie 2 see....
so mah boring lo....
see is good but dont race
race samore lah.. race already got show see.. but if got accident that time got bigger show to see.. police come chase also got better show to see.. :lol:
now day they no need to set road block
a jot of no plate is good enough for the rest of the work
:( he lepak BP rite? bcos i had some "action" down at kesas...

mati woo like this...
hump...saw tat...i even stop there 4 a while 2 c wats happening....those mutha fucker even make u turn in places where its not suppose to....
Originally posted by ][zoohalee][vtec][@Mar 9 2005, 17:02
good oso....tangkap all those people who race there...
yah tangkap the whole lot of them, especially the bunch near carlos who drive black cars wan ;) :P

seriously, wonder what those fuckbrained idiots are thinking racing on such a busy road....cuz of fuckfaced dickheads like them ppl like me drive stended auto car also kena block :(
that day if i not wrong got this 1 car using evo 2, lansi with another wira..cucuk cucuk ...then later kena the wira using gsr engine..... :lol:
A&W ConeyDogs so small la nowadays... not enuff if buy one...must get two... then after dat, sit beside the road watch people show off their new blow off sounds and get pissed off with the unwanted police and they buzz off with nothing to win or lose.. but only plate number in PDA wakakakakaka... :lol:
those who drag there never think of people who are living on that strech of road... like me!!!!
noisy and crowded...want to go out susah and come back also no parking!!!!
stupid F....
police should not make blocks but raid the dam place!!!
they should only jot down the no. plates if they went in laps.. if they jes speed off in 1 direction for 1 time .. it is not RACING... it's driving fast ;)
Originally posted by BLaCkHoWLiNG@Mar 13 2005, 10:34
they should only jot down the no. plates if they went in laps.. if they jes speed off in 1 direction for 1 time .. it is not RACING... it's driving fast ;)
driving fast also wrong in the eyes of the law, right? hahaha What's the speed limit there anyway? And isn't that road famous for jams during the day? hehe

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