Is These Justice in M'sia?

Izso said:
Yes, I do have the common sense of a parrot, which apparently is more than what you seem to have.

Read my post again and try to understand it from a different perspective.

I did not comment about the bribe part nor do I condone it. But if that fella had car parts (as in plural) in his car, then if I were a police officer I'd suspect something fishy too. Proof of purchase helps alliviate these problems.

I am not pro-cops and I have had my fair share of problems. But all this crapping about their bad points is really no use right? Like the people here is going to do anything about it other than getting this thread locked?

First everyone complains that their stuff gets stolen, then people complain that cops are too stupid in stopping people with stuff in their car, then there's the problem with bribery, then there's trying to please the general public.

The cops can do no right as far as we're concerned. They are always wrong!

Izso taiko

actually this post is more to sharing of what my brother experience. This thread won't get locked simply becos its the true that everyone know.

Legally speaking you don't have to prove ur stuff is ur stuff with receipt. If 3rd party claim ur stuff is stolen and it is up to the 3rd party to prove it and its not ur duty to prove it. You are not gulity until u are trial and proved by them u r guilty with solid evidence. Not simply accuse, this is no "Judge Dred" movie,this is real life.

My brother case is just a tip on the ice, i heard cases from friends, they want something like RM20k if they are desperate.
aiyo tohsan seefu, you misunderstood me too. I said with the whole thing, I never agreed with what these bozo police fellas did. I feel for the dude, seriously. But in this particular case there's a element of "what if" scenario. The police were jackass dumb f*cks to arrest and rasuah.. too extreme for a small matter like this. But in a normal situation, it would be hard for the police as well to explain why a guy has car parts in his car that he cannot prove wasn't stolen. All I'm referring to is this point or this aspect of things. Not what the police did.

By all means I think this dude should sue kao the damn asses for defamation and bribery, but what do you think their response would be? This dude had car parts in his car he couldn't prove was his and the best scenario is to settle on a tiny compensation and get the rasuah fellas kicked out of the force.

I dunno. honestly speaking I wouldn't have known what to do in the fellas shoes.

Like I said, I have no like for the police force, but give and take, there are some reasons for what they do, just that they abuse it very often.
evo3 said:
Don tok so much.... after ISA come lo... all 0-100 members go ISA officer belanja us all Kopi-o... :)
If ISA catches ALL ZTH members, I WILL FOLLOW them too. We have thousands of members and I am also a member. I will not stand back and say, "Saya member tapi saya tak tau apa berlaku sini la. Tak kenal siapa pun dia orang sebab kat internet saja". NO, I DO NOT leave my friends behind. I WILL GO with them to the station, along with RTM, Astro, The Star, New Straights Times, Berita Harian, Malay Mail, my photography friends to photo everything that is happening, CNN (if I can get a hold of them), and whoever that can publish ALL happenings LIVE!
Malaysia's corruption and abuse of power is seriously over the line.
ok conclusion here now is

what's a person job? just want to earn as much $ they can

polis don have commissions ma.....then cucuk wang dari public la

who don 1 money la for anyone won't have enuf.....

siapa tak mau jadi kaya?
gohkokeng said:
ok conclusion here now is
what's a person job? just want to earn as much $ they can
siapa tak mau jadi kaya?
"Just want to earn as much $" CANNOT be used as a reason by the police to abuse their powers or to get coffee money from the public or to get a better life. If that should be the case, then I might as well just rob the bank and tell the world that I only want a better life. Do you think that is correct? I am not scolding you, or flaming you or anything. Just sharing my thoughts about your comments with you.

Be realistic. Most importantly, BE HUMANE! Doesn't any religion teaches people NOT TO CHEAT? I believe that the many police in this country, and in fact the many govt servants too, are not Islams. They are from a twisted religion/race/whatever that teaches them to cheat people, herewith in this case would mean the citizens. I DO NOT BELIEVE that Islam, or any real religion, teaches people to cheat, abuse their powers, etc. So who am I to be blamed wrong is I say that the a number of police and govt servants follows a religion that is "ajaran sesat bagaikan ajaran setan".

Through so many arguements/debates/discussions with malay people, I have learnt to see that a religion is in fact good, but the followers are in fact the ones who spoils it.
lol this is the topic will never ending........

POLIS makan $
POLIS abuse their power
POLIS licenced gangster by government
POLIS .............. POLIS .................. POLIS..........hahahaha

conclusion is there are no JUCTICE in Malaysia

if got we don have something called (PERKARA YANG TIDAK BOLEH DIPERSOALKAN) in Malaysia and so called BUMIPU...what what what
and such la.....haha come on la......just live the best that u could.
hahaha always read the people writing the same thing over and over....i read also sienz liao leh........straight go to conclusion la.
The conclusion is very simple, if Malaysia got justice, then we can see Osama and Bush sit together and have a cup of coffee... Policeman also no need to work.


got money, got justice

justice = money
gohkokeng said:
lol this is the topic will never ending........

POLIS makan $
POLIS abuse their power
POLIS licenced gangster by government
POLIS .............. POLIS .................. POLIS..........hahahaha

conclusion is there are no JUCTICE in Malaysia

if got we don have something called (PERKARA YANG TIDAK BOLEH DIPERSOALKAN) in Malaysia and so called BUMIPU...what what what
and such la.....haha come on la......just live the best that u could.



you da man.
How to stop all these?

To those that can vote in the next General Election, DO NOT VOTE for BN (Barisan Nasional) because they are the one which is protecting the police a.k.a. legal gangsters, and we don't even have the freedom of press. Look what happened to Guang Ming Daily and Sarawak Tribune..... SUSPENDED!

Going to the press, complaints bureau, ISA, ACA, whatever shits which is under BN, these kind of rubbish will not go away, it will still happen to anyone of us, it's just a matter of time, if BN still rule this country.

Ohh... Malaysia MEMANG Boleh!
i agree !!

wat we can do its dont vote for them. atleast we got somebody make noise when da license samseng make mistake

deaconsx said:
How to stop all these?

To those that can vote in the next General Election, DO NOT VOTE for BN (Barisan Nasional) because they are the one which is protecting the police a.k.a. legal gangsters, and we don't even have the freedom of press. Look what happened to Guang Ming Daily and Sarawak Tribune..... SUSPENDED!

Going to the press, complaints bureau, ISA, ACA, whatever shits which is under BN, these kind of rubbish will not go away, it will still happen to anyone of us, it's just a matter of time, if BN still rule this country.

Ohh... Malaysia MEMANG Boleh!
so this coming election..we know who we need to vote for....try to get few trouble maker inside parliament..then only we can see a bit of justice in to many BN...
Two words for malaysian police n goverment.


gohkokeng, thanks for telling. Lol.
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Well well, if only our countrymen knows who to vote in the next General Election .... if not, complain so much also no point.
gohkokeng said:
i got a story here...last time raining....i was involve in a accident.....i hit the TOW TRUCK behind........wua hahaha funny leh......and so coinsidence the TOW TRUCK is my Kurnia insurance panel......that truck was heading to incident place 1.....but then he tow my car 1st and call another person to the incident place.

ok this is not the hell of story i wanna tell here.....that time was RAYA + CNY = OPS SIKAP.........go to Polis Trafik station.....he said saman RM300 or makan RM200 settle it.......RM300 cannot rayu cause is OPS Sikap i pay the RM200 for save RM100 good sake la.....

can u imagine those inspektor.....1 hari makan how many people RM200 RM200 RM200 RM200........1 day makan 5 people already enuf RM1000

no wonder last time i saw the star newspaper.....police use his personal Toyota MR2 to langgar Waja to catch sampai hati......

HIGH RANK polis makan those in office.......LOW RANK polis makan on the road duit coffee


At lease the MRS one was still remember he is a police. Plenty of them already forgot who pay them salary and what is their job description.

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