JPJ Block, asked me to go inspection! Waarrggh..

Brother takumi86

I also kena those sucker JPJ at MRR2 near the juntion to the Jalan genting klang which near the JPJ Wangsa maju. I'm driving my Lantis then those JPJ ask me to stop and check my car then their find out my car has change the eshast and the extrator. So the fellow ask me to go inspection at JPJ Wangsa maju near by. Walau....! those small matter also want to go for inspection meh.... then he explain to me just for inspection only no summon one don't worry wo...:frown: ok lo.


He give me a letter of inspection just write:
1# ubahsuai eshaut system
2# permeriksaan keseluruhan kenderaan

The day after tomorrow

I go to change my muffler < i still have my original muffler > but the extrator i just bother it la cause i didt have the stock one.

On the day of inspection

When i reach, he check and check and check, check my muffler,no problem,then he check my engine , chasis number and ect. then he ask me to remove the titn at the front of the signal light which has titn black.after that he find out my extrator haven change. then say:

JPJ: u punya extrator pun belum tukar?
Me: itu muffler i sudah tukar....
JPJ: tapi extrator pun ini?
Me: ini i taktau la TUAN.... ini sudah ada sejak i beli kereta ini, ini second hand sejak i beli, original punya i tak ada la TUAN.

JPJ: i bukan TUAN,i makan gaji saja,i seorang officer saja,TUAN sedang tidur kat rumah....
ME: tolong kasih Chance la Encik,i pun makan gaji saja....
JPJ: .........
JPJ: Ingat balik tukar,lain kali jangan jumpa u dekat sini lagi.
Me: ok ok....
JPJ: Ciao.

That's the inspection of mine, sometimes those JPJ are fine,but some of the are hidung tinggi, at least mine's one not lansi...

takumi86 said:
hi guys.. thanks for the all feedback.. :wink:
really help me to make a decission liao!
anyway got frien here who also need inspection huh?

ur insepection on sept 8? izzit? same as me laa! :wink:

soo, i think will go to ekzos shop to change/rent the stock
xtractor and muffler... wei yip is my target.. at puchong rite?
thank god i'm staying at puchong too. :biggrin:

then, no plate & lamp tint , small metter i think.. will change it as well

BUT.. other items been mod, such as stering wheel (mine really small 13" i think!
sport spring (lowered-kimex) -> but not damn lowered :tongue:

how aar? they kacau also during the inspection?

JPJ inspect just what had written on the paper rite?
other not kacau? izzit???
pls clearify!!...

thanks again guys!

yeah something like that....

but remember, they are allowed to do other inspections. if what they've written on the paper is not followed then kena lar.
if not on the paper but they kacau then ask for more time.
martin chan got away real good... i wished i had that answer:frown:

good luck again
ps: if you know anyone in jpj, call for help!!!
Earlier this year i got the inspection letter from JPJ stating that my car(kancil) disyaki melakukan kesalahan di bawah seksyen bla bla bla...di jalan bla bla. Was shocked like hell!! A little note here: i didn't run into any JPJ roadblocks. It seems that my car kena "tangkap" by one of the mata or maybe kena complain ka...i wasn't sure...

my dad later asked a fren of his and found out that the offence was my plate number(steel plate number). So i changed the plate numbers,changed back to ori exhaust but NOT the extractor and changed back to original coils. Suncool tint on all windows including a 12" black tint on the front. Went for inspection,officer came and DIRECTLY inspected JUST my plate number. Nothing else. But he did ask me to change back my bulbs because according to him it was blue in colour(looked WHITE to me). He even inspected a Kenari(same offence as me) and the kenari was lowered.

So,from my experience...if in the inspection letter states that your muffler/extractor salah then have to change back to ori exhaust system. If say tints than the tints have to go la.

p/s I live in Kuching.
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u live in kuching somemore... ayyyaaa..
ini peninsular punya olang manyak susah maa...
but not all JPJ dude cannot kowtim.. depend on luck

thanks for de info... :wink:
ok ok! I think will change the muffler the new one.
saw advertisement in magazine, EXSS workshop.
(nearby JPJ wangsa maju alsooo)
sound not so noisy but increase power and reduce
petrol consumption.
will drop by b4 go to JPJ.
hope not long Q when i reach JPJ after lunch hour!
at least can settle everything in that day!
will make me happy liao! :tee:

martinchan said:
Brother takumi86

I also kena those sucker JPJ at MRR2 near the juntion to the Jalan genting klang which near the JPJ Wangsa maju. I'm driving my Lantis then those JPJ ask me to stop and check my car then their find out my car has change the eshast and the extrator. So the fellow ask me to go inspection at JPJ Wangsa maju near by. Walau....! those small matter also want to go for inspection meh.... then he explain to me just for inspection only no summon one don't worry wo...:frown: ok lo.

settle inspection!!..


my problem settle liao!
rent exhaust at WEI YIP, paid rm50. go inspection..
finished, change back to new sport exhaust.. :biggrin:
this sure tak kena JPJ.. damn quiet!!

that jpj who did inspection to my car very simple..
just spent around 2 min to check..
different guy, different way of check and inspection..
soo really depands on ur luck!

no more sleepless nite and hair loss! ;)

I just wanna ask u guys, can policeman issue saman for 'mengubah-suai (modified) exhaust' ka? instead of JPJ? Because i kena recently. I m using Turbo engine of course with big muffler but same loud as Iswara muffler. But he claim my muffler tips to big liao not the sound.

Last time JPJ stopped me also but not complaining abt the exhaust. Only checking valid roadtax.

How ahh?? i m confused now. Then have to change standard muffler ka? How the turbo angin to keluar if i change small size?

I f**king sick of paying them again larr
from my experience with frens who deal with jpj n puspakom.
it's normal to have loud sound from turboed engine. the point is ur muffler is TOO BIG - as u said.

there're solution for that. plz refer what kind of muffler size, standard turboed evo/B8/starlet/cefiro/etc use.. owner make it too obvious to jpj/police eyes..
be friendly with everyone ok... :smile:

my 1cent
they have power mah, better obey what they say.otherwise ur car kena blacklisted lagi sui!
ziranath said:
ya enforcer nowadays so cruel..always wanna find illegal mod at our cars..but if they drive their car with that damn loud sound its all ok..nobody will stop them right?
what a world i'm living in...

haha...its malaysia we r living in..cant voice our opinion like those developed countries...sad but true la
crocky said:

I just wanna ask u guys, can policeman issue saman for 'mengubah-suai (modified) exhaust' ka? instead of JPJ? Because i kena recently. I m using Turbo engine of course with big muffler but same loud as Iswara muffler. But he claim my muffler tips to big liao not the sound.

Last time JPJ stopped me also but not complaining abt the exhaust. Only checking valid roadtax.

How ahh?? i m confused now. Then have to change standard muffler ka? How the turbo angin to keluar if i change small size?

I f**king sick of paying them again larr

Eemm .. i think u need to argue wiz them a lil bit..
such as.. what is the legal muffler tips?
if sound , how loud DB?
how come "mulut besar punggung kecik?" -> refering 2ur turbo n ciput exhaust
untill they fedup n let u goo..
then in between.. say u sorry 100 timess..
this is my script if kena next time!!... :rock:
well i had my inspection in JPJ wangsa maju..before i went i removed all my tint...i left a mitsubishi sticker on my rear covered the whole top part...a lot of cars i have seen have this type of horizontal sticker which cover the top of the rear windscreen...well the jpj got inside the car and tore it of...maybe he could find anythn else to do ...look at my engine no and chassis no..then let me go ...
2 days later there was a JPJ block around 11.30 in the mornin ...the guy stops me again..but this time i show him my bloody inspection slip and he lets me go...
well i am gonna have to be careful to mod any thin near SRi damansara ---to kepong area...always got JPJ lurking sumwhere...
i'm planning to bring my car back to malaysia but i wonder how big is the the allowed muffler eh? currently i got 2.5" on the car w/ silencer, wonder if they allow it?
I also have tein spring 1.5" lowered, is that allowed? Aiseyman i think i have to change everything back to stock
atermizi said:
i'm planning to bring my car back to malaysia but i wonder how big is the the allowed muffler eh? currently i got 2.5" on the car w/ silencer, wonder if they allow it?
I also have tein spring 1.5" lowered, is that allowed? Aiseyman i think i have to change everything back to stock

I heard the tips size must be less than coke can size...dunno lar this jpj n police has their own law and always change time to time depending on their mood...
my wira change to the proton iswara LMST loud and bassy sound type!
so the police will also tahan me or not?
these bastards are making their own laws as and when they like. next time when u all kena stop ask them to show u guys the act or rules proving that ur mods are illegal. i've done that before and they cant show me what the law says. that is ur right bros.....
IMHO sometime i was a bit worried about our local enforcer. they just do everything to show their garang without thinking much about law and ethics.

not all tinted is illegal, not all loud exaust is illegal, not all plate number is illegal, not all modifications is illegal. legal and illegal is determined by "measurement" and official letter.

point it..they got no point to accused us when caught at give surat jemputan makan2 ke PUSPAKOM la..
Ok, here i copy from jpj website for ACCESSORY modification untuk 'kereta persendirian' (private use):

Pengubahsuaian kecil atau pemasangan alat kelengkapan tambahan yang dibenarkan tanpa perlu mendapat kebenaran JPJ

Terdapat pengubahsuaian atau pemasangan aksesori yang boleh dilakukan tanpa mendapatkan kelulusan daripada Ketua Pengarah JPJ, terutamanya pengubahsuaian atau pemasangan yang tidak memberi kesan kepada ciri-ciri, kestabilan dan keselamatan kenderaan berkenaan seperti:-

Pemasangan air spoiler di bahagian hadapan dan belakang.

Pemasangan side skirt, aerofoil dan door visor pada kereta.

Pemasangan protecting guards pada bahagian hadapan dan belakang kereta.

Pengubahsuaian kecil pada radiator grilles, bonet atau bentuk serta rekabentuk lampu-lampu.

Pengubahsuaian kecil pada radiator grilles, bonet atau bentuk serta rekabentuk lampu-lampu.

Pengubahsuaian kecil dan melebarkan tyre wings atau mudguard.

Pengubahsuaian atau pemasangan tambahan bumper besar (sama ada jenis keluli atau fibreglass) pada bahagian hadapan dan belakang.

Pemasangan rim dan tayar yang lebih besar.

Pemasangan para bumbung.

Pemasangan sun roof di atas bumbung.

Pemasangan lampu brek tambahan (berwarna merah) atau lampu penunjuk arah (berwarna amber).

Pemasangan spot light atau lampu halogen (kedua-duanya berwarna putih dan kuning) pada bahagian hadapan sahaja iaitu tambahan kepada lampu yang sedia ada.

Pemasangan pengadang angin, penutup lampu fibreglass dan penutup enjin fibreglass pada bahagian hadapan motosikal di mana aksesori-aksesori ini tidak terkeluar dari hujung pemegang motosikal.

Nota: Senarai yang telah dinyatakan di atas akan dikemaskini dari masa ke semasa

Walau bagaimanapun, pengubahsuaian kecil dan pemasangan aksesori-aksesori ini hendaklah memenuhi semua keperluan perundangan sebagaimana dinyatakan di dalam Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Rules 1959 atau Motor Vehicles (Construction, Equipment and Use) Rules 1988.


Sekiranya air spoiler, aerofoil atau side skirt dipasang, ianya tidak boleh melebihi 150mm diukur dari bahagian luar tayar belakang.

Sekiranya door visor dipasang, ianya tidak boleh melebihi 100mm lebar dan tinggi.

Sekiranya rim atau tayar lebar digunakan, ianya mesti ditutup sepenuhnya dengan mudguards atau mudflaps.

Sekiranya protecting guards dipasang, ianya tidak boleh menutupi lampu-lampu kenderaan. Tidak dibenarkan bucu-bucu tajam atau bahagian yang terjulur keluar melebihi 100mm. Di samping itu lebar keseluruhan tidak boleh melebihi lebar kereta yang asal.

Sekiranya tambahan bumper besar atau protecting guards dipasang, lebihan bahagian hadapan dan belakang tidak boleh melebihi 50% dari bes roda kenderaan.

Jarak headlamps dan lampu isyarat tidak boleh melebihi 300mm dan 400mm masing-masing diukur dari badan yang terlebar selepas pengubahsuaian.

Sekiranya para bumbung dipasang, ianya tidak boleh melebihi panjang bumbung, atau lebar kenderaan atau ketinggian 400mm diukur dari bahagian teratas para bumbung.

Pemasangan alat kelengkapan tambahan yang tidak dibenarkan

Lampu berkelip-kelip (selain daripada lampu penunjuk arah dan lampu berjaga-jaga) pada bahagian hadapan atau belakang kereta.

Pemasangan lampu berwarna biru, ungu atau hijau.

Pemasangan hon yang berirama atau hon dengan dua nada.

Pemasangan spot light di bahagian belakang kereta.

Pemasangan cermin gelap atau penampalan bahan berwarna pada cermin hadapan, cermin belakang dan cermin tepi di mana kadar ketelusan cahaya kurang dari 70%.

Nota: Walau bagaimanapun, penggunaan cermin gelap atau penampalan bahan berwarna di bahagian atas cermin hadapan sebanyak 20% dari lebarnya dan di cermin tingkap sukuan boleh dibenarkan.

Spesifikasi No Plate Kenderaan
3 Bentuk Plat Nombor Pendaftaran Kenderaan yang dibenarkan

- Huruf dan nombor berwarna putih yang dilekatkan atau di'embossed' atas bingkai hitam
- Huruf dan nombor berwarna putih yang dilekatkan atau di'embossed' atas bingkai berwarna merah bagi kenderaan kedutaan , PBB dan International Natural Rubber Association
- Huruf dan nombor berwarna hitam yang di'embossed' atas bingkai berwarna putih bagi teksi atau kereta sewa.

Senarai di atas boleh diubah dari masa ke semasa. <-- WTF IKUT SUKA MAK BAPAK DIA JE NAK UBAH!!!

Jenis jenis pengubahsuaian yang perlu mendapat kebenaran terlebih dahulu daripada JPJ

Jika pengubahsuaian dan pemasangan alat kelengkapan tambahan boleh mengakibatkan perubahan besar kepada rupa bentuk, ukuran, kestabilan dan keselamatan serta ciri-ciri asal kenderaan motor tersebut, kebenaran bertulis hendaklah diperolehi terlebih dahulu dari pihak JPJ. Contohnya:-

Pengubahsuaian ke atas rangka dan rangkaiannya atau rangka monocoque sebuah kenderaan bermotor.

Pengubahan ke atas bentuk atau ciri-ciri asal kenderaan.

Pengubahan dari kereta saloon kepada kereta convertible.

Pengubahan ke atas sistem bahanapi.

Pengubahan ke atas sistem brek.

Pengubahan ke atas sistem steering.

Pengubahan ke atas bes roda kenderaan.

Penggunaan badan fibreglass bagi menggantikan badan keluli.

Penukaran enjin.

Untuk pengubahsuaian di atas atau yang sama dengannya, permohonan hendaklah dikemukakan kepada:-

Bahagian Kawalselia Teknik,
Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan,
Aras 2, Blok D4, Parcel D,

Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,

62620 Putrajaya

**more info :

Now...can someone highlight me where is the saying EXHAUST modification is illegal there??? KNN, i kena saman with policeman (not jpj officer) bcoz of my exhaust tips is too big n not bcoz of sound..

Next time, I must print this jpj website and show to them...maderfaker puki tiu nia sing pantat anak haram punya polis..CB!
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GOOD of u.. important info. so for more info must check out at JPJ website lah yeaa...WTF

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