JPJ Block, asked me to go inspection! Waarrggh..


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Senior Member
Dec 8, 2004
bad luck for me last friday nite...
from LDP to Sg Buluh, my wira was stopped by JPJ.
1.aluminium number plate
2.tinted signal lamp (put black sticker)
3.ekzos system (muffler & extractor)

the jpj fella asked me to change back all to stock then
go to JPJ wangsa maju to inspection..
item #1 & #2 should be no problem for me..
but #3 make me head ache.. how to change the ekzos
system back to stock std wan!?!?... :mad:

can I just ignore the inspection? or any runner can settle
this problem!??..

someone got experience about the JPJ inspection?
pls helpppppppppp................ :frown:
I think u shouldn't have put the alluminium number plate.. that was what caught their attention..
Better change back to stock (assuming you still kept it) and go through the inspection otherwise, they will blacklist your car next time.
yes agree.. the aluminium plate was the main attraction to stop my car..
damn it! :(
bought rm100 last time... now i think just hang it in my toilet.. keh..keh.. :) ;)
JPJ and Police - don't mess with them or they will mess you

Even if you can ask outsider to settle, they (either runners or officers) can take advantage to make money from themselves at your own expense.
go wei yip... ask him to borrow u a stock exhaust system...
the n once finish inspection change back lor...
i did mine there..he charge me rm50..
aiseh... i don keep the ekzos laa.
need to change muffler even the extractor?!.. aiyooo.. trouble somee..
all need to be really std... like out from showroom condition i think!!.. :(
takumi86 said:
bad luck for me last friday nite...
from LDP to Sg Buluh, my wira was stopped by JPJ.
1.aluminium number plate
2.tinted signal lamp (put black sticker)
3.ekzos system (muffler & extractor)

the jpj fella asked me to change back all to stock then
go to JPJ wangsa maju to inspection..
item #1 & #2 should be no problem for me..
but #3 make me head ache.. how to change the ekzos
system back to stock std wan!?!?... :mad:

can I just ignore the inspection? or any runner can settle
this problem!??..

someone got experience about the JPJ inspection?
pls helpppppppppp................ :frown:

takumi, sorry to say this....but if you wanna play with fire, be prepared to get burnt.
and when you get burn, dun cry, dun complain.

Get what i mean?

anyway, good luck with the JPJ inspection. it all depends on your luck, if Tuan is happy, he'll make things easy for you. Else, too bad lah.
nuggyn said:
takumi, sorry to say this....but if you wanna play with fire, be prepared to get burnt.
and when you get burn, dun cry, dun complain.

Get what i mean?

anyway, good luck with the JPJ inspection. it all depends on your luck, if Tuan is happy, he'll make things easy for you. Else, too bad lah.
yayaya agree

raya is near
so be careful of road block
takumi, yours straight piping or follow original route? if original route then your muffler no need change, if straight pipe then need need to change, i think. i wonder what will JPJ do if we fail the inspection.
I just kena today...i have CF muffler but to the original route. JPJ catch me because of my stainless steel extractor, he said its illegal. i told him R3 using the same thing, he issued me an inspection notice anyway. Do they include shock absorber tests? coz my shocks are failing, but they're stock, so i wonder if it matters.
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R3 is different story... if it is not factory-fitted, it is illegal.

Same goes for GT Wing on WISE and loud muffler on TNS (The New Saga).
ya enforcer nowadays so cruel..always wanna find illegal mod at our cars..but if they drive their car with that damn loud sound its all ok..nobody will stop them right?
what a world i'm living in...
sorry to hear that bro,

should not go out at night so often liao...
partyJOE said:
go wei yip... ask him to borrow u a stock exhaust system...
the n once finish inspection change back lor...
i did mine there..he charge me rm50..
wah... they really provide that ar??... rental of stock exhaust... haha... good idea if u still wanna keep ur modded exhaust... :biggrin:
sorry to hear that dude,

takumi86, what time stopped by JPJ..? last friday i also used LDP-->Sungai Buloh back to Subang at night time. (forgot what time liao). Beware, this road always got Police & JPJ block on weekend. 9pm-12am

Bro. go to exhaust shop ask see got second hand normal-stock wira muffler & extractor or not, install it go back to Wangsa Maju JPJ do inspection..and once finish....change back. hihi :biggrin:
SkYwAlKeR said:
wah... they really provide that ar??... rental of stock exhaust... haha... good idea if u still wanna keep ur modded exhaust... :biggrin:

actually every exhaust shop also got do this... but only difference is their charges...sum 1ed 2 take advantage of our situation make big bucks... wei yip's charges was very reasonable compare 2 the work they do... dismantle n fix twice plus necessary welding... dats very reasonable i guess...
given that puasa month is coming and raya to follow, i would have thought that the increasing number of roadblocks would be to create opportunities for extra income. does that mean that they will makan duit on the spot or during the inspection?


but seeing as they sent you for inspection instead of sucking your money, could it be that there is another operasi tangkap kereta ubahsuai or something like that? fucking mar fan lah these fellas. cause traffic jam summore. :mad:
just make sure open ur eye BIG BIG turning a blind corner.... or else...some1 will wait dere for u... :biggrin:
sigh...even have to be extra caution after hungry ghost festival...more scary that those ghost
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