E36 318i or a new Myvi

Ahem, since you just graduated, and it seems you want something different that the rest of your peers, that's why you choose the E36?
Anyway, just to add more choices, you can stick to the E36, by considering these too:

1. W202 C220 Merc, yes, another friend has bought the car (previously used a 1.6-litre Lantis) and never regretted it. Service, maintenance ain't that expensive (some are even cheaper since it requires service kit, not replacement).

2. For Japanese (with budget of approx 40k and below) - you could try out the SXV10 Camry and A31/A32 Cefiro.

Really want something different? Someone is selling a Toyota Chaser for RM44k.

As someone has said earlier as well, visit the clubs. Get close to them, that'll open your mind, and hearing it from the owners themselves, some myths are debunked and some hidden truths are revealed.

If you insist on getting brand new - get the MyVi, no second thought.
get MyVi SE more nicer.. hehe.

or u can wait for Perodua Viva coming out this month .. soon..

or is it already launched? i saw the ad in tv3 last 2 days...
C'mon now. You wanna blow 40 grand on a used car just because its a BMW? hahaha. I tell you la. You can buy a BMW used or new, but u MUST have excess cash to buffer whatever cost that going to be incurred later on. If you can't, get that MyVi. Since you already say COST is a factor, why do you persist in owning a Continental car just to be different? You force yourself to own something that you cannot project the cost involved. Its the same as giving you a credit card with 100K limit and you only make RM2000 a month. You are young and have many opportunity to own a continental car. Why the impatience?

God forbid you have to get the car towed away to to some unforseen financial problems. Yes you do impress chicks and friends around you. Lets see what they say at your back if get into such circumstances. So you want solid planning or just face value?

In fact i see many reasonable people here opting for Myvi based on purchase price, maintenance and financing. Thats smart. And some who are off target pitting a small 1.0-1.3cc car to a 1.8cc car. Just wake up and breathe air instead of exhaust emmisions will ya?!
C'mon now. You wanna blow 40 grand on a used car just because its a BMW? hahaha. I tell you la. You can buy a BMW used or new, but u MUST have excess cash to buffer whatever cost that going to be incurred later on. If you can't, get that MyVi. Since you already say COST is a factor, why do you persist in owning a Continental car just to be different? You force yourself to own something that you cannot project the cost involved. Its the same as giving you a credit card with 100K limit and you only make RM2000 a month. You are young and have many opportunity to own a continental car. Why the impatience?

God forbid you have to get the car towed away to to some unforseen financial problems. Yes you do impress chicks and friends around you. Lets see what they say at your back if get into such circumstances. So you want solid planning or just face value?

In fact i see many reasonable people here opting for Myvi based on purchase price, maintenance and financing. Thats smart. And some who are off target pitting a small 1.0-1.3cc car to a 1.8cc car. Just wake up and breathe air instead of exhaust emmisions will ya?!


ala.. just pay up a good mechanic to check the car thoroughly before u buy laaa... there ARE some very good 2nd hand cars including beemers out there.. even its 10 yrs old... but rare.
fred.. bmw 5 yr old is good la if u can find a good one... once reach 10 yr old only become need to replace a few parts and thats normal for wear and tear..i hv no idea y u say 318 no power.. and u saying 328 lose pickup to 318 is even more unbelievable.. r u sure u drive the correct car?

"There is no replacement for displacement".

318 e36 is very powerful.. and let alone 318 also is powerful car.. my guess the car u tested is not in tip top condtiion. but pls dont say 318 is not powerful and giving the wrong information across the forum.

i give u the numbers, n u do your own math.

here are specs of 318..
Weight 1145 kg
Displacement 1796 cc
Max Output 113.0 bhp @ 5500rpm

P/W Ratio: 98.689

and spec of 328
Weight 1477 kg
Displacement 2793 cc
Max Power 193.0 bhp @ 5500rpm

P/W Ratio: 130.670

and, aja.. u said power to weight myvi winsss???? R U SERIOUSS???? please do calculation before typing that.

spec of myvi 1.3
Weight 985 kg
Displacement 1298 cc
Max Power 86.0 bhp @ 6000rpm

P/W Ratio: 87.309

Bigger number of P/W ratio means better pickup.

i agree with ur statment doncityz.. there is no replacement for discplament... what i meant was pick up.. i know u are a bimmer fans.. so do i.. i have been driving from E30 all the way to E90 now... i agree with u on the maintaince...if a well taken care after 5 years wont give any problem.. but on a 2nd car... very difficult to find a 2nd car that ppl really take it 1 .. all the milliage it can be reset back... service book can be throw away .... how the 2nd owner want 2 really see the record of the car...
is not a brand new car though...

318 of course is a powerfull car... it has power when u really want it on normal road and on high way... i tested the car is my mum,s 318.. we are bored of 318 tahts why we go for a 325 from e46 onwards... the problem of 318 is .. the engine is noisy... try compare with a 325.. the sound is not nice and since the body its heavy.. it don give u that extra push and torque... its power bcom week after 140km/h..... but basically. a 318 is faster than a lot of car... is a average car to sit le.. and u will be comfortable and can overtake most of the cars on street and highways
hehehe. Old car E46 318i 8 cylinder can do 210 kmh EASILY kah?. U must be kidding!!. If like that better i sold off my Evo & Vtec euroR and buy 318i lor.

I used and always to high speed cruising >200kmh with my cars and believe me even E36/E46 325 not that kind of EASY to reach 210kmh! Are u really sure with your statement?. Do u drive Beemer 1?

i agree with aja man... 325 on a e46 after 160kmh no more that push..it still can go .. but is likeu are forcing thecar.. new model e90.. 190kmh no more that push edi... i try on a 318 e46.. dem hard to reach 200..... i also have an evo.. anytime man go above 200.... i have been overtaken by a putra too at 180.. the putra slowly cut me..when i was driving my 325
basically the problem for 2nd bimmers is their rubbers..
their power steering rubbers, air cond hoses.. they will break due to our climate that is dem hot.... mechanic cant check that part.. they wont know also.. even if they know... they onli can tell u is high time for u to change ...
hehehe. Old car E46 318i 8 cylinder can do 210 kmh EASILY kah?. U must be kidding!!. If like that better i sold off my Evo & Vtec euroR and buy 318i lor.

I used and always to high speed cruising >200kmh with my cars and believe me even E36/E46 325 not that kind of EASY to reach 210kmh! Are u really sure with your statement?. Do u drive Beemer 1?
e36 m3 321bhp also can kena tapau with rb25det mild mods.....this is from sepang to kl after watching f1....tapi tak tahu la.....maybe the guy just use an m3 sticker......singapore plate......as i know this beemer only good for maintaining the speed....but acc wise always slower than turbo charged cars......
if wan compare, compare same cc, and na with na, induction-based with induction based la and almost same cc... how come u compare na to turbocharged?? not fair right.. turbocharger almost win all the time in terms of acceleration..
i agree with aja man... 325 on a e46 after 160kmh no more that push..it still can go .. but is likeu are forcing thecar.. new model e90.. 190kmh no more that push edi... i try on a 318 e46.. dem hard to reach 200..... i also have an evo.. anytime man go above 200.... i have been overtaken by a putra too at 180.. the putra slowly cut me..when i was driving my 325

How come i always get push by 325 during tops speeds?
they always come very fast on the highways from the back on my STI's ass?
when doing 180km/h, its always the bimmer on the highway thats pushing me ...
why you say its hard for the bim to reach 200?
power to weight ratio? i guess?
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err... what i mean hard is the engine power... not the power to weight ratio at high speed it onli come in play or the stability onli... give example a wira 1.6 the most the engine can take and stable is 110... u still can push up to 180 or 200.. but u are forcing the car... is like a horse.. u want him to run u pull him.. u want him to go faster u wack the horse.. meaning u are forcing the car... 325 engine the capabilty is 160 onli it still can go further... but like i say u are forcing the engine.. and its like from 150 to 160 take onli 1 sec.. example le .. from 160 to 170 take about 3 sec.... the top speed for 325 is 246... hehhee... so if u force it, it still can go.. is jut the matter.. how long it will reach from 160 to 240..... compare to the time 110 to 160
fred, i get what u mean... 318 is a bit heavy.. yea.. and it will take 'slower' time to reach 200km/h..it will reach there, but slower a bit (and ur definition of slow is 4-5 sec.. right?).. hehe... we all not in same class as u, got evo like u, for u 180-200km/h 5 sec is slow.. for us fast edi... hehehehe...........

DJmobile.. ur STI kena cucuk with 325 is a shame la... how come liddat? STI is turbocharged maa.. packed at least 280bhp right? how come u lose to 325 wan?
fred, i get what u mean... 318 is a bit heavy.. yea.. and it will take 'slower' time to reach 200km/h..it will reach there, but slower a bit (and ur definition of slow is 4-5 sec.. right?).. hehe... we all not in same class as u, got evo like u, for u 180-200km/h 5 sec is slow.. for us fast edi... hehehehe...........

DJmobile.. ur STI kena cucuk with 325 is a shame la... how come liddat? STI is turbocharged maa.. packed at least 280bhp right? how come u lose to 325 wan?

At speeds of above 180km/h, the 325 has a great advantage over my scooby...
its has gears and ratios packed for high speed..
my gear ratio is more for acceleration rather than top speed...
thats why kena cucuk by 325...
can give chase but.... like i said, those 325 travel at amazing high speeds and can maintain on the highway..
just my encounter, dont know bout you guys..
At speeds of above 180km/h, the 325 has a great advantage over my scooby...
its has gears and ratios packed for high speed..
my gear ratio is more for acceleration rather than top speed...
thats why kena cucuk by 325...
can give chase but.... like i said, those 325 travel at amazing high speeds and can maintain on the highway..
just my encounter, dont know bout you guys..

Never encounter with Scooby on high speeding with my Evo...but Beemer a lot!.

So far, my records against E36/E46/E60/E90 very clean ! I think same goes to other evos as well!.

Is it because of your 180kmh STI speedcut?. If yes, buy rsm lor!. Solve problem.
yeah i agree evo and scoobie have shorter gear ratio... well u must know the car well.. scoobie and evo are rally car... so it has advantages at pickup and cornering..try bringing a 325 at sepang and fight from stand still.. no way bimmer cn win.. continential cars are all for high speed... hehe try taking out scoobie wing le.. it may help..the wing give us less high speed but better in cornering. anyway also .. scoobie onli 2.0 where 325 are 2.5.. 6 cyclinder engine.. haha cant compare
BMW hands down.
Maintenance? Its just a 4cyl. 1.8L. Not much to worry though..
What you have to look at or to replace are mostly wear and tear parts.
Bushings, Hoses, Seals, Sensors and etc.
Top overhaul wont reach 2k max for a 4 cyl.
I dont understand why ppl always have a bad perception on maintaining a BMW?
Parts are everywhere if you know where to locate them. Just give yourself time to understand and learn more about the car if you get the bimmer. You'll appreciate the real fun of driving and pleasure of owning one. No matter what it is, either you are driving an E30 or a M3 you wont regret it.

If you ever have the idea of converting it to a jap engine, then u should forget about buying a bmw. There are tons more of potential mods you can do with a BMW, try starting off with something small like a gearbox convertion if you are using an auto then to a 6 cyl. if its a 4cyl. You will enjoy it. Or something more serious like a turbocharged M3 if you have the dough.. =)

Dont regret buying something that you think its worth the money now. How long can you stay with a Myvi? BMW its forever if you really know how to appreciate it.
No matter how much the maintenance cost you, you'll find a way out to pay for it if you really love your car.
bemmers are awesome..have a 525i...very nice...so far i've gone up to 245...even beat an evo 9 on the highway a few weeks ago
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