slow loading


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Senior Member
Nov 21, 2003

i encountered this funny phenomenon whereby the loading of the backgroud (the grid) is very fast, in split of a second.... but the foreground, the tables and contents takes more than 1.5 to 2 minutes to load...

its not that it loads slowly, but wait for 1 minutes plus.. then suddenly everything appear like magic. So, dont think itz due to slow connectivity.

it happens to all, main page, reply, etc...

but odd is that other websites like yahoo, espn and other sites doesn't have this prob.

Is it my prob, or it is at your side Tom? If itz my side... gonna quiery the network admin liao.
Same here... at first i thot maybe it's our office's network... now at home.. it's d same
well it maybe due to the server processing activities too , cause recently the load is quite high , looking at the ip traffic zth uses atleast 8,000 to 12,000 kilobits on peak hours where else on off peak hours its about 3,000 to 6,000 kilobits . that does not include other servers stealing bandwidth , cause basically we all share the same line in the datacenter , unless we opt for a dedicated line which gonna cost a bomb . and we are listed as the top 5 highest bandwidth eaters .

this shot was taken just recently at 12.01 PM 4aug 2004
not to forget we are stealing bandwidth too , well as i had mention my company is listed as the top 5 bandwidth eaters :lol: check this report out . got a warning from netmyne to slow down . so i guess i`ll have to share with you guy's cause its hard to satisfy everyone's needs , if we do then we`ll get into trouble . so hope you guy's understand our situation too .

consuming 30mbits not bad :lol:
yeah a manage switch , will be getting that soon as possible , besides that we can always ask the dc staff to cap using their manage switch . but then im sure they`ll cap 2mbps per server :lol:

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