"I got bored with ENZO am 21year old...

Lets not get too pissed off over this spammer. Afterall, its in London and probably does not exist.
21 birthday get F1 Mclaren huh? 25 get helicopter

30 get jet

35 get nucklear weapon?
kelvin--- said:
hmm...bro...how far is london from vegas?
few inches apart on his tiny map.

99.99% is fake story. but i think there are still 0.001% which the story is true. There are rich spoiled kids like that, but usually they won't have long glamour life.
There are kids like that... I have friends that are as lucky as that... but they're not a*sholes. Unlike this guy -_-'' Dun think it's real la. Such a show off
dun really dare to comment on anything cos alot of kids nowadays have enherited super cars of their wish from their parents.........mayb not as glamorous as Ferrari and Mclaren...
there's some who brags but there's some thats humble........
flying his ride to vegas isnt impossible. remember the guy who crashed his enzo racing but blamed his "other friend". in fact that "billionaire" still owes the banks (euro) for the car yet it was in US.

come on, he's 21, of course he wants to show off. werent any of you guys proud of the metarial things you got for your 21st brithdays (while it may not be a MCF1)

fake story? hmm possible. but i'll give the benefir of doubt there are such kids with the world in their thumbs. why not? one must remember the world is much bigger then what we live in this "little malaysia". We all grew up with the familar surroundings of malaysia but 80% of us havent ""seen" outside malaysia other then reading reports.
could also the guy's hometown is in London but is based in the states....studying?!.......

anyway, who knows..............
btw; still no idea who's the mum??.........I still want to be the god son.....ahahaha
Out of topic a'aa... have you all see the Malay series "Hanya Kawan" on TV3 Monday at 9.00?? How i wish my life is like that fella Haz, young, handsome, millionaire and drive a modified car....n the awekz is cunz alsoo... but the serious part is, we are now getting more series like that in our t.v, to be like hindustan movie (especially if the producer is Mohd Nor Kadir- Kuasatek)... they will make the viewer keep dreaming and forgeting the misereable life that we have in the reall life... and life seem very easy....i think that we a geting to that extent sooner....when our economy getting worst and the rich became richer....and poor..... will keep on dreaming watching those kind of show.....
i dun gv a f**k if he's lying or not..wish to hv dat life too..haha..
but honestly im thankfull wit wat i am rite now..

but if god send me an enzo..man i'll be the luckiest buddy in da world..haha..21??man dats too harsh dude..luv ur life...
who know maybe your next life u born in multi-millionaire family

Ferrari and Lamborghini don 1 2 say la.....

but EVO, STI, RX-8(maybe 9 or 10 for your next life) might not a problem for your 21th birthday leh hahaha
buy enzo nto so easy la ...
worst is veyron ... u wont even get the car in 5 years time ...even thatu placed your booking .
VW already stated that there is no exact deliver date .
personal helicopter would cost cheaper...

but then, anyone can drive an enzo... but not all can drive a helicopter....

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