funny encouter with your mitsu

hahah eh guys,can tell me if the pics i saw somewhere in lyn forum about an evo with waja and proton that true ah? i mean did the owner really did that or what

according to the pics posted, the evo owner really changed the emblem to proton's..don't really know why..some said he got fed up with all those waja-evo wannabe & wanna mock them up ..some said he was just playing fool coz nobody will ever do that..some even said he was running from 'somebody' so disguise to become a waja :biggrin:
Hahaha .. Razali ... had similar encounter at car wash yesterday whil waiting for the car polish to be ready ..

a few customers speculating in the background from what car it (wira, waja or Perdana ... even heard a guy's gf ask him is it a Honda) was to CF (stick on quite nice ..) to widebody (which shop do so nice fiber ....) to kids coming up to me and ask .. "Bang, kreta nie Evo ah? Evo 8 ke nie? Erm, Bang kreta u ni cantik ooo ... kalo say punya, gua akan beli kreta lama dan convert enjin pada evo ... Bang, berapa ratus bang beli kreta nie ?????? "

Last one i didn't answer coz i dunno how to answer that to a 8 year old kid laa.. hahaha
Hahaha .. Razali ... had similar encounter at car wash yesterday whil waiting for the car polish to be ready ..

a few customers speculating in the background from what car it (wira, waja or Perdana ... even heard a guy's gf ask him is it a Honda) was to CF (stick on quite nice ..) to widebody (which shop do so nice fiber ....) to kids coming up to me and ask .. "Bang, kreta nie Evo ah? Evo 8 ke nie? Erm, Bang kreta u ni cantik ooo ... kalo say punya, gua akan beli kreta lama dan convert enjin pada evo ... Bang, berapa ratus bang beli kreta nie ?????? "

Last one i didn't answer coz i dunno how to answer that to a 8 year old kid laa.. hahaha

the last one the best ethical answer is "adik belajar pandai pandai nanti besar kerja boleh beli tau"
Afternoon easy drive + a ciggies on my right hand…

Suddenly a BMW & Merc & Cygnus passes my very fast…wow…
Almost 500m there is a big roadblock… they asked me to move aside…
But I look onto BMW & Merc & Cygnus just passing by the roadblock without any problems damn…

The wind down my window… start the drama....

X: encik tahu apa kesalahan? (did you know what have u done?)
Me: tidak (nope)

X: memandu dgn laju & melebihi had limit… (speeding & exceed the limits)
Me: berapa laju saya pandu? (how fast I drive?)

X: 105
Me: waaa… limit berapa sini? “do I drove that fast???” (waaa…. What is the limit here?)
X: 90 sebab ni jalan persekutuan… (90 because it’s a federal road)

Me: untuk pengetahuan encik di sini tidak ada signboard pun sepanjang jalan ni… untuk bg makluman… mcm mana saya boleh kena saman? (FYI, there is no signboard showing the speed limit along this road, how come u can get the ticket)

X: ini kerja JKR kami tak boleh buat apa… (this is JKR job, we can’t do anything)
Me: so mcm mana ni… boleh mintak kurang ke… (so how?.... can reduce the compound?)

X: encik kena saman la…. Mungkin boleh buat rayuan (you got ticket la… maybe can appeal)
Me: itu kerata BMW & Merc & Cygnus tu laju kenapa lepas…? (that BMW & Merc & Cygnus just passing by how come?)

X: senyap & ask me to sign the ticket… (silent & ask me to sign the ticket)
Me: damn… then I took the ticket… look at type of car: WAJA… adui…. They think I modded the car…???

Info: that road doesn’t look like federal road… more to kampong road… now they blame the JKR coz not locate any signboard… they want our money very2 much…

i think my wish come true... back to my old waja la...
PY, pity u la...but its the same case back here in KL...all those big cars will not b stop for speeding coz they r scared if they stopped some big shot...morale of the story: dont drive evo...go n get a BMW or Merc...:P
haha i had a friend with an evo 3,we walked in a famous shop that sells tein,pun intended
went in with my friend wearing shorts and slippers and asked the guy whats the offering on Tein adjustables for Evo 3

dude - you punya evo ke
me - yea evo
dude - wira engine evo?
me - no evo
dude - wira engine evo cannot fit have to change lower arm all
me - -_-" >_> <_< ^_^ _|_

why they think malay ppl wear slipper and shorts cant afford an Evo
lol maybe i got a faceproblem,

u mean N1 ah?:biggrin:
i kena 1 time . i'm washing my e8 out side my house. suddenly got one dump ass came to me and ask...

D-ass : hmm....ur body kit so fit on ur waja .
me : ya
D-ass : waw some more the rear spoiler carbon fiber one. how much you buy? RM150??
me: .......... ( wanna cry liao )
D-ass : i also wan to install on my Waja... ! bang mana beli punya?
me: acc shop

what to do??
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last month, i went to lunch at Bagan Luar parking behind cinema, when i went to collect my car, the worker came to collect the parking fee RM1 and gave me receipt...

then he asked me, where did you modifiy your car ?.. looks very nice...
i said: i modify a bit bit only... accessory shop can do.
he said: which shop ? you do it youself arh ? my car also want to modify, can ?
i said: i dunno, i modify at RABK at megamall, you can go there. (i dunno how to answer him, so i gave him a body kit shop name.)
he said, you dunno meh ? cannot meh ?

until now, i still not sure when he was trying to say...
A week ago at PETRONAS Station, a pump attendance approved me while filled up the fuel.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Pump guy: wow, nice evo...<o:p></o:p>
me: tx...<o:p></o:p>
Pump attendance: Your car colour so nice, clean, bla...bla...<o:p></o:p>
me: tx again...<o:p></o:p>
Pump attendance: You put big intercooler there, all evo don't have an intercooler right....nice mods...<o:p></o:p>
me: :confused::hmmmm::driver: away...
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Soon they'll ask, is the Mitsu or "orignal" Proton??????:hmmmm:
Joke from a friend,

Pada suatu malam yang hening dan sunyi di lebuhraya utara selatan kelihatan sebuah kelisa putih tersadai di sebelah lane kerosakan. Ada orang tua yang berdiri disebelahnya,pemilik kelisa tu sedang berjalan kehulu kehilir cuba menahan kereta supaya membantu.tidak ada sebuah kereta pun berhenti.tiba-tiba datangla sebuah kereta evo10 berhenti di sebelah kelisa tadi.

"Ada apa nie pakcik,kereta rosak ke?"tanya pemuda berusia dalam lingkungan 20an."a'ha rosak "jawap pakcik tu simple aje....

"Ok,cam nie,saya ada tali nanti saya ikat kat kereta saya dan saya tarik kereta pakcik sampai tol"mamat nie bagi idea.

"worrait gak tu...", tapi....nanti kalau pakcik rasa awak bawak laju pakcik akan hon dan bagi high beam"

"Ok pakcik"..mamat nie pun ikatlah tali kat kereta kelisa didepan dan hujungnya diikat dibelakang bumper evonye.
dia pun jalanla..dengan slow dan berhati-hati. Dalam lima kilometer mamat nie laju le sikit,apalagi pakcik tu pun hon dan bagi high beam la kat mamat tu.Mamat tu pun slowkan balik..

Tiba-tiba ada sebuah ferrari datang dari belakang dan press minyak kat mamat evo10.apa lagi,jiwa muda patang dicabar, dia pun tekan la minyak rapat nak kejar ferrari nie...lupa la pulak dia dengan kelisa org tua yg diikat kat belakang kereta dia.

Orang tua tu punya la hangin satu badan,dia pun hon dan bagi hi beam bagai nak rak.Mamat evo10 tu dah tak sedar dah angin punya pasal.
Kebetulan pilak polis ada buat speed trap kat bawah jambatan.

Vrooommm......bedesup peginye... ini dah lebih speed limit nie...kate polis nie..cecah 250kmj memasing nie... Dia pun contact la kengkawan dia kat depan supaya saman kereta-kereta yg laju nie...

"Over..over,ada tiga buah kenderaan memandu melebihi had laju,sebuah ferrari,sebuah evo10 dan sebuah lagi kalau aku cakap korang mesti tak percaye punye.........sebuah kelisa biru tengah cucuk angin evo10 tu dan bagi hon dan hi beam nak potong!!!"
happen just now at gas station

petrol boy:bang,ini evo keh?
petrol boy:u punya evo ada masuk turbo?
me:ada ada
petrol boy:kenapa u tak beli r8,lagi shiok
petrol boy:audi r8
ada lah kesah sorang brader ni kt kedai audio shop:

brader: waa cantek kete.
me : terima kasih.
...then he went to see my rims and ketuk2 my caliper...
brader: waaa,mana beli caliper cover real lah..
me : ..............

brader : ni kete apa.
me : lancer bang..
brader : dah tukar bodykit pergi Evo 10 ye...
me : .........

---------- Post added at 01:44 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:43 PM ----------

im sure lepas ni the conversation will be like this...

brader : kete apa ni..
me : Inspira bang..
brader : dah tukar bodykit pergi Evo 10 ye..
me : ........

Your ride will be the Monster of all Inspira.:adore:
Don't forget to re-badge :proud:
Inspira with ori Brembo & HKS Drager Exhaust :driver:

Happened at Autosound ke?
Xapa bro.... you can get cheaper price for most of the accessories.
Very nice & perfect conversion.:burnout:
No, Autosound knows better cause they installed all my defi's..

happened in labuan, i dont blame them anyway..they look the same..

btw, i dont have any badges on my car, not even, it will be Inspira after this..hahhaha..

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