funny encouter with your mitsu

HAHA, i remember when i was driving to yum cha, kena block then police ask me...

Police: encik, ada minum kah??
Me: Belum lah, tengah nak pergi sekarang (I was thinking how the hell he know that i'm going to yum cha)

Then i realised he was asking i got drink alcohol..... That's first time kena breatherlyser test..... Very paiseh... hahah
me went to shell petro station opposite Eastin hotel add petro...

i go in the counter and...

me: RM50 kereta itu(forgot which palm no), grey colour 1
ahmoi: mana satu, wira itu ker?
me:yayaya, wira warna kelabu itu...TIU...HAHAHAHA

:banghead: :driver:
another story...

One of my club manager sit into my lancer(1st time),passenger seat. he look at the airbag there can open 1(mine no airbag at passenger side)...that time got 3 ppl in the car, me , the manager and the exec...

manager:....wah, Lau, you mod your car come can open 1
me: :confused: what?what you means?its original leh.....(he think this is wira, coz he drive wira)
exec:hahahahahaha.....this is not wira you know, manager.....
me: guys......why dun we deside where for lunch.....:smokin:
there r tons of sohai out there... there were more when we launches lancer last time... it was a hard work that we did day in day out to create a clan of lancer n evo... today we're bringing in the new one... now i wonder wat's coming out of these sohai mouth...

one of the encounter i had in ONE UTAMA during road show for previous lancer...

me: boss ini lancer baru,
sohai: wah lancer? import? mahal la, luar macam waja...
me: lain boss, dalam lagi syok...
sohai: wah luar waja dalam wira... ini macam mau jual 100k ah?
me: ...
yesterday i drive my lancer and pass by my company club, and they have a girl from tropicana attent our clubs members nite.but i did not notice that girls.(outside the club)

when i go in the club, mesti la social social sikit.....then i meet that girl she talk to me 1st...

gal:hi, are you the guy driving the wira just now? 3 sec....:confused: dunno what to answer)
me: i think thats not me la...
gal: icic, then should be wrong person...
me:....(get some food and sit another place)

:smokin: wahlau eh...:smokin:
by the way.......... EVO is not a chick magnet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chick usually go for guys driving bmw,merc sports, new honda civic, jazz, vios, swift... but not evo.... heehhehehe. coz they cant tell what car is it.. and they always mistaken as a wira or waja... due to the fact that the wira/waja always try to copy the evo's..... sigh
another story my friends told me few years ago

3-4 aunties jalan-jalan, saw a car and said


Actually my friends is beside the aunties, and you guys should know what the actual car is that lo...yap, is evo...

They have 2 way to said between evo and wira/waja

1st, wahlau, thats evo macam wira lah.....
2nd, wahlau, that wira macam evo lah...
no matter how la, i like my lancer very much, gonna be white TME soon...........sory sory....should be said gonna be wira TME soon............... hahaha
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Its a plane....its a bird,, its superman......

Its a wira....its a waja,, its evolution!!!
Mmm... Met a fren during our 2ndary school gathering...

fren: Wah, long time no see now driving nice car wo...
Me: Ok la...
fren: Evo right??
Me: Yeah... Bought it since 2005 la... Nothing new...
fren: Chun la... Evo 3 now so nice liao ah... Power Keng not???
Me: Errr... :embarassed: Well, when driving ard 80km/h very stable lo... I think Evo 2 better...

At least he knows mine is an Evo le... LoLzzzzzz... :rofl:
Mine is mainly pump attendants and young Female Customs officer when i drive in my car into Singapore ..

FCO #1: (while checking interior for contraband cigarrettes) ... Your evo can go how fast?
Me: Umm, 180 km/h
FCO #1: Sure or not? Hear the car sound also know already lor ...
Me: Umm, ma'am ...Sure. Speed Cut still there ... Speedo also 180km/h (that time haven't change yet the speedo but speed cut all out liao)

FCO #2: Anything to declare?
Me: Nope.
FCO #2: Nice car bro. Can borrow?
Me: umm, umm ... smile and laugh only then get into car and leave (Maybe i could have said Yes, with me as the driver ... haha) ..
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this happened when i go to my friend's workshop for servicing...then this uncle came with a Toyota n starting chatting with us, while we r busy doing up my ride:

Uncle: Wah...nice car...mod a lot of things ohh...
Me: okla..nothing to do mah :biggrin:
Uncle: how much u spent modifying ur WAJA????? :banghead:
Me: (blank)
My friend: Uncle, kns..this one Lancer Evo la...not waja...
Uncle: Evo? whats evo? not waja ahh...
can't blame them...nowadays, still plenty of wajalution on the road...
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among all the lawaks...
i can't stop laughing about pabloiceman talking about.
PARIS DAKAR RALLY - Portugal Plate Number - Road block in Melacca...(in different thread)
my fren went 2 mechanic 2 chg his alternator belt...but this 1 is rx7....the mech pop up the hood and,no put in toyota engine ar? LOLZ
this one happened to my friend's evo3.
"kaya la, bang.. convert depan belakang.":rofl:

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