Finding Satria Neo

lolz, i felt quite confident of my set of tyres. Very new. grippy, no signs of veering away from the line i want to take. Plus running late for the 1st gathering for neo club. hehehe... do join us at the forums. Loads of Neo owners there, all fun loving ppl. I love it there. Will check out the r3forums. Mind posting the link for me? hehehe...
oh i insist..hv to own one first, dun wanna be labeled a 'wannabe'..hehe
neway alex, heard of any mods for the neo as of present? tuning parts?
There is. If you visit our website, I'd already put up a sticky in the modication section. :) Feel free to have a look. :)
thanks, i've read it, quite convenient. anyway, what's the power/torque figure like? btw, R3 also has a parts list, u can check out at our forums too..but it think currently they only have camshafts for Neo's campro..other parts are mostly for gen 2 and waja (MME edition performance parts)
power and torque? erm, somebody posted in the neo forum also. Lazy to paste here lah.. hehehe.. can go there and dig? hehehe....

yeah, i know R3 got parts list, but Neo's still under R&D if i'm not wrong.

Still got 2 weeks b4 my metal gray Neo come out.....

Tarak sabar wooooo......:Not_Impressed:
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