Finding Satria Neo

alexklg said:
hehhee... well, next on my list is a set of gauges... 3 to be exact... hehe.. hoping to get it install beginning of next month. hehe...

Nice....pray tell once you done so, would love to hear. I've dump the stock rims and got myself a 17 incher, you were right man the car does look much more pleasing with 17s like bread on butter, and its about 25kg lighter then the stock heh. I'll snap some pics & upload em' once i have time.

I'm not going to touch anything in the engine bay just yet......let the car season for a while; have Campro fun first hehahaha. All in good fun!
nice nice... we got more of NEO owners around.. seems like a warm welcome to the new proton family.. and it's all good... so far...

well... i've been away for the weekend.. went to nilai to redo my tinting.. the front part didn't stick well.. there were tiny tiny air bubbles.. so the guy said i can redo it.. they changed it to a new one.. well.. overall for my tinting was around RM320... the whole car including the front windshield.. with 2 years warranty.. if JPJ saman oso the guy said they wud settle for u.. nice ey...

and yea.. the wind shield is a bit distorted at some angle.. give me headache while driving sometimes...*wek* haha...

regarding the antenna.. mine is alrady glued.. or something.. tried to remove it but it seems to be twisting over and over again.. *damn*... haha at least no one can try to remove it...

again.. my FC is RM50 for 300KM... my way of driving.. totally 'urban' with the federal highway jem every morning... rev... usually above 5K... well same ol' stuff...

still waiting for hotbit to produce the strut bars, front and back.. saw a magazine yesterday with GTi R3 stage 3... nice nice... hopefully they'll be NEO stage 3 ... no idea what the stages are for... anybody?
WAH!!! dub.helix, sui lah.. that colour look so much nicer that the promotional booklet... nice nice... and the rims, I seriously think that that set of rims is similar to mine.... What brand is that? how much are those?

Wah, your FC is so much better than mine... *sob sob*

I think different stages give different types of perfomance and comfort levels... the price also will be different as well i suppose.. hehehe....
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otromen02: Hey thanks man, how many percent is your tinting? i got mine at about the same price as yours...mine's 50% all round except for the back which is 80%. Cause i can't stand when driving at night and you get those cars with HID lamps behind you....really disrupt my vision. You got a nice deal, the fact that they'll settle the JPJ side. I'm sure in about 6 months or so we can get accessories for our car like a promote bodykit, exhaust, strut bars etc....would be interesting to see.

alexklg: nicer then booklet? haHahaHa thanks thanks.....i got a very good deal with my rims RM1100 for everything, after traded in the stock i only top up RM200 for the rims it was the tires that did the most damage RM180 that you mentioned it *holy crap* yeah our rims does look similar, mine's k-speed OZ replica's.
hehehe... extremely similar loh.. haha... mine also replica.. guess we can't afford the real thing... but i'm very happy and contented with mine at the moment.... no qualms about it at all... shiok... I sold my stock rims and tyres for RM1.5k... but my damage more than you.. i guess i got ripped off... hehehe... but no regrets about it... enjoyed every moment when everyone turn head to look at my car.. hehhee...
my tyres are 205/45R17.. yours leh?

I notice most wish owners tint their back windows very very much darker than the front windows... are those legal?
haha.. have to print out the pictures and make sure i dont get the same rims as well! haha.. both look nice on both cars... still waiting for my tyres to wear off first.. by then can berangan which rims look nicer.. haha.. like crazy ppl looking at other ppl's rim and imagining it on my car. haha.. that's a funny way to say it.. putting the rims on top my my car.. ..anyways..

i'm gonna get something like the Satria NEO R3 rims.. they use 18".. the typical R3 design.. but look nice.. it's time to move from the common ordinary silver color and change into something more 'mafia' look.. and yea it's illegal to tint ur car too dark.. but hell who cares... janji hati suka ma...haha.. live life to the fullest... kene saman cabut le.. hehe
Hey man! same lik me idea rim something like Neo R3 thats my favourite 1~ Umph~ if change rim to 17" or 18" will it kacau ur pickup?
wah.. 16" to 18".. the speedometer will have to be recalibrated to show the exact speed.... all the best dude... didn't see the R3 rim... don't know how it looks like...
pick up wise, depends on the weight of the rims and tyres loh... if get light ones then ok loh... heavy ones, then will sacrifice quite a bit...

dun want lah.. i lazy entertain those bloodsuckers... dun want to spoil my mood if i going on holiday.. hehehe...
OMG... someone beat me to it.. hahaha.. just kidding... i'm gonna go ther and register now...
alexklg said:
hehehe... extremely similar loh.. haha... mine also replica.. guess we can't afford the real thing... but i'm very happy and contented with mine at the moment.... no qualms about it at all... shiok... I sold my stock rims and tyres for RM1.5k... but my damage more than you.. i guess i got ripped off... hehehe... but no regrets about it... enjoyed every moment when everyone turn head to look at my car.. hehhee...
my tyres are 205/45R17.. yours leh?

I notice most wish owners tint their back windows very very much darker than the front windows... are those legal?

Are you serious? really similar? hahahaha well i looked at other rims...most of em were like common ones. So i narrowed my choice to 3 after asking my friends opinions *Tada* that was the one i took. My tires...same as yours too :embaressed_smile: 205/45r 17 Silverstones.

No la bro i don't think you got ripped off....i'm guessing different location different price lor. I'm mean certain things are cheap here and some are not. Some of my buddies buys half-cuts from Johor cheaper there.
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If i got my facts correct Satria R3 rims are Avanti 5 spoke 17" not 18"....initially was thinking of getting R3 rims infact there's 2 guys selling em in the Market thread. But then i'd have a problem selling off the stock rims. Plus why limit your choice of selection? just visit a well stocked tyre & rim shop i'm sure you'll find something nicer.

alexklg: As far as i'm aware of, those Japanese cars like Wish etc the back mirror is not tinting but treated glass, meaning it comes in that dark/black effect. But not all of them have it, some just purposely have it tinted full black. But it's the glass and not the tinting. Legal wise; well if the car stock standard comes like that, then i dont think they can saman you. But if it's not stock standard then...yeah it's possible. Well if i kena saman i'll let you guy know hahaha...cause my back window is tinted 90% just the back only the rest are 50%.

BTW i've checked out and joined even before i got my car, not much activity there...kindda dead. Why not we make it lively? ahahha
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haha.. i know, i saw your username there... you joined so much earlier.. .and you didn't inform us... let us wreak havoc there.. wahahhaha....

I know SG rules allow ppl to tint their back windows darker.. but front windows are not allowed to be too dark. not so sure whether there are similar rules in MY.
hmm... i did take a very very close look at the R3 rims.. it did say 18", too big? some of the proton ppl say that u might have to put a spacer so that it will not hit the body, so 17" shud be good enuff... and yea.. bigger rims means heavier car means more FC means more money means ......use stock... haha
hehe.... change to lighter rims loh... and i would like to shed some tyres around my belly also.. hahahha...
alex, ur plate no is JJU izzit? just got back from seremban, helluva accident (kl-seremban)..1 bus, 1 lorry, 11cars..crazy.. then i saw a neo with 'not-so-stock' rims..i thought it was it? well..nvm, the driver scared the hell outta my mum,haha..he took the middle lane, swerved to the left (left lane) and when he saw a lorry, suddenly swerved to the right..(middle lane). so that kinda caught me off guard (was in the right lane)..haha..was in a black sentra..
wahahahhahahaha..... i think that's me. dun think any other guys going up for the gathering yesterday. hehehe.... that lorry stupiak lah... i was running late, so i punch the gas pedal a little. hehehe....

the accident damn bad man... one old E class and one wira smash to pulp! i recognize those 2 cars coz of their stock rims! other than that, just mangled steel. damn terrible.
haha..thought so. anyway..i'm reiz. will be getting myself a neo as well. i read thru these zth forums, but ain't active. i'm member no 40 in R3's forum there. (wanted a R3, but too expensive)..

anyway..i agree, last sat's accident was damn bad. I was hydoplaning even at 90kmh..and saw u drive faster than me in the rain (wow+_+). as my mum said, even if those cars have ABS, but dunno how to utilise it, it's still meaningless (referring to the crashed merc)..the worst was the lorry..lori minyak plak tu..huhu..

i think malaysian peeps should play GT licence, and complete it (no cheats/gamsharks), it'll get them to be better drivers. also, enthusia's black flag syst (although annoying) trains u to be a safe driver - shouldn't hit other cars even when passing on a racetrack, or else, penalty..we see lots of young kids who don't know the fundementals of driving, driving like madmen on the open road. pretty scary.. and dun talk about ABS, it's not just they dun know what it means, but more scary, dun noe it's functions and utilisation. and no no to NFS - i mean, huh? skyline wv attesa-ets drifting? (though its fun)

i recently booked a red neo manual M-line. but i dunno the status of my car licence (i lost the real licence card, instead i have it on my mykad) - i even got summoned in P.D because they couldn't read my mykad, and accused me of not bringing my licence.huhu.. hv to clear that to get loan approval.

it's been enlightening to read this forums guys..keep up the great work. (technicals about the neo). do visit r3forums where the topics are more driver and performance oriented, we can learn a thing or two, rite?

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