Finding Satria Neo

not a pro at sound system, but yesterday i kinda fiddle around the sound system.... it is not bad. good enough for me... hehehe... maybe gonna change the speakers and add a small tube subwoofer.
Satria Neo Wallpaper

Hey guys... here's what i've done to spice up your pc... satria neo wall paper...

check it out...


* Thanks to the person who edited the Neo's to make this possible.
nice wallpaper... hehe.. anyway this is how it looks like at night in the car... not bad i should say.

If the meter console lights are amber... even cooler just like a BMW.
Fuel economy, not bad. i think full tank <RM80 can reach around 450km.
the desire design is a good way to start to mod ur outlook,

if not mistaken, the desire is:
stock bodykit
MOMO muffler tip
big rally look spoiler
17/18inch white rims
white colour paint with the lining sticker...

you can save the money for bodykit, its looks simple and nice~!

i like it very much... :P
WOw! u get ur car already!! nice interior at night very cool! ur car is auto or manual?
Manual. =)

I have some problems with it though. The electrical stuff seems a bit unstable.

While driving, my alarm will sound once, like BEEP...then nuthing happens... continue driving as per normal. Sometimes the radio turns off by itself without warning and restarts itself... the horn doesn't work when i need it... but after a while later it starts working again... zzzz....
wah..! so much problem man.. some other says no problem after 2nd service..tat picture is neo?cool different angle
alexklg: doesn't sound too good man... first batch buyers worst nightmare... electrical glitches... bring back to eon and hope they can fix it with no hassle... and hope no recall by proton...
well, just sent my ride to the service center... they took a look at it FOC (my dealer is my friend.. kekekeke...) Up until now, no glitches so far. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next few days.

At the service center, everybody was like looking at my ride... even an uncle who owns a singapore registered gen2 came over and struck a conversation with me... i must say.. i feels damn good.. wahahhaha.... now i know what it feels like to display your car in those exhibition. shiok... all it takes is a nice set of rims and also some tints.... and voila... nice ride... kekeke... will enjoy this feeling while i can... coz i bet in future there will be loads of neo on the road and mine is just a needle in the haystack.. hahahha...
Haha... Good to hear that bro, was just about to ask you whether your ride turns heads or not. For the mean time rims and tints are good enough... Any future plan?
wow alex! drive ur neo feeling like the first person to drive this car.! u have full contrast for others KAKA!
acwa238, i'm thinking of getting some badass calipers (those red brembo ones)... however, all the shops i went sell those plastics or PU type of covers. I was wondering whether there are any metal ones in the market. Dun really want to use plastics.

ivan_cyc, hehehe... yeah, it feels quite nice with everyone looking at your ride... i always been looking at other ppl's rides... and now i know how it feels to be the owner of a particular nice ride... heehe...
hey alex i'll be next! what u drive before satria? i'm currently driving kancil 850 my fuel consumption really hurt me. and those brembo is just the cover only is it? doesn't change the whole things?
haha... good to hear that ivan... i did not own any cars before. i used to drive my parent's cars around... a perdana (not v6) and a old nissan sentra.

about the fuel consumption, the meter reading on the SNEO indicates that a full tank can go around 450km. I pump to about RM75 for a full tank. i think this SNEO has a good FC.. not sure for auto, though definitely the FC poorer than a manual.

since last friday, i'd travelled around 350km... only used up 3/4 tank... still 1/4 to go.. will let you guys know how much i can go on a RM75 fill up. This weekend will be going malacca. Should be able to fully test the FC and also the stability of my ride.
OKay thanks alot for ur info alex. anyway better than my little kancil RM40 not more than 200KM. :o(

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