Do you drive your Skyline everday?

skyther said:
Yeah, I understand your point completely but in all honesty I wouldn't trust some random mechanic to work on my car, much less an import unless it's for suspension or gearbox work. When it comes to opening a diff up or changing sparks all you really need is a socket ratchet, as for the ramp but you can get a set here for under AUD50 during Supercheap's specials. Ditto on the door clips, I've broken a few but I have spares from the door cards off another skyline that I wrecked.

You have a valid point there bro about letting random mech's work on your beloved but unless its highly complex or highly technical, basically every vehicle is to some degree similar. By that i mean changing springs or changing brake pads, or flushing radiator or changing sparks or cleaning/changing air filters or even cracking open your head to replace the head gasket. Most items are somewhat generic.

I wouldnt allow a random mech to touch my car for a few reasons:

1. Joy-riding = Crash.
2. Improper installation of certain sensitive parts like maybe changing of turbo's.

So at the end of the day, i feel that my above concerns can be negated as the workshop i go to, or in fact, alot of workshops here in Malaysia in Sunway, have worked on alot of GTR's and have plenty of GTR's at hand therefore making sure that they dont particularly go joy-riding in your car.

Malaysia still hasnt seen a place like Supercheap or Jaycar where you can buy such equipment at a good price and easily.

On top of that, not to mention that if improperly done, oil stains on your driveway can be a pain in the ass and the fact that if you screw up and do not know how to fix what you screwed up, you either have to flatbed tow your ride to the mech or bring the mech over of which both will cost you quite abit. These are the things that will run thru my mind before i contemplate attempting such a DIY.

Of couse when you've drained out all the oil from your diff and have it flowing down your driveway it renders your car immobile as opposed to swapping a headunit which still makes your car driveable and you can take it to the shop when you screw up.

Bro, we barely have enough skylines to go around down here much less Skylines that we can buy for wrecking! Hehe. I would love to have a 34 GTR half cut sitting around for me to pick parts here and there as i need as i know i need a few right now which i have problems sourcing for.

skyther said:
There are technical manual for the R31 which will basically illustrate the steps to assemble the car from scratch, they come up on ebay every now and then, or else I'm sure Tan Chong can order a copy in for you.

There are actually such manuals that is called the Bentley Service Manual which is published for most popular cars which is essentially a service manual but all said and done, no tan chong will not order one in for you. Ive tried to get my hands on an users manual + service manual to no avail.

skyther said:
With the iridiums, I have NGK Iridium IX on mine, gapped at 0.9mm. Iriway/tops are probably more expensive, but no one carries it around here so I can't comment. With spark plugs it's not an exact science, I know people who swear by copper plugs because they reckon that it's a better conductor and hence provide better ignition, whereas IMO I felt that the iridiums gave the engine better response than the previous extended life coppers that I had. Some people claim shorter gaps are suited for high horsepower applications, but where's the proof?

You can get Iriway 7/8 at Evolution R in Bentley. If im not mistaken, its John St. If i am indeed mistaken, PM me for the directions. I got my Iriway's there.

If im not mistaken, the ideal gap for a somewhat mildly tuned Skyline is 0.8mm. I dont know the basis behind that claim as i dont know much about spark plug science but im sure that there is a scientific justification between differences in the material and gap with relativity to engine response. But nope, i have no idea bout plugs.. Sorry. Hehe

skyther said:
It all depends on just how willing you are to get your hands dirty. Every workshop will have a quota of cars to finish each day and every car fixed will be a rushed job.

I wouldnt say that in Malaysia, that is the case. There is no quota to finish up the cars in the workshop that i go to. Basically its a matter of studying how many cars you have sitting in your shop when you accept a new car in and make a subsequent promise to deliver at a time that is fair to your employees and so far, that has been the case. Ive dropped it off and demanded it back fast and never go it because they have other cars to work on first so your car sits a$s there till they're done. All said and done, so far so good. *knocks on wood*.

skyther said:
As to fuel consumption, I reckon that it's not really fair to compare a tuned GT-R with an RS4. What exactly would a mild tune be, intake, zorst and chip? Heck, some people consider 300rwkw to be a mild tune. While the RS4 might be an N/A, it's in the same class as an M5 which I'm pretty sure have similar fuel and maintainence costs as a GT-R, if not higher.

I think that a mild tune GTR would be one that is still running standard turbo's, standard engine internals ie: cams, valve springs etc, standard drivetrain.

Basically maxing out standard components with ancilliaries like a big FMIC, PowerFC etc.

That is my definition of a mild tune. And to be honest, i cant really comment on the RS4 or the M5, both of which will smoke my mild tune GTR whilst consuming less gas, a Cayenne Turbo consumes less gas and delivers somewhat more performance. That of course is based on my butt dyno.

But to say that the M5 will cost more to maintain, i cant agree. I think with regards to its pricing and henceforth the prices of its parts, its in a fair proportion to a GTR in fact a GTR will cost more to maintain as it being mild tune is maximizing standard components henceforth accelerating wear and tear overall.

And still the M5 will kick ass. Not to mention of course that it costs a hell lot more but overall, its also delivers alot more than just raw performance, which it already does a great job delivering.

Somehow i suppose if one had the budget, why a GTR? Might as well a 911 turbo S which runs 11.9 stock standard right?

Still not too expensive like the italian exotics but crazy performance with comfort to boot and prestige..
Hey guys, to be honest, I dont dare do any maintenance or repairs on this car, I'd rather my good buddy Desmond do it. Hes the expert, not me... hehe. I mean, reading the technical manual, every bolt and nut has a specific torque to it, and Im especially afraid of over tightening bolts, coz Ive had the head of bolts sheer off while over tightening, and also an uncontable amount of cross-threading! Ive had to re-tap so many bolt-holes to repair cross threding on older cars, and then that makes it out of spec. I mean, as kenny said, when u dont have the right tools & equipment, it will make u try n 'make-do' with tools, and also try to get in weird positions & angles (including using finger-tips to balance a spanner in all sorts of nooks & crannys) to get the job done. I dont really wanna jeoperdize that on the GTR, so since labour in M'sia is fairly cheap compared to OZ, charging by hour.. I find I learn quite a lot by watching as well..
Pudin: I think you're right, I might have got a little carried away with giving the V8 owner a bollocking, but what can I say? We all love the japanese monster right? :)
But, I dont agree with being called rich or classed as 'having too much money to spend', being a GTR owner. I mean, Im 25 ys old, and I own a GTR, I bought it myself not my dad, but I think Im far from rich as well. Way far from it. I still owe the bank half the amount of the car excluding the interest. How do u define rich? Salary of 3-4k/month? 10-20K? 40-60k? 100-200k? To me, Im just maybe a little bit better-off than average, and the guys flying around in their private jets, helicopters, getting chauffered & while having an Enzo parked in the garages are rich...
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russwestwood said:
Hey guys, to be honest, I dont dare do any maintenance or repairs on this car, I'd rather my good buddy Desmond do it. Hes the expert, not me... hehe. I mean, reading the technical manual, every bolt and nut has a specific torque to it, and Im especially afraid of over tightening bolts, coz Ive had the head of bolts sheer off while over tightening, and also an uncontable amount of cross-threading! Ive had to re-tap so many bolt-holes to repair cross threding on older cars, and then that makes it out of spec. I mean, as kenny said, when u dont have the right tools & equipment, it will make u try n 'make-do' with tools, and also try to get in weird positions & angles (including using finger-tips to balance a spanner in all sorts of nooks & crannys) to get the job done. I dont really wanna jeoperdize that on the GTR, so since labour in M'sia is fairly cheap compared to OZ, charging by hour.. I find I learn quite a lot by watching as well..
Pudin: I think you're right, I might have got a little carried away with giving the V8 owner a bollocking, but what can I say? We all love the japanese monster right? :)
But, I dont agree with being called rich or classed as 'having too much money to spend', being a GTR owner. I mean, Im 25 ys old, and I own a GTR, I bought it myself not my dad, but I think Im far from rich as well. Way far from it. I still owe the bank half the amount of the car excluding the interest. How do u define rich? Salary of 3-4k/month? 10-20K? 40-60k? 100-200k? To me, Im just maybe a little bit better-off than average, and the guys flying around in their private jets, helicopters, getting chauffered & while having an Enzo parked in the garages are rich...
wow..i do respect u mate...@ 25 u r able to buy a GTR...most of us at that age only buy perodua or proton...:biggrin:

u r right about having pro to service the car...if everyone is like skyther...i dont think those workshops in sunway can survive...
Kenny: I totally agree with u!! well said!!....As i am originating from aust, you have all the right points! In AUS its truely a DIY country. In malaysia its more like with a "why do it yourself when u can pay somebody else to do it for u" attitude. certainly nothing wrong with that!
but mate u forgot to mention autobahn :)

Skyther: I know where u are coming from. Sadly now i am an ex-DIYster. Altho I have to salute u for having the DIY skills and the know how to maintain & mod ur car, which most car enthusiasts should be doing or at least know the basics. But ofcos not everyone has the time or are good with their hands (u know its like, some pple can "perform" with ease, while some need a certain "blue" pill for abit of assistance hehehe). That said, with pple like u, we always know where to ask for help when in need and share tips and knowledge with!! good on ya mate! that i have become fat and lazy, being a type 2 (aka lazy ass) just suits me fine :)

Russ: Mate u are driving a GTR...if that aint being rich...u can stick a bottle of chivas up my ass anyday! heheh...that said u dont need to give reasons or permission to others wat to do with ur hard-earned money, its none of their business. Its true however he was only pointing out that its expensive to own such machinary, but his maths is quite shocking and ova the top. Altho he was a fully automated ASShole to imply that u were a "kwai lou" or with too much money to spend, without even knowing u. Some pple just ASS-sume too much, until they themselves become full of shit...heheh
Anyways its not about being a daddy rich or self-made rich or just lucky rich...its more about being humble in yourselves without the lansi bitch attitude and respecting other pples space and lives. And Russell has all that great qualities, i can assure u. See u when u get back goldfish kaki :)
MantheMan..R34: Woi, Im not rich ler.. does that mean I can shove a bottle of chivas up ur arse? After I drink the contents first, of course.. Hahaha... Speaking of Chivas, r u gonna bring that 'chun' Korean chick to our next night night out to meet Nicole & Driftmeister? Hehe.. Better get your blue pill ready! And hopefully Satigue will join us again as well... without his h/phone!
Ong: Yes, we have to 'give chance' to the workshops @ sunway to survive.. as we dont have the kinda skillz Skyther has.. :)
Kenny: I havent met u n ur ride yet, n ur selling.. :(
Nic: Kisses...
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lol, fair enuf guys. :)

Not that I have skills ler, it's just that most mechanics do shoddy work, *and* the culture here indeed does encourage you to do what you can yourself, especially if you have an import/performance vehicle. Heck, I still have to refer to a mechanic for gearbox/suspension/detailed engine work, it's not like I keep a heavy duty compressor or welder in my house y'know. It's just that owning a Skyline is definately not as Johnny_9 claimed, it's one thing to speak from experience and another to just post a load of crap with no facts to base his claims on as he did. Hopefully we didn't mislead any potential Skyline owners, it's a car built for an enthusiast, but obviously it also demands much more attention than a Honda Civic.

well like i said, every cent burnt in my skyline is worth it..even thou its killing me..heheheh.. maintanenece? well most of it i do it myself.. from turbo changing to simple oil check ups... more technical stuff i leave it to ns drag.
Hey Russ & Man...i really love this thread!! when are we gonna finish the Chivas then shaft it on other ppl's Ass? Sure sounds much better rite...kekeke.

We gotta check out some other water hole oledi lor...clubbing prices is getting more crazy and sucking our hard earned money damn fast lar....wait for everyone to gather up again ya then pick a new destination to cruise out of town...u all gang for it?

Many Cheers Bros!!
Hey bros, I will be back only in 1 months time, but i will have 1 month off! Hoorah! But if u wanna finish that bottle, you can go ahead with Nic.. just make sure she doesnt get too drunk! Hahaha... Yes driftmeister, we gotta find another water hole... the service in velvet is no good, and the jockey service is crapp!!!! Skylines desearve VIP treatment, not park across the road, and walk back to the car drunk! We need to find a place, and become regulars & treated well. All our cars parked up front and in a row, reserved! Maybe you and Man can go survey around... Hehehe...
How come I don't come across any Skylines in KL/PJ area. I drive mine everyday! :confused_smile:
One month is not far away Russ. Let me scout more better chillout area and should have a place to sit ya and view our rides. Will report back to you sir!
russwestwood said:
MantheMan..R34: Woi, Im not rich ler.. does that mean I can shove a bottle of chivas up ur arse? After I drink the contents first, of course.. Hahaha... Speaking of Chivas, r u gonna bring that 'chun' Korean chick to our next night night out to meet Nicole & Driftmeister? Hehe.. Better get your blue pill ready! And hopefully Satigue will join us again as well... without his h/phone!

Russ: My ass is not open for empty chivas bottles sadly....hehehe
the korean chick just went back to korea for a short break to see her parents...sure she will come out with us again. anyways when u r back, its my treat. and come on mate, i dont need the "blue" pill yet...i am still young and horny mah....muhahaahaha
Satigue, haiya that fella, i think we take away his handphones next time when in a drinking session....kekeke

Nicole: Hi nicole! u 2 love birds are here....all smoochie and smooochie...eeeeuuuuuwwww :)

Driftmeister: Yeah loh malaysia's budget, taxed up by 20% on hard liquor!! motherfookers!! smokes up by 40sens.....bloody hell....lucky beer and redwine remains the same....mother of jesus, they want to get rid of all the goldfishes in malaysia!
anyways come on mate, faster find new places. i am getting thirsty :)

V-Spec: i think its all about timing....they are out there, but to be at the same places and same time on a daily basis, is unlikely loh....
ManR34 yea guess so.....

Anyway, where is usually you guy's yum seng session? Dunno whether we go to the same places. I hang out in PJ pubs only tho. :cyclops:
Hey Man34 & Russ,

We can yam seng with Wine also can, much cheaper but the venue can be a bit boring lar. Another option is go buy Chivas or 24 cans of beer from supermarket then yam seng at home (in an hour)....then only go out disco & order just 1 beer (included in cover charge). We'll be just in the mood to chillout...hehehe

nicole: it will be ur lovely home nicole :P

vspec: any pubs u recommend with hot aunties? hehe PM ur no. we go pub hopping around our areas....
when satigue was around, we had goto kelana jaya pubs or subang pubs....even sunway pubs oso can but too many pros there....sigh....

driftmiester: i oso love red wine too! we can oso goto foodcourts, beer prices from there quite reasonable...but ur from supermarket tapau back home is the cheapest bet :)
Wah, u fellers making me jelous I cant join u soon... :(
Hey, dont mention checking aunties out, Nicole knows about this thread, I wont be able to join u guys solo anymore, she will keep a close eye on me or send one of her spies if I go out without her!! :(
There goes my freedom.... haha
Well, she did mention to me the loft is good & can park right outside... yam-seng at home? Yah, thats for in the afternoon when all places are closed, as soon as first bar is open, we shall invade it!!!

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