6 types of women men HATE

mm...lets c....

:D no 1.i don't wanna knw hw much u hv in da bank, coz i hv enough to pay my own bill.... :p

:confused: no 2. i don't ask stupid questions,coz i'm smart enough to judge myself...y bother if u feel i'm ugly....beautiful is within oneself!! ;)

:cool: no 3. i'm a very very independant gal(surprised?dont...i really am!).... :rolleyes: and btw i hv my own car,my own career, my own cash, my own credit cards, my own house...y must i depend on u?to 'control' over me?NO WAY!!! :cool:

:confused: no 4. i'm not a dog trainer....i like dogs though...i mean REAL DOGS.... :p

;) no 5.hehe....i used to be this but not anymore...learn through experience....y 'torture' a person's feelings..it's bad.... :)

:D no 6. i dont groom ppl...just be urself!!
btw,y let ur gal control ur dressing?FEEL GOOD = LOOK GOOD!! :cool:

hehe...now,tell me,anyone wanna say ' mana ada such a gal?'?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
jaywat said:
bikinigal, any of those kena you?? hehehehe
bikinigal = one of a kind + independent + got all the 5 C + so understanding +

extint liow
no more in the market liow
last one on the shelf

plz grab be4 it's out of stock
hehe...marketing for me ar?
ok la...since u 'appointed' me as da sex instructor,i 'appoint' u be my marketing manager la....
anyway,i got 36C la...not 5Cs... :p

bikinigal = one of a kind + independent + got all the 5 C + so understanding +

extint liow
no more in the market liow
last one on the shelf

plz grab be4 it's out of stock
bikinigal = one of a kind + independent + got all the 5 C + so understanding +

extint liow
no more in the market liow
last one on the shelf

plz grab be4 it's out of stock

.....sO HiLaRioUs!!!! :D
bikinigal said:
hehe...marketing for me ar?
ok la...since u 'appointed' me as da sex instructor,i 'appoint' u be my marketing manager la....
anyway,i got 36C la...not 5Cs... :p

HUH???! WHAT DA????


that's a bonus....

like buying BUNGALOW and found the land beneath the BUNGALOW got full of WWII gold bars hidden by the JAPS!!

told u to check me out....but u r not interested....hehe.... :D

HUH???! WHAT DA????


that's a bonus....

like buying BUNGALOW and found the land beneath the BUNGALOW got full of WWII gold bars hidden by the JAPS!!

bikinigal said:
mm...lets c....

:D no 1.i don't wanna knw hw much u hv in da bank, coz i hv enough to pay my own bill.... :p

:confused: no 2. i don't ask stupid questions,coz i'm smart enough to judge myself...y bother if u feel i'm ugly....beautiful is within oneself!! ;)

:cool: no 3. i'm a very very independant gal(surprised?dont...i really am!).... :rolleyes: and btw i hv my own car,my own career, my own cash, my own credit cards, my own house...y must i depend on u?to 'control' over me?NO WAY!!! :cool:

:confused: no 4. i'm not a dog trainer....i like dogs though...i mean REAL DOGS.... :p

;) no 5.hehe....i used to be this but not anymore...learn through experience....y 'torture' a person's feelings..it's bad.... :)

:D no 6. i dont groom ppl...just be urself!!
btw,y let ur gal control ur dressing?FEEL GOOD = LOOK GOOD!! :cool:

hehe...now,tell me,anyone wanna say ' mana ada such a gal?'?
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

hmmm....my type of girl...
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