Mat Rempit Rampage in Bukit Jalil


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 4, 2008
Dear all...
This happened to a close friend of mine. So, please be careful.
Kok Hoi
Dear brothers,
Something bad had happened to me. :(
On Friday night, 13 Feb2009, I was robbed and slashed by a group
of Mat Rempit, more than 15 of them and I was admitted to the
hospital. It happened at about 2am at the road side of Arena
Green condo in Bukit Jalil when I was entering my car after
visiting a problematic student who was staying there.
I was sitting at the driver seat in my own car and about to
close my car door when a group of Mat Rempit on motorbikes, pull
over with parang. Despite agreeing to give the robber my wallet
which was at the back pocket of my trousers, the robber still
slashed me on my hand and leg, just because I was too slow in
taking out my wallet. Blood stain was all over the seats and my
pants was soaked with blood. I was rushed to the hospital with
slash wounds on my hand and leg and received 11 stitches on my
knee cap which now I am temporary immobilize.
My colleague, 61 year old lady who was walking towards my car
was pinned down to the ground and her gold chain was snatched
and another colleague of mine, 31 year old who parked his car in
front of my car, managed to run on foot to the guard house of
the condo and he was chased by the Mat Rempit group. Another
colleague of mine who parked her car behind my car managed to
lock her car in time. The Mat Rempit group was also trying to
open her car.
Luckily, there was an off duty plainclothes policeman riding a
motor on his way home, happened to pass by while the robbery in
progress and he rammed his motor onto them. They want to charge
him with parang as well but the Mat Rempit group sped off when
he was about to pull out his pistol.
It was a very daring robbery as there was a police road block on
that night on the same road opposite direction about 100 meter
away and the Mat Rempit group sped off in the presence of the
police roadblock. The group of Mat Rempit outnumbered the police
on the roadblock. Those police manning the roadblock only
arrived at the crime scene after the Mat Rempit group has sped off.
The Mat Rempits are very cruel and inhuman even when I have
agreed to give them all they want, they still chopped me with
parang. I was told that they were probably high on syabu drugs
when they committed the robbery.
Please inform your family members and friends to be careful
especially when going out or coming home late at night. Police
said that Mat Rempits are active past midnight and they always
ride in a group.
Thank God I am still alive but traumatized by the whole
incident. Now, I am resting at home, can't move around. It takes
time to recover.
I have lost all of your contact telephone numbers which were
inside my phone. Can you please email me your contact telephone
Thank you
Choon Jin

Bump: Dumb ass rempitst!! kill'em all when you see'em:ridinghorse::ridinghorse::ridinghorse:

Bump: Dumb ass rempitst!! kill'em all when you see'em:ridinghorse::ridinghorse::ridinghorse:

check out this link, is another act by them..

i'm not the victim aitez? i'm just a messenger to pass this news to zth peeps
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Wah sorry to hear that..Lucky u r okay..
Damn those rempit.
they are only getting worse...
i really hate those rempits...
my car have been scratched and dented by their bikes plenty of times...

our cops are not at fault cause these rempits are usually in a big group so would be hard for police to actually catch them...
there are even cases where uniformed policemen were attacked by this rempits...

what can we do to stop them?
any suggestions anyone?...
wooops, sorry peeps.. i'm not the victim..
i'm just passing on this message to zth peeps to be aware of rempit acts..
well my dad said this rempit is also in a political party..
i don't think i can tell out here what party they are in and who hired them to do all this stuff..
cops are pretty much out numbered most of the time.. they are too fast and too many..
we have to unite and go against mat rempit, the only thing is HOW?:confused:

Bump: hey guys, check this link out as well..
is by those dumb ass rempits again..

Bump: hey guys, check this link out as well..
is by those dumb ass rempits again..
do like japan bikes from 70cc until 249cc can be created, built, sell, buy or run on their road. if they have money, buy 250cc...still wanna rempit with big bikes?if dun have money, buy below 70cc bikes...if rempit, u can chase them by runnng with ur legs...

or lets langgar them if u see they merempit...but make sure u got time n skill to run away quickly after that...hehehe
we all get a 4x4 rides..
custom it with flame thrower kit at the exhaust, titanium kangaroo bar, tint it black and crack proof.
ram them or burn them all..
dat dae oni i jus ram 5 rempit wit my fren frontier coz they molested my fren gf.. den we juz sped off like dat... de next dae i heard those rempit in coma for few daes oni n kaki patah..lolxx..
frank, great job my man.. how on earth did they molested her???
mingz? you a freakin rempit?!?
dat dae oni i jus ram 5 rempit wit my fren frontier coz they molested my fren gf.. den we juz sped off like dat... de next dae i heard those rempit in coma for few daes oni n kaki patah..lolxx..

Very hard to believe you la , Haha..because you sounds so relaxing

frank, great job my man.. how on earth did they molested her???
mingz? you a freakin rempit?!?

Maybe they just .. Amoi amoi , then kena rammed by kaboo..hahaha
good job... ! ram them only.. no problem for that.! hahaha rempit is wrongful d..
omg thats scary man. rempits are everywhere now. better take a legal gun license for our own protection. shoot their head. really hate them.
or we can just use bb guns, since is legal.. get those that look real..:damnmate:
i always advise my frens this (especially females), if you see group of bikers, and they are harassing you while you are driving, dont be defensive, be offensive - and ram them if you forced to. i rather be questioned in police station than be lying in hospital bed. what do you think, my advise bad ma?
or we can just use bb guns, since is legal.. get those that look real..:damnmate:

Erm , where to buy bb guns , any specific shops .. all my old onces are gone , bought it illegally ..

i always advise my frens this (especially females), if you see group of bikers, and they are harassing you while you are driving, dont be defensive, be offensive - and ram them if you forced to. i rather be questioned in police station than be lying in hospital bed. what do you think, my advise bad ma?

Since we are in a car , the car could protect us but if they would get knock down , can the motor protect them ?...:thefinger:
nahh.. the bike can only protect the bike.. and the helmet only can protect their dumb ass head.. so their body is way exposed.. :rofl:

bb gun hmm.. i don't think i can sell it online man dude..

Bump: although i've some contact, but not sure whether still in touch or not... heehee

Bump: although i've some contact, but not sure whether still in touch or not... heehee
Erm , where to buy bb guns , any specific shops .. all my old onces are gone , bought it illegally ..


Since we are in a car , the car could protect us but if they would get knock down , can the motor protect them ?...:thefinger:

bought it before at bukit kayu hitam. dont know where they sell it in KL.
nahh.. the bike can only protect the bike.. and the helmet only can protect their dumb ass head.. so their body is way exposed.. :rofl:

bb gun hmm.. i don't think i can sell it online man dude..

Bump: although i've some contact, but not sure whether still in touch or not... heehee

Bump: although i've some contact, but not sure whether still in touch or not... heehee

You have it ?

nahh.. the bike can only protect the bike.. and the helmet only can protect their dumb ass head.. so their body is way exposed.. :rofl:

bb gun hmm.. i don't think i can sell it online man dude..

Bump: although i've some contact, but not sure whether still in touch or not... heehee

Bump: although i've some contact, but not sure whether still in touch or not... heehee

You are selling it ?
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