Mat rempit championship invite


Senior Member
Senior Member
Nov 18, 2003
Kay Ell

Very attractive prizes, Ada berani?
aiya the competition is like this........
1) the mat rempits must steal a powerful modded car
2) next bring to a secluded racing spot and race and the winner gets the other car as the prize....
3)after selling the stolen car for parts.....kongkek and enjoy la.....

and there u have it if you always wonder where does all the stolen modded cars end up.......
LOL !!! Funny !!!

Do you guys noticed that the amount of 'MAT REMPIT' like doubled over the last few years ? It's like their multiplying like compound interest rates ... =P

Government encourage + education system double their size.

When their size is big, create lazy polise and demotivate polise to catch them. It makes them more fierce and started criminal or other social problem.
They make the PDRM and other authorities pening. When arrest and hit them, some NGO backing mat rempit and say no right for police to act. So when this problem can solve?
which stupid otak babi kotek lembu NGO support the rempits? Last I know, the only people, be it NGO or not, who was supporting those babi haram sial puki setan rempit was the bodoh umno, particularly the otak babi putera umno.

Police can't fix the rempits? Then maybe it's time for all the other citizens to fix them. Just find out which kampung they stay in, and in the middle of the night when all of them are asleep, get heaps and heaps of convoys and fling molotov cock tails or even grenades and explosives into their kampung and let them feel how painful it is to suffer inconveniences and pain.
Hahah hilarious! That guy must hate rempits a lot!
which stupid otak babi kotek lembu NGO support the rempits? Last I know, the only people, be it NGO or not, who was supporting those babi haram sial puki setan rempit was the bodoh umno, particularly the otak babi putera umno.

Police can't fix the rempits? Then maybe it's time for all the other citizens to fix them. Just find out which kampung they stay in, and in the middle of the night when all of them are asleep, get heaps and heaps of convoys and fling molotov cock tails or even grenades and explosives into their kampung and let them feel how painful it is to suffer inconveniences and pain.

ahahah what a funny remark - I like your way of expressing satria_95

da easy way.. dont sell motorcycle anymore... no motor, no rempit..

but i also use motorcycle.. hahaha..
Only sell superbikes la. That way no mat rempit can ever hope to buy them! And sell bicycles cheap cheap!
Just find out which kampung they stay in, and in the middle of the night when all of them are asleep, get heaps and heaps of convoys and fling molotov cock tails or even grenades and explosives into their kampung and let them feel how painful it is to suffer inconveniences and pain.

Should do in during day time cos they'll be racing during night time. :_:
Their don't take care their life, and their families and friends feelings.

They totally forget about other peoples' precious life.

I knew Malaysia government have big hope for them to become future malaysia's Valentino Rossi by supporting them. but do they government think about country social problems and image? So many Criminals and social problems appear nowadays really makes Malaysia an unsafe country to live and visit.
which stupid otak babi kotek lembu NGO support the rempits? Last I know, the only people, be it NGO or not, who was supporting those babi haram sial puki setan rempit was the bodoh umno, particularly the otak babi putera umno.

Police can't fix the rempits? Then maybe it's time for all the other citizens to fix them. Just find out which kampung they stay in, and in the middle of the night when all of them are asleep, get heaps and heaps of convoys and fling molotov cock tails or even grenades and explosives into their kampung and let them feel how painful it is to suffer inconveniences and pain.

i cant really put it into words on how to express my hate for them
They have to fear for the law... and even beat up cops to prove a point. By law, they should be classified as terrorists!
which stupid otak babi kotek lembu NGO support the rempits? Last I know, the only people, be it NGO or not, who was supporting those babi haram sial puki setan rempit was the bodoh umno, particularly the otak babi putera umno.

Police can't fix the rempits? Then maybe it's time for all the other citizens to fix them. Just find out which kampung they stay in, and in the middle of the night when all of them are asleep, get heaps and heaps of convoys and fling molotov cock tails or even grenades and explosives into their kampung and let them feel how painful it is to suffer inconveniences and pain.

hahahaha....relax bro:regular_smile: .i know u hate them.they r like flys.very damn annoying.rempit here n there without carrying their life n other's.
putera umno is organizing ekspedisi payung terjun for this bastard rite? konon want to make the world pride n show the world msia boleh. hahahaha. fucking loser la all of them. y la our leaders so stupid want to keep all this bastard. maybe their relative is 1 of them ka? rempit should b wipe out of this world la. kill em all!!!!
how about v ZTHians create a game for the mat rempit to play on....playable on PC or PS2(coming soon for X-box 360 n PS3)..tht might help to cope the menace on the street....just imagine...could b the real deal here...

player start the"please choose ur rider, RAJU,ALI,AH CHONG"

rider selected "Select ur ride, 70kapcai,vespa,ex5,tzm,hurricane,120z,RG"

ride selected "pimp ur bike, adjustable front n rear fork,25" bling rims,turbocharged,kapitan charge,1-1-1 1.0" straigh flow,borsh super 4 sparkplug,KNN open port,etc etc"

insufficient funds,try later....

upgraded complete "Select ur track,LDP,NPE,penchala link,kerinchi link,NKVE,sprint highway"

track selected "are u ready to rempit???"

thn 3-2-1 go..thn race destination frm point A to point B with limited time,...thn throw in some busy hour traffic so tht can score some skill points...thn chase by police n jpj.......sounds so cool ritez...

thn bonus some stunts...superman...ultraman...spiderman....batman...whellie...backflip...lompat katak....kala panjang...watever...thn...if win...tht the game will say..."you have won, ur Bohsia"....

this could b the hit in malaysia market....
parody to NFS: hot pursuit...or most wanted
u forgot to add...
ways to earn cash :
1.ragut handbag break in
3.rob and rape
4.gang bang
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