Mat Rempit to jump at North Pole


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Senior Member
Mar 19, 2005
KUALA LUMPUR: Ten Putera Umno members, mostly Mat Rempit, will attempt a free fall jump from an aircraft over the North Pole in April.

Led by its chief, Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, the team will also be accompanied by TV3 personality Hazran Mohammed and three skydiving instructors.

The participants, aged between 18 and 25, were selected from 100 youth tested all over the country.

Malaysia is the only Asian country, along with New Zealand, United States and United Kingdom, to participate in the jump on April 18.

The event is also being held in conjunction with the 50th Merdeka celebration this year.

New Straits Times - Malaysia News Online
Don't they have better things to do than to spend public money on silly activities?
don't come near me and tell me that government doesn't have money to subsidise petrol, toll and etc anymore.

from free motorbike to free jump, there goes all our tax money.
just to win majority dumbasses vote. someone should make a more intelligent new party
They have become dumb and lazy to now .... worse than a RETARD !!

LOL !!
with thier low-life mannerism it would be shameful for malaysia to have them representing the country!!
I dont care if it's the putra umno's own money. But if they use the tax payers money, then i hope they all land awkwardly that every single one of them (the rempits) are paralyzed from the neck downwards
lol... is better for them to learn from their mistake...

n serve them right if they do fail >.<

feel sorry to those who called rempit
Hopefully they try to do some stunts and fall to their deaths.

Complete waste of taxpayers money!
Sekali they jump direct landed into the north pole punyer swimming pool dat time all sejok and frozen to ice!! Tai sei!!

LOL!!! HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAAH!!! Save time for using C4!

Its now like..

"hey all youth, lets become rempit!! once you are a certified mat rempit, you can join in a lot of fun activities for mat rempit only! rempit only! nobody will disturb us!! "

That datuk should race head to head with the taikor of all mat rempits... then the supreme will lead its followers....

now talk talk only...only finish up peoples money.....
nooooo, i dont want them to die...

if they die, then who's going to lead our country ? We need these mat cemerlangs. Without them, malaysia wont be famous

its a waste of our fucking money [not that i've paid la,but...]
stop wasting fucking money on fucking useless fucked ups!
this is the stupidest thing i ever heard [after calling them mat gemilang,and closing public roads for them to race,and rebranding them,and giving them free bikes]
if their parachute really stucked, they jumped or frozed to death..
later our "money" will go to their families as compensation leh..
then another rempit will be born in the family..

tak boleh tak boleh!
actually ar.. i don't mind paying tax for them to waste.. if they plan to have a major migration to north poll and never again show up in malaysia..

then mat rempit will forever gone from earth since those existing one will turn into mat igloo liau..
holy shit ....
from supporting criminals to bringing them on a trip...wadafark is wrong with the fucktard azeez?
hope they all freeze in a sudden storm, become so brittle they breakn into tiny pieces when they hit the ground
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