Lap Times

under 3min for a 1st time in SIC is very good d.....i've been to SIC 2 times n i'm struggling to even get close to 3 min.......
bro not me la... lolz.. its my starlets first time in the track and also my passenger sitting next to me... ive been there a number of times... i have done a 2 : 57 :XXX with a Mivec 1.6 Track car in the night [my fastest ever actually thats why i am happy with my starlets performance]... friend was doing some MME training just loaned his car for a cpl of laps... LOLZ... peace bro
lolzz....i tot 1st time go SIC already under 3 min....hehehe......anyway, ur time is still a respectable time.....i'm driving a wira mivec n i'm targetting 3 min on my next track day.....
hahah.. no probs bro... next track day we go together gether la... hoenstly my first track day was in the same mivec track car and i did do under 3 mins of course it wasa track car la... dunno what it was but i did mange it la... lolz... i just want to improve now with me lil starlet... =) im going to upgrade my brakes then go again this time with slicks... muahahhaha
1st time in SIC i think i did 3 n half min......haha....practically all cars were overtaking me......i'm looking forward to the next track day, which i think should b after the F1....
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DeOngster said:
hahah.. no probs bro... next track day we go together gether la... hoenstly my first track day was in the same mivec track car and i did do under 3 mins of course it wasa track car la... dunno what it was but i did mange it la... lolz... i just want to improve now with me lil starlet... =) im going to upgrade my brakes then go again this time with slicks... muahahhaha
bro count me in too, i would love to go and trash my car again..........btw saw ur car at sic on monday nice ride, dunno whether u notice me i was driving a silver colour toyota seg..........cheers.
spyderslr said:
under 3min for a 1st time in SIC is very good d.....i've been to SIC 2 times n i'm struggling to even get close to 3 min.......
Only 2x. patut la.

Get some driver experienced with SIC to show you around and do the following too:

Get better tyres and upgrade your brakes. Set up your suspension nicely

And upgrade skills and techniques.

Get all the above rite, I'm betting you'll easily lose another 5 seconds, at least

many people I know go to the circuit with super power car but forget about brakes and suspension.. not surprising some times they cars are slower than less powerful cars.

Above all driver oso must mod, technique and skills. Familiarising with the circuit too.
i don't think anyone in this world would notice your car except your apprentice: spyderslr. :D
399 said:
i don't think anyone in this world would notice your car except your apprentice: spyderslr. :D
and you of course...............muahahahahah, everytime back stabbing me :baring_teeth:
hey danny i saw you.. your SEG took my friend round bend 4... was guiding him round the track with my car... he first time in track... peaace bro
DeOngster said:
hey danny i saw you.. your SEG took my friend round bend 4... was guiding him round the track with my car... he first time in track... peaace bro prob man, all the best in ur upcoming autocross event..........cheers!
thanks a lot next time we go together k track day... we go paly play =)
DeOngster said:
thanks a lot next time we go together k track day... we go paly play =)
can go together but dun play with me ler, i'm still new and very slow driver.........heheheh:regular_smile:
me too....i'm very slow oni......btw, danny, update us on the next track day....i cant wait liao....
spyderslr said:
me too....i'm very slow oni......btw, danny, update us on the next track day....i cant wait liao....
now sic dun update their website no more, it would be best to just call up kumar and ask him............why so kan cheong meh........hehehehehhe:regular_smile:
your leng also want to achieve 2.49 mah...... hahaha......!!! remember ask him to clean the track 1st b4 u go out or else v diff to achieve 2.47 la.... :D
wow~ sounds hapening ere lol
u guys so syok can go SIC
can bring sai lou go in 1 round anot ?
neva been to SIC b4 ler~~
hor can ar danny & spydersly sensei
:_: :_: :_:
2:59 happy liao, no need 2:49.... =P......dreamy nvr been to SIC...?....hmmmm~~~~....but i had sources saying u were so fast at Turn 7 & 8 tat spun off dramatically, recovered n did a 2m50s time.....kekekeke... =P
oh spin out at turn 7 ?
wher is it i duno ler~
i think u mistaken d wasn't me~

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked:
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