Seller breaking their promise

oh.. did u mean me ar?
say la just put my nick there it's alright also one..
let me tell my part of story also mah...

not buyer but interested party view the item I.P say book i say ok book
then i have to go back to him ask him again how things will be going. i ask for deposit...delay dont really feel like wanna buy...and he dont come back to me but i have to go back to him asking about the updates.

then only the I.P party say he will not take the item so soon. say now book 1st. i ask how much to giv? wah! 50-100 depends how long i can wait.(like i am begging for the money to eat) then told me 2 weeks later after paying deposit only take item. in the 1st place never mention have to wait 3-4weeks for the whole transaction to go thru...i dont mind also.. so i waited n waited but no feedback or the I.P didnt even wanna call n tell me when he wanna giv the deposit? THEN I HAVE TO WAIT FOR HOW LONG? FOREVER UNTIL SOMEONE GOT THE EXTRA CASH to pay? if u r really interested n have got the heart to buy. why make someone wait so long n i have to keep going back to you?

feed up of waiting and uncertainty... i back off from the deal.... is there anything wrong?

yup, it's u but no offense bro, jz wanna voice out a bit 2 c where's d loophole...
but i think u miss some of d story lar...
remember after we meet, i said booked rite, since u r in hurry & i also 4got 2 give deposit...
remember i ask u, y ur ym 24hrs online, i did try 2 contact u thru ym on saturday & sunday...
then monday, tuesday bz wif work lar din online...
later i manage 2 get hold of u & i ask 4 a favour whereby i pay u deposit first but only
collect it 2 weeks later, short off $$$ lar bro but u agreed wat...
And lastly ("If RM100 will be Saturday, RM90 = Friday, RM80 = Thursday, RM70 = Wednesday, so which 1 u1") is a joke lar bro, u can ask around, I like 2 joke joke 1...

Anyway, that's over bro, jz a misunderstanding, peace ok, we yamcha this coming saturday, i buy...
Ok this is serious 1, item still available aarrr, i 1 lar...:D
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strange, if i was truly intrested in the item i would put down a deposit,
in the end u`ll have to clear balance

someppl just cannot confirm nicely.......................
who r u to make ppl wait for u so long?
if u have the heart to really buy it..

u can pay for rm50 deposit.......
DEPOSIT n the THING is urs........

but when ppl ask for deposit giv reason like this n like that
give this sentence to me "If RM100 will be Saturday, RM90 = Friday, RM80 = Thursday, RM70 = Wednesday, so which 1 u1..." wah! what is this? wah is this? i am begging for u to buy the item? i am waiting for ur money to eat ar?

then seller have to go do all the asking... see if he still wants or not
cos never giv feedback....

makes me feel like i am begging for someone to buy it..........

what the heck.........

if u have really wanted the item... why not book it? be4 that say BOOKED
then after 2 days say another week to pay rm50-100
then have to wait 2 weeks to get the full payment??

why must i wait for u so long in the first place?
i just dont understand some ppl.....
well, it seems everything is closed now...good for everyone....
one thing i would like to point out.....sometimes we jokes around but the other party might not got it or didn't think that's it's a joke.....
so it's better to check whether the other ppl know that we r joking or else it's better for us not to joke at all to prevent misunderstanding..........
hehe.....more frens better than more enemy what......
just my 2 cents views...dun shoot me pls..........i beg u......
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