need advice on my ICE setup...


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Apr 28, 2006
Currently i've a component set speakers at the front of my car and a 12" woofer at the back. Both of them are connected to a 4-ch amp with 2channels being bridged together to power up the woofer. But now i would like to add another set of speakers at the back, preferably component ones, so can i just connect it to the same channels that i used to power up the front ones?? I mean, can the 2 sets of speakers share the same channels? Because i don't think i wana add another amp into my car.

Or would it be better if it's directed to the HU instead??

thanks for advising :regular_smile:
no you cant do that. Actualy you can if you want to see fireworks on your amp. Just connect it to th HU should be fine.
It would be better that the back speakers to be powered by the HU instead by the amp. Your front speakers should be the main speakers whereas the back speakers are just merely for rear fill or to entertain the back passengers. However, some who are very discern with sound quality will avoid installing back speakers as they tend to affect staging and imaging.
Ohh icic. In that case then maybe i'll just install it direct to the HU for the back ones. Haha fireworks on the amp, that's a good one :P

So all HU have 2 outputs is it? One that's connected to the amp and the other one can straight connect to speakers?
My advice is: forget about adding the rear speakers.
Concentrate on your tuning to optimise the system.
Hum....agree with pisces23, leave nothing at the back just concentrate on ur front speaker, without adding amp for ur rear speaker u won't hear much diff lor...
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