Mat Rempit Pics

Mat Rempits Jr spotted around Amcorp Mall area... sheesh!
I think the orang utan got better brain than those mat rempits.. hahaha..
also spotted the org utan (the imitation) at Jln Reko, Kajang..
what a nuisances..
for those riders who hv 2 passengers at the back,remind me pls!!!muahaha..
especially the 'hard-headed' who are very eager not to put on their helmets..
the pix speaks volume....

really hate mat rempits... i call them 'geng simpang'...

what they normally do when one of their friend went astray from their convoi is to wait for them at a simpang... later when kenot tahan anymore 2-3 idiotic mat rempit will turn their rempit machine against the traffic flow to go look for their friend.... happens a lot of times... sometimes this is really dangerous for incoming traffic... bodo punya orang... <_< :angry:

die die die . . .
Originally posted by faeizal@Feb 22 2005, 10:53
the pix speaks volume....

really hate mat rempits... i call them 'geng simpang'...

what they normally do when one of their friend went astray from their convoi is to wait for them at a simpang... later when kenot tahan anymore 2-3 idiotic mat rempit will turn their rempit machine against the traffic flow to go look for their friend.... happens a lot of times... sometimes this is really dangerous for incoming traffic... bodo punya orang... <_< :angry:

die die die . . .
what to do..rempit of the rule to become mat rempit: must have no balls and owned a small pee-wee brain....muahahahaaahah...wish some of alam flora's lorry hit them head!! that would be nice...!!
if them mat pits get hit head on and their skulls crack, you'de see nothing inside
brian the size of nuts
i hope an lorry overturn on all of them...sayonara pest...alam flora just ridsected u guys...
ultimatevolution7 said:
i also hate rempits. they think their bikes are super and great. ugly cheap looking mopeds and sccots are all they can own with stupid partners behind showing fingers.

Last time, i called up my pal.. he has a sport bike and so do i... we both hate mat rempits so we decided to kick ass... he got a Kawasaki ZXR750 and i got a Suzuki SRAD...both loud and fast and big....

Any way, we headed to Jalan Ampang at round midnite to find the rempits and chase em.we saw plenty doing wheelies and shit... well my friend, the guy with the ZXR750, is great at wheelies & stoppies (i am totally not) so we speeded like mad to the rempits and overtook them so fast so stylishly... bet they were jeles... and when we stopped at lights my pal kept doing stoppies... loads of fun! we over took this rempit gang.. all in a straight line... i went right, pal went left, and over took about 15 rempits at 170+km/j. i want to do this again, sorta fun!

Isnt it beter watching big, fast, ferrari-sounding superbikes racing and wheeling at streets than watching small, ugly, cheap, headache-sounding mopeds and scoots?

I think my group can be the 1st generation of the mat rempit 'upmarket' with these bikes... maybe we can appear on Edisi Siasat or TV3 when we become big !!
They should call you and your friend as "Big Koko" ?? Another 2 rich mad rempits on the road....:D
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