Fuel Consumption Super High

today went to a mech, and this mech ask me change another thing lol...

ask me change fuel filter @@ whats tht actually n does it ever exist ? @@
fuel filter is a filter for ur fuel/petrol lor... how old is ur car??... not above 10yrs, i dont think necessary lar.... besides, fuel filter wont affect ur drastic incline of fuel consumption....
Tohsan said:
my car using stock exhaust but the fuel consumption sky rocketed after 2.5 years old,imagine trip from KL to penang both way cost me RM230:angry_smile: ,then when i come back Kl and check,its the stock bullet and the rear box inside empty already. 3 days back went over to Wai heng to change the bullet and black box,not those noisy one,just put back stock size box n bullet, my car fuel consumption go back to normal level already.:regular_smile:

can tell me more bout the bullet and da box?? wats tat...n wat it suppose to call? hmm.. wanna go to da shop n check it also.. wat gud shop tat u guys recomemend?? thx~~ :regular_smile:
high fc

i have same problem with u also but my problem come out after a stupid foreman service my car...after change my fuel pump relay, plug, tunning and service the fuel injection...before let him service can go 350km for rm50 after repair max only can go 200km. and now my car sometime the fuel wont go up suddenly when drive.....anyone can recommend me wat should i do? any good foreman?
i think, if you're still intent on maintaining your modified exhaust, you should probably look into some engine management options, like a piggyback AFC to adjust the air fuel ratio.

RM0.20 for 1km on highway, u guys say expensive or not? :X-:
city driving still don't know... still testing out.
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