Fuel Consumption Super High

Norns said:
Thx skywalker for great info ^^ never heard of this o2 sensor b4 this hehe ...
so this mean every car MUST have o2 sensor issit ? n how i know if its faulty n how much to repair it de ?

roolakid, no fuel leaking lo cos mech said if fuel leakin sure smell terrible wan @@

Issit really becos of my T-Body spoilt ? the rubber undeaneath it melt ... scare i spend rm700~800 for this t-body then the problem still persist =.=
noler... not every car got... only cars with injection engine got.... carbie engine dun have sensor....
hmm ...

So any else opinion&suggestion from all bro here ma ?
go n tune ur car with MUT machine... urs injection rite.. should save up more.. even 1.3 with 17" can go at least 300km with rm 60 tank of fuel
hi bro,

i could frankly tell you that the fuel saving thingy is just a bull shit.. just another product ppl who just want ot make money out to...
no hard feeling.. i try oredi...
last time you just change the blowoff only izzit? well i guess that wont do any harm to your car de... well, i must admit a lot drivers including me like the sound of it.. hehe...
but if you change 4-2-1, well, that need to retune the whole system again le.. weli.. thats wat my foreman tell me la.... hehe...
beside that, did you check your air filter ?
yea my air filter is stock now. Even im using racing filter last time, it can run 300km as well ...
all change suddenly de !

Like today, i just travel less than 20km the fuel less 3/4 BLOCK already ....
wah.. that serious ar...???!!
did you check your fuel tank got leak or not?
AHHH !! Really frustrated with this jor ! Go n back from work about 180~20km less almost 3/4 block .... diu !

After read so many thread, i think got more possibility like issit bcos fuel pump dirty, fuel injection stuck , ekzos dirty ??? Any other possibility ??

Anyone know which mechanic do have experience in checking problem regarding FUEL PROBLEM ?? I need the mechanic to help me check everything in fuel management to ensure what is the problem ...

dowan the mech that keep 'assume' this n that n ask me change n wasted my money when its not solve !!!

THX guy ~
the thing with cars is that sometimes u need to play around with it before u can actually locate the problem.
Everyone's suggestion inclusive of your mechanics are possible causes. Obviously u need to experiment one by one to see whether or not the parts are truly affecting your FC.
Anyway, my opinion would be your o2 sensor gone or maybe even throttle body. It could be your injectors too.....
too many possibilities...got to test it out one by one.
last time my car problem; I've cleaned the throttle body change spark plugs...tested out plug cables; changed fuel pump etc...before finally tested and found that my ECU "kong"..
oh my problem is my car hard to start and soon worst off...meaning very very hard to start...thatn can die off suddenly onr while driving...
to own a car is not cheap!...u got to pay the price...
good luck man!
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smell smell around ur car for any sign of leaking fuel line or not....
if possible, remove ur O2 sensor and check if its working fine or not...
(guide: http://www.drexchan.fotopic.net/c597354.html)
buy some engine additives such as injector cleaner and see if it works or not...
fuel pump dirty??... dunno how to check...
exhaust dirty???... its memang dirty la, but i dont think it will affect ur fc much...

my guess will be KO-ed O2 sensor....
haihz .... i hope got sumthin that can locate the problem without buying the new part lol !

Btw, which mechanic do u guy recomend me experience n reliable price ? So far i only know 2 mechanic good fren but they seem know nothing. Can i know more good mech from u guys ? im from pj ss2 area ^^
anyone recomendation arh ? ^^

Need to settle everything by this month >.<!
we've already reccomended.
maybe try driving back to proton and ask them to diagnose the ECU settings first!
hei your car is just like mine then . mine is b16a only goes 260k km. thats cool you know! time to change the engine bro! malas to overhaul coz mine is a second hand car... thats why . :>
tuning back with MUT . can detect fault sensor cost a round 40 buck ...for tunning only price of the sensor is differ
tuning back with MUT ??

what's tuning actually ... i heard some kind of engine tuning as well sumwhere ard x.x

how should i tok to the mech bout this tuning stuff ? cos sumtime i use the word mech seem dunno @@
back to my hometown this week .... more terrible

rm50 150km can finish fuel adi ...

but previous tank a bit improvement can go rm50 250km jor
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