geng pangkah

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Theres no point that we are arguing. We know that ppl from the gang are watching this thread. Its just to create awareness so that our members can be careful and wary of these ppl. I also noticed some ppl defending these guys.
I can assure u ppl that some higher ranking police are on the case. The boss of gang pangkah has been in and out of the police station already. So rite now some Higher ranking cops are on the case coz there are too many break ins. These ppl are also getting bolder all the time. So if u ppl ever encounter them, just give them a good ass whupping before handing them to the police.
So far, all the information reported here are true. Zerotohundred members should know. If you want to see for yourself, hangout more in the said chop shop and you will see for yourself.
as some might had known me (ie...Noti, Jun). My car just kena broke in last night lar..cipet ! Right inside my house and these ppl really have guts. With CCTVs, dogs and neighbour shouting also, they die die want to steal. By the time I woke up, saw them fled..this is the 3rd attempt for the week..first two attempt failed as I was woke up and waiting with my 17" Parang ! coz of the haze lar..cannot tahan and went to sleep in air con. Spoiled my alarm responder and took away the RSM in such a hurry...other things didn't take coz it was tightly screwed.

Police report was make, CCTV camera recordings was handed to police and finger prints was dusted. So if you (the culprit or pangkah or whatever) is reading this, wipe your ass clean as the time will come for u. Lastly, the 2nd time I shouted you to wait and come one by one you scared ah ? 4 of you and one of me only ? fucking no balls !

For the record, 4 malays on 2 Yamaha RX-Z.
heh.. you staying in pj ka? any relation to the police officer who crashed his car while chasing 4 men on 2 RX-Z's? i tink in the malay mail.. ...
i just hope that these fckers die..... or putus tangan also can.... c if they still can join geng pangkah or not.... then only they regret, fck them!
fck here fck there...y wan them to die..let them suffer 1st ma..catch them...bring them to isolated house...pull off their fingernails...pour salt on it...then tear off the skin of their arm...pour honey on it and pour ants on it...or cut a wound..."sand" it wif sum super rough rocks...sastification guaranteed...if die...feed crocodile wif the meat..then bury the bones...after 2 police...say when u go jungle trekkin...u found the die things dun follow ar..others can follow...see they still dare or not...strip them naked and hang them at tiang lampu...wif big big banner at the back..."geng pangkah or wutsoever...if u wan2 end up like this...try stealin again" might sound a little cruel..but i m a person who loved peace....PEACE dudes~~
wah lau, i like your idea man, lolz, maybe can skin them also horr.....then pour lemon juice all over their body....muahahahhaa.... :D

PEACE brothers... :D
but we will end up at jail later haha :p..... not worth it because of these moron who got nth do but survive by stealing......
for those who think e7 owner is of the gang pls take not..even his fren car e7 got broken into it last nite...maybe is not the same gang doing this..many other ppl or gang doing things kind of things. 2 of my frens car got broken into it is 2 chinese guy with a kap cai even during the day time at the busiest road

not just helping him or wat we cant do anything if there is no proof
since when we all thk e7 owner is of the gang?? coooool down man.... :)
they just say what car those fela drivin....
and u c, those fella all use rx-z to steal le....
mayb just wan to let we all noe, whos we dealing with.... PEACE and CHEERS ;)
bret please note,not only rxz are been jun said,kap chai are also being used....... :tee:
hehe just an example... today newspaper also got hehe.... or i can say.........
actualli those fella using motorbike to steal hehe ;) CHEERS....... btw my fren also kena broke....... his dashboard =
those kap cai also got mod damn fast... but wat i think kap cai only steal meter..while rxz is the 1 who steal seats too.they carry weapon with them so beware

b18cr: when they broke into my fren evo they used their own chain n lock tha inner steal gate and my fren is trap inside his house while they start their work. sometimes if u shoput at them they will just kick or smash at your door to make it dent dont play2
omg..... feel like killing them le....
i guess they all now doin all these things as a daily routine..... :mad:
i guess nth we can prevent and just pray hard hard..... :mad:
the only solution is to cut their hands ,if they ever got cought they will do the same thing again and again.........until no hands :secruity: :dancing2: bout like this...we go buy 1980s de car...then pimp one will look at it...we pimp the interior...hide all ur meters in the wan2 steal..needa steal the whole dash...and.Bret...u no say...i no say...who noes
wut la..i haben touched gta for nearly a's jst tat...those ppl...whoever tat caught them...should chain them to a chair..and torture him till his boss come out..then every1 gang up against him...wan2 hit a...rape a...all ok...then send to police...and tell police tat if no action is taken...we r gonna do it our way...dun giv them any chance to run...wait outside police station..if they got released...drag them into a van..and jst do it our way...Peace~~
a police once told me they cannot take action on those thieves unless they started 2 hurt any innocent citizen.duno if its in the damn law book or they r just plain lazy.if 1 day they broke into a minister or thier own kawan car only i think the police will start looking foward 2 this case.
juzanormalguy..they will onli care when their own car kena...kawan's car..sure same like us..tutup one eye...sigh..they say when they start to hurt innocent citizens???...arent doin so hurtin us pyschologically? breakin into our cars..steal our things..then we hafta pay money to get the damage repaired...if polis or wutever agency pay...i hav no comment..but we hav to pay...KNNCCB
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