used car for weeekend use


Junior Member
Aug 17, 2010
Kuala Lumpur
Hi guys..
I'm looking for a used car for weekend travel from KL to Muar. It will only carry me alone without any other loads. I'm staying in KL but doing partime at Muar. Currently I'm using motorcycle to travel.
My target is a 1.5 or 1.6cc cars, affordable price (below 13K), reliable and not costly in maintenance.
Any suggestion of honda, Toyota or Nissan? Or should i just go for Kelisa?
FYI, I'm 177cm of height, that's why Kelisa would be the last choice.

Thanks for taking your time guys. :-)
Now this is a better constructed question. Haha.
Go for a sedan. Kei car wouldn't be good.
I am driving a Persona, with a comfortable seating position, the rear legroom are already left just a bit.
I am 180cm btw. Drove Myvi before, acceptable. For 13k, a Wira? Newer one would be sportback special edition.
18k+. Older Wira sedan might be too old.
As you will be using the car for long distance driving, get one that has ample space so you won't feel uncomfortable. Kelisa no doubt is a good car but perhaps not for you. For 13k, it isn't really much if you want to get a Japanese car. Also, you will have to extra careful and detail when choosing a Japanese car as at 13k, that car could easily be more than 15 years old. Spare parts and repair might be a bomb to the pocket.

If I were in your shoe, I will consider proton wira, saga LMST, satria, perodua Kenari, and if you insist on Japanese car, get a Toyota. Corolla SEG would be nice as this car is still popular so getting the parts will not be too difficult. I do not know so much about Honda, but please don't get Nissan. I have an old Nissan N13 and the price for the parts can make me go broke in few minutes.

The mentioned above are all aged cars so maintenance is inevitable. My personally opinion is that get a car that its repair and parts aren't that expensive, for example, a proton wira.
Finally a newbie who comes in and asks a proper question! Thank you ed69 for being the most civilised newbie to ever post a question in Car talk!

Now to answer your question KL --> Muar is about 200km give or take and I'm very familiar with the road. 2.5hrs and highly dependent on which route you take to go to the town. Most of the road is smooth sailing but some are single motorways which if you ever get stuck behind a slow moving car, you'd get very irate. So I would recommend a bare minimum of 1.5L for your choice of car.

Since you're going there weekly, the mileage for the car will be significant so you'll need reliability and relatively affordable maintenance and good FC.

There are only a handful of cars that fit the 13k budget that also meet the above criteria. Are you looking for manual or automatic? I highly recommend manual as that'll keep you awake as you drive and since you're going on highways it'll have better FC than autos. No jams so no left leg muscle cramps.

For 13k I can only think of the following :

1. A 10 year old (minimum) Toyota Corolla SEG (1.6) - this car is almost bullet proof in reliability and is extremely comfortable if properly maintained. Great FC too if properly maintained. One of the rare few cars that never rust even though that old. But a manual is hard to come by these days and even the autos are a rarity.

2. A Kelisa - I'm about your height and I used to drive around in a Kelisa SE. It's quite nimble and oh-so-awesome to flick here and there. Highway can be a bit annoying cuz you'll have to rev quite hard to hit higher speeds, but the normal 110km/h - it's more than capable. Probably the best FC car here. Just don't carry anyone behind and push the chair all the way back like what I used to do. But maintenance can be expensive. But if maintained properly very little is required to maintain it. One time expensive, last long time. Even the auto is fantastic in fuel consumption and drivability.

3. A Wira 1.8 - This would probably be as old as the SEG but if you can find a good condition one, it's very fast, very cheap to maintain and is very comfortable with the original Recaros and all that. Don't ever buy a modified one.

4. A Wira SE - probably about 5-7 years old. Hatchback so easily the biggest amount of bootspace. 1.5L means it's pretty decent on fuel and if manual it'll give you that little bit of oomph you'll need to overtake. Easily the cheapest car in the list to maintain. So cheap in fact it's the only reason why I'm so hesitant to sell mine.

At that budget range you don't really have much of a choice. I was going to suggest to consider a Vios but even that's a minimum of 25k for a 9 year old Vios.
Maybe an older waja year 2001-2003. Price range should be thereabouts and its a fairly reliable car 1.6 lagi...
ED69, hope u filter some comment here before u made decision, some senior people like to pretend expert and sometime miss guide you.
They think all newbie is noob, and only them are expert.
How about those old EF series Civic sedan? Those are around the 13k price range. But I'm not too sure whether are they cheap to maintain or not. I've heard things like Honda spare parts are quite expensive. Correct me if I am wrong. :hmmmm:
ED69, hope u filter some comment here before u made decision, some senior people like to pretend expert and sometime miss guide you.
They think all newbie is noob, and only them are expert.

Don't worry, not gonna happen...he's not calling people names or whatnot.... :rolleyes: n plenty of halfcut n new parts available.....fuel chasis quite strong......can even modified later day if u want.......nnnnnnnn......less thief attracting......mayb looks like uncle car
ED69, hope u filter some comment here before u made decision, some senior people like to pretend expert and sometime miss guide you.
They think all newbie is noob, and only them are expert.

At least contribute something useful, otherwise please don't post anything. No one will call you a mute if you choose not to say anything.
At least contribute something useful, otherwise please don't post anything. No one will call you a mute if you choose not to say anything.

contribute something bullshit wont mean u are the expert , or useful.
Sorry to AD69, I didn't meant to start the war in your thread.
Last edited:
while, in zth.....forumer pls take note.....self must judge who is potential me, i will only take note on user comments.........filter them.....n.....decision in ur point to argue here.......

we only able to give very little xperience....coz.......we r not racers nor richman wheres they can try many tpye n brand of te products....bfo they put up their comments here.......

its just bcoz " we care n we share" heart feeling to those distributor, reseller......:idea:

There's a problem with this car. It's stated there they use Toyota ATF. That's Type-IV oil which is not compatible with the SPIII GB. It's only a matter of time before something gives up in that GB.

---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:04 PM ----------

contribute something bullshit wont mean u are the expert , or useful.
Sorry to AD69, I didn't meant to start the war in your thread.

Ho ho ho.. at least I contributed something tangible. And if you haven't noticed I've never claimed to be the expert. Only you think like that. You've done nothing but flame flame flame.

And since I'm a moderator, I've PM-ed you nicely, I've replied you nicely and if you still choose to continue flaming and fighting, I will warn you nicely, then if ignored I will ban you nicely. Sequence of events that I am choosing to advise you on.

I have yet to say anything about you other than you and your unhelpful replies. You've chosen to use the words "bullshit", "crap" and a few other lovely words. So right now the only one fighting this 'war' is you. You can now either choose to continue along your path after I have given you what I believe is the correct and fair sequence of events or you can choose to ignore and continue on with whatever it is you want to do and find out. I'm not bothered with your aggressive responses anymore.

Thank you and sekian terimah kasih.

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