pls help


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Dec 5, 2008
hi all mloc sifu,i planing to buy a 2nd hand evo7,just test the car,feel sound like "ong ong ong"from rear g/box;after warm the engine,got water come out from spare tank,and crazy yiyiyi~~sound when brake,(but brake pad still have a lot),anysifu know what is the problem for this car?pls help n thank!
Hi Wen,
Sometimes is the Tyre sound "ong ong ong" ..But if ur comfirm is the rear gear got sound thn maybe you need to service it ... Brake got sound maybe is the Disc rotor not nice already orelse just bring the car n service the brake pad will do .. :biggrin: :driver:
hi andy
i comfirm sound from g/box cos i jack up to test,u mean no big broblem for this car,so now i just waitting bank approve,thank bro :)
If is gearbox ... thn u will need to check 1st ... jz affraid the gear nt nice already .. Maybe u wait for other sifu reply 1st ... to recomfirm ..
Just to share a bit of my experience...when i 1st bought my tme, "ong ong ong" sound appeards after 1month, than found out to be wheel bearing. Change all than no problem ady. "yi yi yi" sound appears than, found out to be brake pads issue, change than no problem. than now i got another "ong ong ong" sound again after 8months, found out to be the disc rotor wreck ady.....bad luck me....:banghead:
from my expriance..the yiyiyi sound come from brakpad,or ur disc rotor have to skim...
when ur brake,is that your stering got shaking..?.
nevermind...enjoy ur car first...then slowly check one by one...sometimes a bit difficult to understand its problem without thorough checking..:biggrin:
Yo bro wen..congrats 2 you man coz making a right choice owning an great cat evo...hehehe:biggrin: :biggrin:

Mine also like that during first time owning this car..and as mr azizi said, slowly u check one by one & it can be solve...mine still having a problem on the brake sound & the lower arm sound...yesterday manage to change 1 unit of the lower stabilizer link & thus, 1 sound gone..hehehehehe :smokin: gotta think to settle up the brake problem.. :driver: :driver:
Yo bro wen..congrats 2 you man coz making a right choice owning an great cat evo...hehehe:biggrin: :biggrin:

Mine also like that during first time owning this car..and as mr azizi said, slowly u check one by one & it can be solve...mine still having a problem on the brake sound & the lower arm sound...yesterday manage to change 1 unit of the lower stabilizer link & thus, 1 sound gone..hehehehehe :smokin: gotta think to settle up the brake problem.. :driver: :driver:

Fuhyoo... The KING is in the preparation for the 31st January track day..!!!!:adore::adore:

P/S---> KING, what's AN GREAT CAT EVO means laaa....:hmmmm::hmmmm:
Fuhyoo... The KING is in the preparation for the 31st January track day..!!!!:adore::adore:

P/S---> KING, what's AN GREAT CAT EVO means laaa....:hmmmm::hmmmm:

Think he too fast in everything laa ..... it suppose to be "car" instead of "cat" .... :rofl::rofl:

***Pls. see my signature***
hahaha:biggrin:so friendly n funny all bro here.i very familiar with my wira 1.3,i drive about 8 years,when i take my evo just know this car r totally different with wira,i need to learn from basic again,hope everyone can help me in future,thank all bro:driver:
hahaha:biggrin:so friendly n funny all bro here.i very familiar with my wira 1.3,i drive about 8 years,when i take my evo just know this car r totally different with wira,i need to learn from basic again,hope everyone can help me in future,thank all bro:driver:

Congrats... to learn more..hehehe..just join MLOC..and our tt...get prepared to be poisoned by all the sifu here...hehehehe:biggrin:

p/s : the real joker is the man with CAT keychain but alergy to fur and hair...except hairless beaver...

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