Is Crime Bad in JB or Just Newspaper Spreading Fears?

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good job, wonder why so many gaps, LOL. the whole department on holiday between 2004 to 2010?
good job, wonder why so many gaps, LOL. the whole department on holiday between 2004 to 2010?

Lol, now I know why. 2004-2010 was the period which they felt inappropriate to show. Looking the the prison population during that period it does make sense for the blackout data.:biggrin:
Nice, at least some numbers.

I guess we will never know how accurate this is, but why would they made up data that indicates rising crime rate as opposed to a decreasing one right?

So the reality is, more crime is being committed and the violent ones are increasing. That answers the thread starter's question nicely then.
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Good job with the stats. Wonder how it compares with other countries.

Can compare with other countries where guns are easily obtain and they have the right to own one...
Since the shooting spree is almost the same as a particular country now :rofl:
Can compare with other countries where guns are easily obtain and they have the right to own one...
Since the shooting spree is almost the same as a particular country now :rofl:

Most gun crimes in the United States are committed by illegal and blackmarket firearms, and only a small proportion from legally purchased and owned units...although when it does happen, the media coverage often disproportionate due to their severity (eg. the recent Sandy Hook massacre).

Malaysia has one of the toughest gun laws around the world in terms of ownership of legally registered firearms. The increase in firearms crime in Malaysia is not a question of 'the right to own one' because in pragmatic terms, no such rights exist here unless you are truly exceptional in terms of eligibility.

The recent gun incidents here are all from blackmarket firearms and is more reflective of a lack of proper enforcement rather than any Constituionally sanctioned 'Right to Own and Bear Arms'.
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But the gun shooting this year seems to link to Gangland War instead. Involving Gang 36 and Gang 08 according to the news.
Shooting people at kopitiam, killing some gang members/leaders in their BMW and etcs.

But I can't understand why was the kopitiam owner being targeted after that. He was shot as well but survive in his car during daylight.
But the gun shooting this year seems to link to Gangland War instead. Involving Gang 36 and Gang 08 according to the news.
Shooting people at kopitiam, killing some gang members/leaders in their BMW and etcs.

But I can't understand why was the kopitiam owner being targeted after that. He was shot as well but survive in his car during daylight.

Better not TT at Kopitiam woh!.....hahahaha:rofl:
After at wrong place at wrong time......:banghead:
Better not TT at Kopitiam woh!.....hahahaha:rofl:
After at wrong place at wrong time......:banghead:

Your house is the safest :rofl:

But is true, if u were sitting nearby, u might get shot as well...really Malaysia is indeed safe
and the cops are asking us to put in more faith into them.

Understand that they cant be at every place 24/7 but then hope they will try their best.
Your house is the safest :rofl:

But is true, if u were sitting nearby, u might get shot as well...really Malaysia is indeed safe
and the cops are asking us to put in more faith into them.

Understand that they cant be at every place 24/7 but then hope they will try their best.

Yup, Safer to Come TT at my place, Teh Tarik, Nescafe, Chocolate all have......hahahahahahaha:rofl:
But of course cannot hold too big a group.....:biggrin:
Yup, Safer to Come TT at my place, Teh Tarik, Nescafe, Chocolate all have......hahahahahahaha:rofl:
But of course cannot hold too big a group.....:biggrin:

Unless i bring all sexy girls I think the group how big also u wont mind :rofl:
But if at his house, then his wife will whack him bad! :biggrin:

He just need to pass his wife the credit card and then problem solve. At least his house save from crimes. No snatch thieves will happen or any shooting.
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