What error code is this - in Japanese lang ! :D

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Very Young Member... :D
Senior Member
Jul 5, 2004
Good day...

Anybody know Japanese words ?
What does that means (attached) ?
maybe is low battery....
i tried google translate juz now...the result is___battery=バッテリー
similar to your attachment...
The battery is ok...
this error code appeared on the silvertop Levin 101 multidisplay unit (the clock)...
appeared once engine started...with the normal ECU "tunggg" sound...
battery water?....the words behind mean insufficient fluid.
chinozie, it's Battery fluid...
wahh so weird one...huuu...
that car currently using a dry cell battery...and it's in good condition...
lol...tats y it state "talak air"...dry cell where got battery water :rofl:

btw,i wonder where's the sensor for the batt water level...or the code means batt weak?
hahahaha...yaa lor...where's the sensor...

my friend text me, saying the last words, stated... "tak cukup malam"

translation ... "not enough night"
wahhh wangan aaa ?
or issit last nite not enough "sex" or "party" last nite ? heeee...

sbirdz - oit...where got lansi...this is for real...like P.Ramlee movie..."ini bukan cobaan...ini betul-betul..." heee...
nola......tht 1st chinese word got 2 t*t*k there....tht's means water,liquid and.....erm......u imagine urself nia:rofl::rofl::rofl:
erm.. tat error code appear cause air takla cukup.. It will show u guide wen is ngam time 2 "masuk" or not...
It come out wen u not enough foreplay.. Be patience my fren.. Make sure enough air mani!!!!!

chin chin, from a warning code now becomes hamsap code.. hahaha!!! shit man.... :P

what u did to ur car lately? or check back your car health book la... see whut belum change, change it lor :P hahahah!! :thefinger:

it's not my car...liewww...
i'm helping someone's car...

somehow the error code appeared after the car was driven through a flood...yet the car still lack of liquid ? hahahaha...so funny...

or is it the car want to have more of the flood situation ? wahhh...this car is getting more intelligent by a day...suka main "air" one...
went thru flood? air filter or air inductions box got water????

the sign is pretty much clear ady right? :D went thru flood... bangla r :D hahaha!!! still can laugh r... later ecu puke out water ! I really gonna laugh! hahhahaha!!! but our car can be that smart to detect water????

ini vvt more complicated than vvti r? :D they got flood sensor? :D
what kind of engine is tht?? gt display tht saying in sentence for the batt water level........ mine is jst ignition lamp tht show batt only... high tech car (mst b expensive one).... gt display whn is the right RPM for the engine to kick off the best peformance out?? or the right RPM to telling tht is best cruise for fuel consumption?? btw ppl ask for help thn u all tell ths hampsap wording here:rofl:
バッテ = Batt

and you display was mean the "battery is a lack of fluid"... Then you said you using the dry cell battery, so it may mean alteration of the battery and electrodes.

For futher detail you may refer to this:
Japanese version

English Version:

That try you compare both of it... Then you might understand...
Hahaha... Chinozie ng diu alll of u guys ady... included me.. coz all here run this chat dunno gone where ady :D naik bulan, pergi mars ady :D

hahahahah!! pity u la. Chin :P hahahha!!!

sure this one will be a topic at konot later... :P ...sure Daud bring it up...

what to do...for the moment no luck on finding it...
have to keep on searching lor...

"tak cukup mlm"
"not enough liquid"

can't stop laughing...
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