SAT 9 Sept Convoy


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Sep 20, 2004
Hi there,

On behalf of the committee....dis coming SAT will be a convoy tentatively, please have a show of hands n your rides if u r coming, meetup place....tentatively somewhere around PJ, however if there's not enuff response, it will be for the ones who like to convoy around pls response to this thread....


Muahahahaha........I am the Real Stock Silver ....kakakaka
No need to postpone!... there will be a meet up!! there will be a gathering!! there will be a convoy!!... and MLOC WILL BE THERE!!!
hhmmm... if go ulu yam then i scared of the big silver body anconda chasing me liow!!!
tentative name list : (for those who can confirm coming pls add on)

rides confirmed to come :
1. DD
2. Reddragon
3. Kampoon
4. ??
5 ??
6 ??

not sure to come:
1. ??
2. ??

those who not coming no need to add on to the list :))

come come lets see who has got the most stock ride :D
Siapa itu red dragon? hehehehehehehe......sure damm 'leng chai' one!!! hahaha
sorry cant make it too.. stuck at few thousands miles away.. :"(
Hmm....all also so bz. Let me try to contact our non ZTH member see if they can join. Dd, where is Sanu ?

rides confirmed to come :
1. DD
2. Reddragon
3. Kampoon
4. ??
5 ??
6 ??

not sure to come:
1. B18C-R (50/ to work)
2. ??

Jun_EK9, u're invited ! come come...
blue rager in cat city doing road show ......cant make it dis week,

hello who else le......erm raining still go a not ?? hehehe I OK 1 though
DD..I called a few. Because of the heavy rain outside, they said we better make it next time round la. Be safe.

I baru sampai office to work. sigh

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