Review: Racecraft Carbon Fibre Intake System

  • Thread starter Tom
  • Start date
  • Replies 49
  • Views 44K
just wondering, the filter is inside the carbon fibre intake, is it cleanable or you have to replace the whole item?

btw, instead of the alternative, the item in the review, will it have a version to fit the new Myvi? the smaller alternatives doesn't look as impressive as the reviewed unit.. if you get what i mean :D
Due to the cost of raw materials had rise...we RaceCraft have no choice but to increase the price for this product as well....New price at RM450 cash and carry and can be found in all our distributor's showroom....New stock available....

ps.At the moment we are still in the middle of RnD'ing the custom bracket for Protons....
racecraft or pipercross venom??????

racecraft cf intake or pipercross venom inttake? which 1?? pening kapla, racecraft murah tapi long term condition baguih ka? pipercross punya macam lagi quality, tahan lama.... amacam? please advice......
hi enthusiasts..!

just purchased this unit..everything went well, got it connected with samco hose as well.
engine bay really look nice,

powerwise...the engine really pulls and feel light.compared to my monster size open pod
i think both got pros and pod i must say got more punch coz of the big size.
used to run 5' diameter filter.. for this one the lower end feels better.

but.... haa.. i korek a hole at my bumper to fix the supplied c.a.i hose, but in less than 1 hour driving..i reached home at found that the hose koyak and tercabut from the rubber housing i fix to the bumper...

gonna fix it tomorrow morning... then test again for overall review...chows..
What about a Galant VR4? I've relocate the battery to the boot. Should be lots of space. Only problem is the AFM which is huge!
possible to fit in a nissan frontier?it runs on turbo diesel..i'm really interested in this product...

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