Review: Racecraft Carbon Fiber Intake System

  • Thread starter Tom
  • Start date
  • Replies 185
  • Views 36K
may i ask tat the CF filter can fix in 2 my car latest accord 2.4??n somemore if i change it then how is the different n the cost??thx.......
one more question,how much is the racecraft GT carbon wing 1600mm 1??ya the biggest 1 cost??
hi i am the marketing director for racecraft...joeker is no longer working in the company...i would like to apologize for not replying all the questions here...coz we are busy setting up the new showroom at sunway..our new company phone is 56368860.

the bmc filter is rm450...n t will certainly improve the performance cos we have install in a lot of cars n get very good feedback.

for the cusco style gt wing...we no longer have stock....we only have stocks for re amemiya style n rc style gt wing. n they cost around rm1900
thx for reply,n somemore how much for the CF bonnet for the latest accord CM4?thx.....

The carbon fibre intake kit(aka BMC CDA style) can fit myvi 1.3 engine bay?

Who r ur authorised dealers in JB, tks
Sorry for the late replies. The price for this BMC style airfilter is RM480. We are currently out of stock on that. New stock will be arriving in 2-3 weeks time.

Thanks for all your enquiries.
Sorry, the BMC air filter will not fit the Jazz as its engine bay is quite small. You can use our Universal Air Filter with heat shield.

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I am wondering whether I can use an apexi air filter in the product instead of your stock filter? If can, would there be a reduction in the price?
I notice that RC is quite slow in responding to queries in this forum? Wonder whether they are really in business or not!!!!
I'm very sorry for the very late reply bro. Year end, everyone's getting a lil busy. I apologise again for that.

Anyway, you will not be able to use that heatshield with an Apex'i Air Filter. It would not fit.

Guys, the BMC Style filters are back in stock. For further enquiries please do not hesitate to give us, RaceCraft a call at +603 5636-8860.

Hi Kelvin,

Thanks for the reply. My concern is how good is the filter in terms of filtering. Very comfortable with apexi quality. thanks again
Apex'i Filters and Racecraft are same paper filters. In terms of filtering, I would say that we are not as good as Apex'i but we are not bad either. The advantage of our filter would be the Carbon Fibre heatshield which provides colder air for the intake.
Hi wetwetwet,

am interested in getting the racecraft BMC style air filter, have the following queries:-

-is the filter big enough for a 4G93 engine running on a putra, i.e. the filter element looks small so was wondering would enough air be channeled thru it to the engine?

-in terms of the filter element, would it be possible for me to replace the one that comes with the filter with other after market filters?

-also is there any dynoed result for the installation of such filter on a 4G93 engine?? would love to know what is the gain that can come with this.

apologies if these question has been answered before but susah to scroll one by one so tot easier if you could revert to me again.

once again many thanks. am looking foward to your reply the soonest (eneos got sale now hehe) so wanna grab it quick if can hehe. thanks a bunch

hello racecraft.. i already pmed wetwetwater asking about CF intake system.. hope can get faster replies by you all.. thx

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