Review: Racecraft Carbon Fibre Intake System

  • Thread starter Tom
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Review: Racecraft Carbon Fiber Intake System

Carbon fibre... who doesn't love them. Enthusiasts love them for its
lightweight yet strong material for the automotive industry but for most, for its
hipnotic weave and looks. Its aesthetic attributes is something car freaks would
die for to be reckon with. Racecraft International, or more widely known as
Racecraft Carbon Products had recently officially hopped aboard as a supporting merchant. The relationship is not new.
Racecraft International has been with since last year as an
exhibitor partner during the Asian Motorsports Festival

Racecraft exhibited their line of exotic, Japan-imported carbon products
from their fine, pure carbon fibre bonnets, bucket seats to strut braces. Its
carbon material and construction line up stretches far beyond coloured carbon
fibre materials, silver carbon fibre, carbon kevlars to even extensive dry
carbon construction products!. Whether hand-made or machine manufactured, both
Racecraft's construction quality, and finishes are world-class.

That's it for Racecraft's introduction. Moving on to induction. Right. it
seems that the induction system or known as the intake system is one of the
primary focus for engine performance. Intake system also provide one of the most noticeable
differences one can feel in terms of performance, looks, and of course
self-satisfaction and not forgetting the most affordable. So, again, choices. It
comes in many shapes and sizes from, drop in panels, pods, sponge, paper, metal
mesh, you name it. Unless you want to keep it subtle and the
"looks-like-you-didn't-do-anything-to-it" look, the pod-type is for you.
Pod-type. You love the sound it makes and the performance it extracts. But you
hate it when it take it all back from you. -during traffic jams in the hot
afternoon sun. What do you do? create a heatshield! or even a cold air intake
with hoses and all. Practical? yes. -But you're missing out. Most probably in
terms of efficiency, looks, wow factor, praises, and probably, even price.

Currently retailing at RM350 in Links Power and some good outlets in Sunway,
Introducing the Racecraft Carbon Fibre Intake System. It's a steal. Don't
agree?. Now, it comes with the full works. The high-quality carbon fibre barrel,
the filter element (essentially a pod), mounting frames, hose clips, and, get
ready,... *drums* the aluminium foldable, stretchable hose enough to channel the
outside air from your bumper to your passenger seat. Now, That's value for


Getting interesting? It's universal as well but to a certain extend. you also
need some space for this. Okay, let's head on to the important details.
Performance. As we all know, the cooler the air, the denser it is, the denser it
is, the better it is, the better it is, the wider your smile gets. Heat is the
enemy. The engine is full of it. The only way is to keep your factory air box.
or build a proper, proper cold air intake.

No?. You like the thing in the picture above? alright. What the Racecraft
Carbon Fibre Intake is, is a proper, proper cold air intake system in a barrel.
Pipe the hose that channels the cold/cool air from the outside into the opening
of the barrel and through the barrel, pipe the outlet into your intake section.
After some simple calculation, what we have here is dummy-proof.

Performance Figures?


Links Power Sunway. What's Links Power? They are one of the most established
professional performance garages around. Mr. Kee of Links Power was happy to
borrow their dyno (dynamometer) facility for this test. Yes,
Links Power also carries Racecraft Carbon Products (find their contact at the
bottom of this review). They specialize in most performance cars and offers
professional, no-nonsense tuning expertise and facilities

For this review, my car was used (again). It's a 1989 BMW E30 325i running on
a single cam 12 valve 6 cylinder with minimal goodies. Links' technical team
strapped the BMW to the dyno. Notice the clean enviroment and 4-wheel drive
Hyper Power Dynamometer facility, well managed safety harness, lots of
monitoring gadgets from monitors, "in-flight" displays, "in-flight" remote
keyboard to tuning gadgets ensure a professional, quality and worry-free service.
Test Begins:

Before Processs:

-Generic sponge filter pod with no heat shielding from the engine heat

-Air conditioning turned on

-Temperature sensor place near air filter pod

-Dyno was done with the bonnet closed..

Engine was left to run at idle to spin the rear wheels in 1st gear for

Engine compartment temperature near the intake area in length of 5 minutes

53 ~ 58 degrees Celsius with the auxiliary fan on simulating driving/moving

70 ~ 75 degrees Celsius without auxiliary fan on simulating traffic jam/idle


137.0 RWHP (*Rear Wheel Horsepower)

202nm torque

After Process:

-Racecraft Carbon Fibre Intake fitted

-Aluminium hose channeled from grill area into intake opening

-Air Con turned on

-Temperature sensor fitted into intake

-Dyno was done with the bonnet closed..

Engine was left to run at idle to spin the rear wheels in 1st gear for

Engine compartment temperature in the intake area in length of 5 minutes was:

32 ~ 33 degrees Celsius with the auxiliary fan on simulating driving/moving

33 ~ 35 degrees Celsius without auxiliary fan on simulating traffic jam/idle


145.4 RWHP (*Rear Wheel Horsepower)

204 nm torque


1) Performance Figures:

Seriously, the gains achieved seems almost unbelievable. There will be doubts
and suspicions I'll leave it to the dyno chart for you to decide. There are of
course, crucial factors to consider, in terms of the enclosed engine bay
enviroment which produced huge amounts of heat and especially when tested right
after heat generated under such condition. Again the results are as above.

2.1) Feel: Scenario 1: Low Speed cruising to full throttle

I noticed a difference in increased acceleration especially during
accelerating while cruising at low speeds which most probably, is due to the
pressure collected in cool, dense air buffer contained in the intake barrel.

2.2) Feel: Scenario 2: Full-throttle to partially closed throttle to

Significant difference was also felt during re-accelerating from partially
closed throttle back to full-throttle which, due to the similar fact of the air
buffer collected.

3) Sound:

Sound wise, for loud induction freaks, sorry to disappoint, but induction
note has been significantly muted. Compared to other open-type pod filters, like
my sponge filter pod before, you would notice a decrease in induction note
though deep-throat noises still does linger in the barrel. It is actually due to
the fact that the sound absorbent fibrous nature of carbon fibre barrel
construction as opposed to the nature of plastic cylinders which amplifies


-Practical choice for performance upgrade

-Value for money


Might not fit smaller cars

-Induction sound sacrificed


Overall, I love the product. I love it for the wow-factor, the price, the
performance gains achieved, the fact that I now have a carbon fibre product in
my car and most importantly, there's nothing i don't like about this product. So
that's my summary.

Thanks to:


Racecraft Carbon Products:
RaceCraft International

Jalan Sarjana, Taman Connaught,

Cheras, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: +603-91300391 Fax: +603-91300392 Email:
[email protected]


Links Power:

Links Dyno Tune

No. 30, Jalan PJS 11/3, Bandar Sunway,

46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Tel: +603 5636 9901 Fax: +603 5636 7701 Email: [email protected]
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RM 350 for a CF CAI kit, giving an extra 8hp and 2nm of torque..this is very good value for money, hope the pricing stays this way to attract more customers. But 1 question :huh: lingers : how can one clean the filter? Just by using petrol, blow dry and let it hang in the sun for a couple of hours then refit? Or any type of cleaning oil and filter element reoiling ala - K&N? Is it possible to refit K&N's or Pipercross's filter to the CF box?
What happen to all the replies?

Anyway I have a question that I hope SataNIc can answer. Ok. We know the filter flows great. But what my major concern is how is the filtration quailities of the intake. I ain't risking putting in an air filter that might not have good filtration qualities. Furthermore with a Cold Air Intake. It's pretty risky having loads of dust and debris going into your engine. It's just something I need u guys to clarify.

And assuming it's time to change the element inside, what aftermarket brands can I opt for? Apex'i , Trust, HKS?
RM350 for this kit and increase 8HP and 2NM torque!? :ph34r:

OMG this is VALUE FOR MONEY thingy...
the n1 ppl also selling racecraft stuff..
they said.. for filters, k&n still better
Originally posted by saltydogg@Mar 18 2005, 15:47
the n1 ppl also selling racecraft stuff..
they said.. for filters, k&n still better
mean the filter element can be replaced with K&N once it's due for replacement? many time can this racecraft filter element be re-used?
hey...any taiko can answer my question ar...i'm driving iswara lmst...currently still using the stock air box... what do i need in order to modd into open pod ar?? :huh: this cf air ram seems interesting. B)
by looking at the photo...with the cf intake...they take away the filter?? :huh: posting lost...nm..i post again.. :(
i was enquiring if a 1.5 manual satria can use this filter..
thx in advance... :D
Does the CF intake fit cars like the Kelisa? Even an air ram is too long to fit the right way in the engine bay.Im afraid that it might take in heat and debris and the input may be too overwhelming
Dear All,

We are currently in the testing phase of installing it into Protons & Peroduas. We will let you guys know the status once we are done testing. Please give us a few days. Thank you.

Originally posted by AccordR@Mar 23 2005, 16:06
Dear All,

We are currently in the testing phase of installing it into Protons & Peroduas. We will let you guys know the status once we are done testing. Please give us a few days. Thank you.


the intake pretty impressive, if u can give us a measurement for air intake so i can try to check and possible to fit into my new honda city
yea....u guys should really get the proton fitting tests done quick...

alot of proton car drivers are really interested in the racecraft...
well this intake system sure is performance and appearance in one package ...
so .... when will i get to see this intake system in my beloved Wira ... ahahha
another proton driver waiting .. :D
Can it be fitted into corolla seg ae101?Will the effect still be the same or? thanks!
Originally posted by AccordR@Mar 23 2005, 16:06
Dear All,

We are currently in the testing phase of installing it into Protons & Peroduas. We will let you guys know the status once we are done testing. Please give us a few days. Thank you.


Can test on my car if u want.. ahem...hehehe
Originally posted by InitialD+Mar 31 2005, 01:31 -->
QUOTE(InitialD @ Mar 31 2005, 01:31 )
@Mar 23 2005, 16:06
Dear All,

We are currently in the testing phase of installing it into Protons & Peroduas. We will let you guys know the status once we are done testing. Please give us a few days. Thank you.


Can test on my car if u want.. ahem...hehehe

Links power has just tested on a proton, will need to customise an adapter for Protons. InitialD, are you willing to be their Test Car? ;)
this question is regarding racecraft...
a friend of mine is interested in having a carbon fibre hood for his toyota i wanna ask whether can racecraft prepare a hood for toyota wish and how much will it cost?

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