reduce "subsidies on existing " , voice up ur opinion.

actually is the image that given by G , everybody have right to give a opinion and we are not again them, giving opinion is base on what we feel.....opinion is not a demand , opinion is a option for the G to reconsider our idea.....there is always no correct or wrong a matter either our opinion accepted by the G or not ? no body admit they are wrong are correct but when things goes wrong what we need to to cover back the wrong and the wrong thing wont happen. repeated again and again same mistake will make plp make more comment ...currently we look on the Gov project about our king place ?what hapen to the worker? why they claim no enough money to build the building ? as a contractor they surppose know how to calculate pricing and material in the future( 1- 5 year )? if you are a expert in construction they suppose know about the material price.cos i believe ur company is not a first day operate the business .
bro CSL...if u were referring to my post, pls take note i was referring to Blackhowling's post on the RELA personnel shooting that tiger. i think it's wrong and besides, the tiger is a protected species. any other rakyat caught shooting a tiger wouldve already been tried for suspected poaching but even so, the RELA boss defends the action. isnt the whole act sort of "not admitting one's mistake"?

Touching on the topic of owning up to mistakes, you've gotta admit that they were some deals that went down south and huge costs were incurred. Some that i can recall are the EPF investment that failed...Bank Negara's investment that failed(happened sometime during the economic downturn)...the 2 scorpene subs(can they both dive now?)...just to name a few. i dont really have the details but so does most of the rakyat here. we know something went wrong...but nobody is admiting what went wrong and what are the corrective actions so the mistakes wont happen again. when the rakyat is kept in the dark, news gets made up and fiction sometimes is taken as facts cos humans are inherently inquisitive. they have a need to know. i think the root cause of why so many are discontent is due to lack of information. that said, i agree with u on freshies that come out thinking they know well...wisdom is also important to make sense of all the information.

give us the information and we'll somehow make sense of. it's time to let us grow up.

u know...i read the other day Dr.M said if he were in power, he would've legalised betting. i think he knows it's 1 way of making big bucks from something that will happen no matter its legality so might as well make it legal n make a profit from it. i had a discussion with some of my workmates here and they all had the same thinking..."yeah sure can untung. maybe billions even from legalised betting...but will the $$$ be put to good use or will it dissapear?" ...even the Muslims here think it's a good idea to legalise betting cos it isnt illegal for the chinese, indians and everybody other than Muslims to gamble but not a single 1 of them thinks the $$$ gained will be put to good use. just my 2 cents of this day's must ajak Bro CSL out minum teh...good discusion buddy :biggrin:

Not really referring to you bro but I reply based on the direction of this thread is heading to. Mean before someone put something out, I potong it 1st :biggrin::biggrin: and also bring the thread back to its subject :biggrin::biggrin:

For short time of duration, this gamble thing will not be legalized. So, prepare to face more subsidy removing or increasing of subsidy removing speed :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Looking at the point that an industry that can create few hundred of job opportunities (at initial stage) just buta-buta gone like that, Don't know wanna laugh or cry.

I rarely able to come out for TT, even my car club TT also only join once in 2 months. I just found a part time job in a motorsports shop that can prevent me from keep on putting things on my shopping list :biggrin:
Yah...i agree for the time being the sports gambling issue wont be overturned. need to jaga muka but just keep track of it. i believe some time in the future things will change. we wait n see la...good income maker ler this thing. look at UK and their lotto...

u sound like u want to stop buying stuff for yr car...but u working in an like saying i'm going for a diet but work in a candy shop...self torture ka? :biggrin:
arturo i understand what u want to said.......erm....we look forward to next election ...have you all guys register for election ?

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