Klang Anyone?

wah lau somemore need 2 overhaul engine kar... like dis u better push yr car into sg klang loh cause took so long to cum out from workshop.. if we oredi form project-d-2007 mau tunggu u ini macam mati liao loh... ahahahahahaahahahahaahaha!!! ok la faster go n do yr work now! kekekeekeke!

wahhh for sale d la.. good loh.. yalar check around for more option on baja satria loh.. wahhh looks like more n more satria geng d.. fuiyooooo! yalar like kobee said go around klg area n look around for satria loh.. de more u look de more u r near to get the car soon.. ehheehehehehehe!

sori late liao last nite cause went to MP to do some network setup.. heheehehehehe!!

Sorry guys, last nite cant join u guys..reached home oso around 9pm liow..damn tired oso....will join u guys next week....hehehe...
no la.. i wanna find direct owner better.. or fren kai siau wan.. later those ppl take the car and trash and alot of enermy wan... then i buy car liao i ma mampos lor... hahahaa...
if like dis den u wanna buy my AE92 or not... i plan to sell it off liao... rm20k.. come la direct owner mah.. if u buy i give u free standalone ecu and wide band sensor later u can plug in and use laptop program de map settings.. hahaahahahahahaha!

kobee, do u think Mike will sell his car......if its true then anyone can enquire his car liow....hahahaha!
if mike's car with with the HKS 272 + ECU then 20k i buy cash!!!
hahaha... yalor... too bad HKS kasi keluar liao... 20k dowan la... too expensive for student like me la... kobee... ur baja biru dowan la... hahaha... ur car blacklisted in klang liao wan... hahahaha....
ooohhh de cam nevermind la.. but de ECU still wif me mah.. ahaahahahahaahahahaha... in fact standalone ecu + stock cam can even set yr car to be much faster den de cam.. ahhahahahaahahaha! dat's de essence...

it's confirm for sale d my car cause planning to get much comfy car d loh.. eheheheheheeh..

wah 20k also mahal arr.. where got.. still can get loan from bank wan.. 80% loan also can get.. ahhaahahahahaa.. u think abt it la.. de next i shall c is u r de new owner liao.. wahahahaahahahahaha!

mike: some banks still can get 100% loan.. if not mistaken southern bank can get 100%.. last time my car also got 100% loan..
wanna know how much loan can get?? jux go to bank and ask, i got 1 car toyota ae92 yearXXXX can get loan how much then ma know lo...
hahaha... dowan la... later all non stop continously take turn come smoke kao me... hahaha
wahhh dats good..

its ok.. when u drive dis car nobody will smoke u.. cause dis ae92 has anti-smoke detection from certain range so when de car detects somebody gonna smoke u, even u dun pedal full, de mechanism will pedal de speed to the max and u shall leave yr smoker or whoever far far behind liao.. haahahahahaahahahahaah! LOL!

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