Klang Anyone?

Klang TT Schedule
Date: 29th March 2007
Day: Thursday
Time: 8.30pm onwards...
Venue: Same mamak stall below the largest MP centre! hahahaha!

1) trd16v @ mike
2) ae82gt @ seng chai + gf
3) tnesh @ tnesh ninja turtle
4) phibitis @ kobee killer
5) juniorkirk @ kirk de man
6) takumaz @ maz 11,000 rpm
7) bobo @ EG6 power
8) fatality @ City power
9) d3s @ Wira Transformer

TT Session Agenda
1) Why takumaz no more join klg TT ?
2) When will ever be the EG6 out from the workshop? Apasal lama sgt?
3) Will there be new emerging power of kirk's saga?
4) When will fatality own the mighty GTR-34 V-Spec III? Whoaaa!
5) Support seng chai's next BLT20v 2007 plan.
6) Spotted new power from port klg a Wira Transformer... whoaaaa!

Yalor...all members here, Ahseng this year will planning to join MME with his BT-LE. so if he get sponsor is not the problems already...hahaha
thursday i can't make it.. celebrating fren's b'day
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Next Week's Tt Suggestion

28th March 2007, 6.23pm, hot and windy

Proposal for next coming TT to be alocated @ Bukit Tinggi Pelita. Due to UNKER DES is not able to make it all the way to BBK cuz of some private and confidential reasons, I Kobee here stand out and help unker des to propose.
bobo , that's the idea ...... easier for u to come also. heheeh.......
seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i sooooooooooooooooooooooo kind ..............
wuahahaha , wat damn 7 paiseh lar des korr ... i buat macam joke mar ... kakaka !
eh.... Ahseng when can give me the 2 numbers ?.....at here got 4agte, 4g93T ,Vtec-turbo want boost already la............hahahahaha
This thur TT changed to new venue to accomodate both desmond san and bobo san... if de 2 fella din come & FFK we shall take immediate action liao! waahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!!!

im new here ... hi hi to all the klang lengchais and leng luis(if there's any.)
can i join TT ??
mike.. can some one pick me?? hahahaha.. no car la.. unless u all TT the shops near my hse here got 1 new mamak la.. same mamak as the bekerly roundabout that mamak..
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