Klang Anyone?

anything is possible wif de new employment of technology 2day of the 21st century and wif innovative comes creation of new techno and wealth.. wahhahahahaahahahahah!

Ok guys, this Sat im planning to do a Yuen stimbot at 6pm onwards. For those who want to join, kindly put your name the latest by this Friday afternoon. Thank you :-

1) Seng Chai & gf
2) Mike & wife
3) Kirk & gf
4) Desmond san & gf
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ok, confirmed going! time to format sata 750GB hdd liao now! Might take days to complete! wahahahahaahahahahahaahahaha!!!!

des: just got 2 the bank n ask can edi..

seng: all bring gf paiseh leh.. unless got single ppl going la.. like me... hahahaha..
its ok la.. go there also makan2 enjoy2 mah.. no gf also takpe.. go there can cuci mata kaw2 loh.. ahahahaahahahaah!

Ok guys, this Sat im planning to do a Yuen stimbot at 6pm onwards. For those who want to join, kindly put your name the latest by this Friday afternoon. Thank you :-

1) Seng Chai & gf
2) Mike & wife

o wanna go restorant talipon.. jux opposite kelana jaya LRT station??
2nite is the NITE for everyone.....same time, same place, same channel, same table, same ppl, same car, same food and etc.....hahahahaha!
yup.. everything is the same.. so hopefully the key person 2nite no FFK is good enuf d.. ahahahahahaahahahahaha!

AhSeng!! lu dun FFK again.. if not Me.. Mike TaiTaiko.. Tnesh aka Lonely BajaHitam n Kobee- hamsan gonna tembak u kau kau.. hahahaha~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike and Kobee-San FFK!! Mike and Kobee-San FFK!! Mike and Kobee-San FFK!!

fatt kor, paiseh lar ... was really tired last nite after work .... no mood also ....
ah fat kor,

me no ffk la.. me was late cause got appt elsewhere bizness talk la.. ahhahahahahahaahahaha!! knnccb la u simply said i FFK.. i no FFK wan.. when i came i also saw u cabot liao and saw a fast glimpse of yr car speed off like missiles bullet.. hahahahaahahahahahaahahahaha!!! LOL!!!!

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