Klang Anyone?

aiyoo u can wan la.. can afford study at oz land where all of us can jes dream of it onli.. skyline sap sap sui loh.. if u need to import anything jes let me know la i'll get logistics quote for u.. ahhaahahahahahaahahahahahahaaha!!!

Dear klang members,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of u a happy and prosperous CNY and may this CNY 2007 brings us more luck, more prosperity, more cheongster geng, more luck, higher achievement in career and best sports car to everyone given by God of prosperity aka Choy San Yeh... ehehehehehehehe!!!

Enjoy the festive season and let's partyyyyyyyy!!!!

hahaha... espresso, dont like this kiam siap la... roti kosong RM 1 liao la... naik harga liao la... hahahahaha

Happy Chinese New Year Everyone
Gong xi fa chai...to all Cheongster ,and sportcar owner here...hhahahaha
happy chinese new year 2 every1 2.... when wanna go mike house pai ni??? lolz
nabeh kobee, after having valentine's dinner at station 1 already giler sial ar? hahaha....

nonit so big kua... hahahaha... oh right... spotted baja biru infront station 1 on valentine's night... he denied himself having valentines dinner... hahahaha

no balik kampung ar?

when ur Banana16 going to come out from kedai sudu sdn bhd?

we all go ur house gia ang pow 1st la... can boh ?
Before u guys come the leader gip me a call 1st la.. wahahahahahahahahaaha!!! Worry later i not at home... ehehehehehehe! The leader shud be either desmond or seng chai lor.. hahahahaahahahahaahah!!!

kirk, i wasnt having valentine's dinner lar ... it was actually a farewell dinner for my fren. hehe....

when goin to mike's house ?? organise !!
yep someone need 2 organize loh 2 cum 2 my hse.. ekekekeekekke! jes now earlier seng chai got sms me le.. he still blur whether its 2moro 2nd day cny or tuesday.. his mind now still at meow meow land.. aahahahahahahahahahaha!! so pls assist seng chai one of u mebbe desmond san or kirk de man.. later if not seng chai will bcum more blur.. ahahahahahahahahaaha! LOL!!!

2nd day i cannot lar ... i told seng chai d .. hehe ....
have to balik kampung n lou sang wit family ......
lolz... seng chai sms me already... said today but yet to comfirm the time... heheehehe
I'm free 2moro thur but in de morning need 2 go bank do some deposit in money cause too much angpow d.. wahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha!!!!! Friday i onli start work lo.. eeekekeekekekeke!! weekend if u guyz coming den had to c how d.. hhahhahahaahahhaha!

wahhh Mike memang kaya raya wan la....if we cuming weekend then u hv to let us know the exact time lor so that we all will allocate the time for u ma...if c hw d then susah for us leh.....hahahaha!
hahaha....yalor Mike Fat-choi ready..really Hei Fat Choi ar...hahahahaha

Just came back from JB. Syok o.....go 2 days...Cheong no sleep, keep drink and play know alot of lenglui there also.....and spotted Some Zth ppl there then drink agains with them kanin.. Dead-place JB hahahaha
wah... drink drink drink.... i also drink since last fri till today still not yet stop.. some body help me!!! going 2 die of accessive alcohol...
I havent touched any Alcohol this CNY.
damn sienn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this weekend goin to mike's house ? make it nite time how ??
if u all wanna cum my hse den make it saturday around 2pm+ la.. come in de afternoon and bobo since u dem a lot of drink2 rite den bring yr liquor come la.. share wif all of us.. ahhahahahaahahahahaahahahaha!!! sunday i not at home la and sunday is last day for me for cny.. ahahahahaahahahahahaha!!!

wahhh song la u.. cheong + drink + cheong again.. song si! kannin! LOL!!!! ahahahahahahahaahahahaha!!!!

u guys jux go ahead without me... i'm going JB tomolo... sorry guys!!! sorry mike!!!

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