Becareful @ R&R Seremban

many of us kena before edi by these ppl...
so just remember to pass the word around to ppl around u....just be extra carefull...
i also did a google search like u.....same results.....not sure are they the same anot...
i still remember last 2-3 years back, my car overheated on the highway at 2 am. at that time one indian guy stopped his car and then tell me that his workshop can help me to rectify the problem.. than he said that he could tow my car using rope with his car. luckily i rejected his offer. at kl-seremban highway :)

Yeah, same thing happened to my friend's wira, just overheat n stop, then those guys came. Initially said just flush radiator then ok, after they towed the car into workshop....nonsense stories came out, gasket blow, engine need overhaul, cost RM2000, bla bla bla, then wanna gaduh like gangster. Summore dare to say "Kalau berani lapor polis lah!" Had to call 6 other friends to come with tow truck and pay RM600 only they let my friend go. Turned out they poured water into the engine oil compartment...:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Since so many cases with this workshop, why not who involved with the incident just lodge a police report. Let police know the situation and set up a trap for them.
Guys, another add on to all the uneventfull incidentes.

This happened in 2003, mothers car overheated while driving to seremban and she was driving to visit some relatives in seremban. I was at home when this happened. She called & i told her will be there in 1 hour. tot of bringing my mech friend from pj. after 10 min she called me back saying the being towed by a plus personel to a closeby workshop. this was in nilai tho. so i decided not to bring my mech friend and reached the wshop in 1 hour. When i got there, could you believe it the have opened the head and even removed the head and the pistons from the block?????? in less that 1 hour!! i was like, what did you open every thing? isnt the car was overheated? and that indian mechanic(im an indian dude too la, and im not condemning the race here but somehow this highway repairing shit has been really dominated by this fellas and most of them are gangsters) told me that stupid reason which i cant accept. like the piston jam la, gasket burn la, itu la ini la. i asked to show me the part, went inside a room and took some parts and show, dont even know if thats from my mothers car.sigh.same story la, said cannot be done today..LIKE DUH!! opened like that, sure la cannot fix at that time cos it was 7 pm. So i came the next day to settle a bill for rm2000. Not able to do anything about it, left that shop and end up paying another 1k plus with my mech to do top overhaul cos the engine felt rough..

Lesson to learn, NEVER EVER ALOW ANYONE TO TOW YOUR CAR. CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. even its 300 or more, just pay and be satisfied fixing it in your own mech that your familiar..

and im sorry to hear all the not natural car breakdown!! now i'll be extra carefull come to R&R..
wow...seems quite a number of us had experienced this before....
Guys, another add on to all the uneventfull incidentes.

This happened in 2003, mothers car overheated while driving to seremban and she was driving to visit some relatives in seremban. I was at home when this happened. She called & i told her will be there in 1 hour. tot of bringing my mech friend from pj. after 10 min she called me back saying the being towed by a plus personel to a closeby workshop. this was in nilai tho. so i decided not to bring my mech friend and reached the wshop in 1 hour. When i got there, could you believe it the have opened the head and even removed the head and the pistons from the block?????? in less that 1 hour!! i was like, what did you open every thing? isnt the car was overheated? and that indian mechanic(im an indian dude too la, and im not condemning the race here but somehow this highway repairing shit has been really dominated by this fellas and most of them are gangsters) told me that stupid reason which i cant accept. like the piston jam la, gasket burn la, itu la ini la. i asked to show me the part, went inside a room and took some parts and show, dont even know if thats from my mothers car.sigh.same story la, said cannot be done today..LIKE DUH!! opened like that, sure la cannot fix at that time cos it was 7 pm. So i came the next day to settle a bill for rm2000. Not able to do anything about it, left that shop and end up paying another 1k plus with my mech to do top overhaul cos the engine felt rough..

Lesson to learn, NEVER EVER ALOW ANYONE TO TOW YOUR CAR. CALL YOUR INSURANCE COMPANY. even its 300 or more, just pay and be satisfied fixing it in your own mech that your familiar..

and im sorry to hear all the not natural car breakdown!! now i'll be extra carefull come to R&R..

Why does the plus personnel bring the car to that work shop....??? I agree with iswara204...i m indian guy tooo... but im against this kind of really sucking people blood....sure they will got to pay later...please take note of your insurance tow number keep it with you...wat ever break down or accident just call them ..dont trust the local tows..not all but 99% all of the r culprits ...
maybe they already kautim with PLUS personnel....they get commission..
I had a flat tire at Seremban highway 3 years ago. A white Iswara with 2 indian guys offered me to change the tire, but i refused. They push me a side and get it done. Then they ask for RM60 service fee, if not i will kena punch!
Guys, this fellers not only active in highways but also at town area. My dad's fren (old chap) was driving alone near Seremban town A&W when suddenly his Nissan van stopped. Then a few indian youngsters came to his aid and offered to tow his van to Seremban 2. He refused but they did not bother him and took his keys and towed the vehicle. The damage was RM2K for nothing. They even mentioned that he cant do anything cause they are well connected to SBN PDRM....ha ha ha...what can you do when the law is on their paylist.
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