Bad experience with Naza World. Anyone else??


500 RPM
Senior Member
Aug 26, 2005
Dear bros, really frust with the service with Naza. I recently got a pay rise so thought of upgrading my 14 years old car to a better one for me and my family. Anyway to cut things short, below was my coomplaint to Naza world.

[Quote ]

RE: Request For Cancellation And Refund Of Deposit.

Dear Sir,

With upmost respect, I would l like to request for a cancellation for a car that I have booked
on 26th August 2010 and also a refund for the deposit of Rm 5000.00 which I have paid to your centre , reason being that I was given several reassurance and promises from your sales representative which was not fulfilled.

As a 1st time customer to Naza, I had great confidence and excitement initially after having entered your show room filled with all sorts of luxurious cars not mentioning the branding which had been well established. I was attended by one of your sales representative and was shown to a car that fitted my budget which was the BMW 318i. I viewed the car and noticed few faults on the car which your sales representative confidently assures me that the car had just arrived and that the restoration works has not been done yet. He assures me that all minor dissatisfaction will be rectify upon the delivery of the car. The first fault I noticed was the extremely low mileage of 6km on the odometer and the doors could not be opened aside from the drivers door. The sales man told me it could be because that a new meter was installed etc. He said it was a small problem and would send it for resetting. Secondly I noticed some scratches on the interior paneling of which I asked whether it could be replaced and the sales man told me that it can be done. Thirdly I requested for the touch up for the paint chip and crack on the right side mirror and front bumper if I would to purchase the car and was assured again that it was a small problem and could be easily be fixed upon delivery. He added that if I confirmed the order on that day he would tint the car from his own commission and would try to get a Rm 3000.00 reduction from the promotion price of Rm 168,000.00 after verifying with the amount of payable duty. I was extremely satisfied with the assurances and paid the

deposit of RM5000.00 via my credit card. I also requested the number plate Wxx 3201 repeatedly which he said should not be a problem.

I called several times again for the next few days in regards with the confirmation of the RM 3000.00 discount and was told that the car is still awaiting to pay duty. I stressed that I would only purchased the car if there was the discount of RM3000.00. I also followed up regarding the restoration of the car and was told that everything was in progress.

I went back to Naza again a week later with my daughter with excitement to check on the progress of the car and to my dismay that nothing had been done apart from the initiation of car polishing. I was adviced by a friend then to try reset the meter cluster. With my friend’s guidance I manage to reset the meter and the original mileage of over 50000 km was shown. Again I was assured that everything is in progress and the car is in tip top condition. He guaranteed me that the car would be deliver before raya.

I kept on following up with the sales man and finally on 9th of September he confirmed the discount. He then told me to help attend to JPJ Wangsa Maju personally to hasten the registration. I comply and told a colleague of mine to cover me at work so I could go to JPJ. I took a KTM from Seremban to KL Sentral and then a taxi to Wangsa Maju JPJ. I met up with the runner ( Mr Zul ) who was handling my registration. To my dismay again he told me that I could not get the number plate 3201 as it has reached 5000-9000. Mr Zul said that he was not informed earlier by the sales man and now it was too late. I had no choice but to select another number for the car. After about 2 hours waiting at JPJ, finally our number was called and we chose the available registration number. Finally we got the number and paid RM210.00 ( by Mr Zul ) to proceed and to my dismay again the officer told us that there is a problem and that the chasis number was incorrect. The officer advised me to call the Naza sales representative to sort out the problem as soon as possible. However the procedure would take at least 2 hours after lunch time or may be only possible after Raya holidays. So I called the responsible Naza sales representative to inform the problem. He told me he will rectify the problem immediately and told me to wait. I was not able to wait as I had to make it back to my workplace before 4pm. The sales man called me back and told that he don’t mind waiting for me at night for me to collect the car which was not possible as I was working. I then asked again whether the paint touch up, tinting and paneling scratch has been rectify. To my extreme dismay, he said it was not done yet. I honestly thought that everything was done when he told me to go to JPJ to register and then collect the car. I assumed that the car would be restored as promise upon delivery.

I have informed my disappointment to your branch manager, Mr Jimmy, to request for the refund and he informed me that I had no choice but to purchase the car since the duty is paid even if it was not my fault for the inconvenience caused.

I am now curious whether is this a common practice at Naza World ? Are low end consumers like me being taken advantages of ? Would customers who buys Ferrari or Bentley being offered empty promises ?

In view of the above disappointment, I would like to humbly request for the refund of my deposit. I sincerely hope you could go through my case and understand my disappointment from a customer point of view.

Your effort and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

[ Quote ]

Anyone with similar experiences with Naza??
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I agree with jasman. I would go there during peak time and make a big fuss about it. Also demand to see somebody higher up than the branch manager. If possible, bring press along :P
i see another consumer complaint case in the making friend u can have now is publicity. publicize everwhere. thats how to get any local company to move.
Thanks guys for the advice. I already prepared to lose my 5 k and planning to go all out if I still dont get any response from the GM. Hope not only to help myself but hope my action can prevent this from happening to others. Our consumer rights have not been well exercised like western countries. About time now. Wish me luck la bros.
sorry to hear what happened bro. best of luck.
please update.
so sorry to hear that. from what i read, u r not a difficult fact you are a nice person to dealt with....the request to touch up scratches and reset meter etc are common request cos buying a rm168k car is not CHEAP.....u have the right even buying a rm16.8k go fight for your right....good luck bro!
fark man naza....its normal bro....dont worry i can assure u wont lose your rm5k, damn its alot...even rm50 i make noise...happened to me at proton edar branch, i booked a persona for my mother in law......he told me can deliver before raya, ended up he told me only can deliver end of october....

ok, this is wat u should do.

1st, take pic of the items that he promised u to do so,
1. meter
2. any scrathes
3. damages, dented.

2nd, file a report at tribunal.

once u file a report there, they will respond to u within a few hrs & fix u a date for hearing.....

print out the report, & make a big fuss @ the branch manager.....if he does not want to comply...u pass him the letter for him to attend the hearing.......u tell him...ok...if u dowan to settle....we settle at tribunal.....OOo ya....write to the malay mail of the star.......
this is considered descrepancy.....dont let them get away with this....

---------- Post added at 10:25 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:24 AM ----------

remember to keep the reciept that u booked the car & other related evidence
u may need them during the hearing at tribunal.
your a very nice person to take a train and all.... remember u are buying a 100k car not a cheap or normal car.... they should keep to their word! best to do is go back there make a fuss tell them if nothing is done! u will put this in the new paper and all! do like 1 of the member here untill court kes! dont let them take u for a ride! fight for it!
boss busy getting married.. so he will be busy lepaking at the counter..
Next time buy from me. :proud:
We in Mofaz never gives empty promises and customers satisfaction is our number 1 priority!

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