Bad experience with Naza World. Anyone else??

Agree with u guys. I think NAZA and Rupee enterprise pay their duty after car obtain buyers. Think they obtain this special privelage that others dont for some reason. Thus they are basically operating like a custom port ( to park all their cars in their showroom instead of keeping it at custom before paying duty ). correct me if im wrong... Probably due to some connections etc according to a source.
Anyway i resend another letter to NAZA today since didnt get any reply from them. The moment I send the second letter they called and said they are reviewing my case now. Felt guilty a bit since my second letter slightly nasty or threatening. Only if they called few minutes earlier before my lunch break.

Anyway filled in the Tribunal forms etc already. Will wait and see how la. Dont want to jump into nasty thing yet. Just cross my fingers.
Btw can I file for other damages etc.?? Wasted my time going up and down there, paid my colleague to replace me ( by covering him back at work ), credit card interest, wasting time typing, mental stress, anxiety etc... I know if this happens in US, they really get sued kau kau. Got special agencies there encourage and help people sue big companies for a certain percentage profit. Dunno here got or not.

In an unrelated case, I went to MCA seremban 2 years plus ago to seek help. Went in there and stand like a stupid fella. I was the only customer. All the staff walking around like busy but u know they are doing jack shit and no one layan or bother to ask me what I wanted etc.. I just left and voted for PKR. Haha... Should i try and go MCA again to see got any difference or not??
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if dats really the case sir, i dont see y there was any delay in payment for the cukai then.. it wudve been easier for them to complete the payment and process ur order accordingly. u rnt doing anything nasty, but u r standing your ground, defending ur rights as a customer. dont back up, kudos sir
thats y i always vote for PKR :)

Haha..Anyway we must be fair also. We vote for the best only. Our political scene by far is still very lack behind our western counterpart but never the less its improving. Really hope to see the real 1 Malaysia b4 I die where Malay, Chinese and Indians will not be influenced by our goverment but instead unite like brothers.

But for now I will fight for consumers rights first and get back my money from NAZA :mad:

---------- Post added at 04:57 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 04:55 PM ----------

BTW bro extremeleo..Thanks for ur support but please dont call me Sir la. I still don deserve that pangkat yet...But thanks la for ur support
no problem sir, u need not mention it :adore:

Really hope to see the real 1 Malaysia b4 I die where Malay, Chinese and Indians will not be influenced by our goverment but instead unite like brothers.

weve been doing it in our community, start small as i always say it.. i like to think we are there dah
BTW out of curiosity, does all car dealers who sells recond cars pay duty first before displaying in showroom or they pay when got customer buys the cars??? coz NAZA no need to pay duty
1st untill someone buys the car..

Depends on the dealer itself.. SABAH/ SARAWAK AP Holder had to clear off duty as they need to ship the cars here.. For LOCAL AP Holder, depends on if they have Bonded facility with Malaysian Royal Customs, they can keep the car ONLY at the designated bonded area (showroom)..
Most of the time they will only pay the duty AFTER buyer's loan approved in which this process will take 3-4 working days..
Thanks EP 3 for the info.

Anyway went to NAZA today to hand them the stamped tribunal. Tried to look for their GM Mr Low Kim Chuan again but as usual unable to speak or meet him. This really reflects the quality of their GM or high ranking personel of NAZA. No international standard whatsoever. Thats why people always say Malaysia is facing brain drain. At least as a GM etc, u should contact ur customer personally if there is a problem and try to resolve it to protect the image of his company. One thing in Malaysia, most of the bosses of so called big company thinks they are too big for people to meet them, never really humble themselves to teach their staff properly and almost never set a good example to their staff. To know if a company have a good leader, it almost always reflects on the performance of their lower staff. Sad sad for Malaysia.
But one thing good is I definitely have a very good boss..hehe..
Thanks EP 3 for the info.

Anyway went to NAZA today to hand them the stamped tribunal. Tried to look for their GM Mr Low Kim Chuan again but as usual unable to speak or meet him. This really reflects the quality of their GM or high ranking personel of NAZA. No international standard whatsoever. Thats why people always say Malaysia is facing brain drain. At least as a GM etc, u should contact ur customer personally if there is a problem and try to resolve it to protect the image of his company. One thing in Malaysia, most of the bosses of so called big company thinks they are too big for people to meet them, never really humble themselves to teach their staff properly and almost never set a good example to their staff. To know if a company have a good leader, it almost always reflects on the performance of their lower staff. Sad sad for Malaysia.
But one thing good is I definitely have a very good boss..hehe..

try publishing this news in the papers n i can quarantee u he will personally call u up....sori sori...forgot this is malaysia. he'll most prolly get his personal assistant to call u up instead.:biggrin:

u need more publicity. they will never budge unless their game is at risk of being exposed.
Thanks arturo. Ya definitely considering the press, twitter, facebook, blogs etc.. But I thought give them a chance first la and see how sincere are those fellas. I really want to create consumers awareness kau kau this time even if i got to burn my rm 5 k. Money can earn back but if it can help and educate more small fries like me of their rights then its all worth it.
GM naza konon...tell him to resign & become a cleaner enuf la......
if too busy, at least get his manager to call DR78....

yeah bro...we will support u...let everyone knows this is how naza treat their customers.....
Thanks arturo. Ya definitely considering the press, twitter, facebook, blogs etc.. But I thought give them a chance first la and see how sincere are those fellas. I really want to create consumers awareness kau kau this time even if i got to burn my rm 5 k. Money can earn back but if it can help and educate more small fries like me of their rights then its all worth it.

trust me, as long as u follow the law in claiming ur deposit, they cant keep it. its not theirs, so u can get it back.. was there any fee for cancellation in the any agreement u signed sir?
dont think there was any statement regarding cancellation fees. Anyway still no news yet from them..Maybe next week will start the news spreading spree etc kau kau etc.. this week tired liow....
All AP Holders does not need to pay duty first as long as the premises is a 'bonded area' Most AP holders have thier cars in respective bonded areas.

There's no way a person can mix up the chasis number, because all big cars importer have our own system. Unless when the car was cleared port and a mistake in the K8 form. If there's a mistake, it's ussually 1 or 2 digits.

If one car dealer dosen't refund the deposit, just go for to tribunal court. Most probably they will favor u. Unless you don't want the car without any reasons. But looking in your case, you'll be refunded.
I think you should seek the advice of a lawyer friend; not to retain counsel or anything like that just yet but simply to look at the whole issue objectively from a legal point of view. Because the facts as what you have stated are as follows:

You paid a deposit of 5000 for a BMW and asked for salesman to help get the 3201 number plate, touch-up the car and knock off 3000 from the total price. He agrees to set things in motion.

You also specifically told the salesman that the 3000 discount is an important part of your decision to buy the car. He agrees to this and gives you the discount.

At this point you've committed to buy the car from them and they have also committed to delivering the car to you as agreed. If for some reason, Naza cannot deliver the BMW then they would have to refund the deposit. The problem that you now have is the delay in getting the car registered etc. But so far, Naza hasn't really broken the terms of the agreement have they?

Basically they are still able to deliver the car that you have committed to buy. Couldn't they argue that you are the one walking away from the deal? What are your reasons? The delay? I don't think thats a good enough reason.

At the end of the day, I sympathize with you because I've had friends who bought cars from Naza IN CASH and still waited for more than a month for car to be delivered. This really is nothing new and although unethical, isn't quite illegal. All the promises made by the salesman aren't in black and white and is not mentioned in the paperwork you signed so although it is a verbal agreement, they could argue that it's a verbal agreement between you and the salesman and what's on paper is really what you can hold the company liable for.

I hope all goes well for you. I'm not a lawyer but I've signed my share of agreements and had my share of legal disputes. I know how you feel; I've experienced it. You feel like a victim and you're faced with such injustice but at the end of the day, you realize that legally your options are limited. But there is a chance for things to work out still in your favor but the refund doesn't seem to be one of them. Try to squeeze some extras out of them or something.

Good luck bro, keep us updated.
Hey guys just to keep u guys updated. The tribunal hearing was today but as PIMPIN suggested probably my reasoning was not strong enough plus there was apparently a clause in the agreement that ''all deposit are irrevocally not refundable for any reasons whatsoever'' which of course i was not informed by the sales man before hand. Anyway its a lesson for everyone. Next time buy car from Naza, before placing deposit u must be prepare to take the risk. If somehow the car not delivered in the condition as promised, u know u can never take back ur deposit.

so means that all car saleman can cheat customers? tell them to pay deposit, then make broken promises & break it? wtf is our law system like that?

---------- Post added at 02:54 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:53 PM ----------

so now how bro? u still going for the car?
iam sorry u had to undergo dis shitty ordeal sir, i didnt know they cud include a clause like dat.. and gentlemen's agreement is valid in the court of law, at least the time i remember ler.. i they dont deliver as promised, they can be penalised.
darned if u sign the contract...darned if u dont sign the contract...its whats called one sided deal. if u dun agree to the clauses, u cannot buy...if u sign, u'r at disavantage. power to the seller!

this is dumb.
Thanks guys for the support. Anyway I accepted the verdict well. Had even a friendly chat with the sale guy after the hearing. Life goes on. Its a lesson never the less. Ya basically once sign and give deposit then sayonara. Unless someone can help remove the clause. Sounds illegal to me la. Not consumer friendly at all. But tribunal court accepted the clause so i guess no choice la...Read properly before signing anything k. I usually lazy coz every legal stuff that require signature all have very small prints and so much word..Read half way want to faint already.. Maybe some legal trick or something.


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